iNcontroL is casting for GOM in April apparently.
iNcontroL is casting for GOM in April apparently.
Are you serious Morrow. Why play zerg when you can play terran like that ._.
Just to prove Idra wrong/annoy Idra I guess.
iNcontroL is casting for GOM in April apparently.
I love you.
Oh, wow :3
I don't get ZvP. They always FFE, but I want to go 2 base Muta, so I stay on 2 Base Muta, so he builds 3 cannons at each mineral line so I can't harass, so I take my third and fourth, but he takes his third and I can't do anything, then he just maxes and pushes and I lose.
I know the standard is fast three bases into Roaches, but I ALWAYS lose whenever I try this. It is completely unintuitive to me when I should stop making Roaches if I do this. I feel like I have to constantly max on Roach to stay alive and do enough damage to get ahead, especially if he makes Immortals.
ZvP is the stupidest fucking matchup. Jesus Christ.
Fast 3 bases vs. FFE, saturate them all, he does a 2 base Blink stalker timing, smash it with Ling Roach, get 7ish Infestors out, take a fourth at the gold, tech to hive/greater spire, he pushes again with templar before I can saturate my fourth, and I die. Off two base. Seriously, I cannot beat Protoss.
ZvP is the stupidest fucking matchup. Jesus Christ.
Fast 3 bases vs. FFE, saturate them all, he does a 2 base Blink stalker timing, smash it with Ling Roach, get 7ish Infestors out, take a fourth at the gold, tech to hive/greater spire, he pushes again with templar before I can saturate my fourth, and I die. Off two base. Seriously, I cannot beat Protoss.
ZvP is the stupidest fucking matchup. Jesus Christ.
Fast 3 bases vs. FFE, saturate them all, he does a 2 base Blink stalker timing, smash it with Ling Roach, get 7ish Infestors out, take a fourth at the gold, tech to hive/greater spire, he pushes again with templar before I can saturate my fourth, and I die. Off two base. Seriously, I cannot beat Protoss.
There is only one true reaction to this
I'm surprised you're losing. I never beat a 4 base zerg with 2 bases. It shouldn't take you that long to saturate a 4th. Are you fighting on ramps? That's a bad idea against AOE. Fight in the open and win.
Replay please!
Where's that gif from originally? Youtube link please :3?
I do fight in the open. Doesn't matter, Blink Stalkers and storms are just too good against Roaches. Fungal doesn't do shit unless you have 10000000000 Lings.
XD so hilarious! I didn't know Grubby has his own channel, will subscribe :3
Broodlords. Get to them. You should be able to safely if he's on 2 base. Use spine crawlers to back up your army for defense until Broodlords are out.
His second attack hit right when my Greater Spire finished. No time for Broods. I could have done Spines but I wasn't making any extra drones until I could saturate my gold, but his army was there before I could even do that.
Protoss 6/7 games so far, only ones I've beaten were: an instaleave, and a guy who pushed off 4 Gates from FFE, which I smashed, and then he...died when I pushed back.
What are your map vetoes?
You should veto Shakuras Plateau, Tal'Darim Altar, and Shattered Temple.
Moletrap and Torch are casting LoL Proleague for OGN.
iNcontroL is a temporary replacement for Moletrap at GOM.
I sense trouble brewing. OGN is looking to poach GOM's casters, probably to prepare for the inevitable SC2 Proleague. Imagine the shitstorm that would occur if OGN poached Tastetosis.
Entombed instead of Shakuras (herp derp rocks lolz). The game in question was on Antiga.
I have no idea how you're struggling with ZvP on Antiga. It's so wide open you should be able to surround the Protoss death ball. Your map awareness must be bad.
It's not going to help. I've posted replays before and I'd do alright for my MMR at that time, then I'll go on a mini winstreak and my winrate goes back to 0 when I face better players. It's like there's no way for me to actually get better at understanding the matchup unless I can see exactly what he's doing at all times.
I don't get it either, man.
I truly need some form of guide for Cloud Kingdom... cuz I insta-vetoed it when I saw its layout. Ugh.
Moletrap and Torch are casting LoL Proleague for OGN.
iNcontroL is a temporary replacement for Moletrap at GOM.
I sense trouble brewing. OGN is looking to poach GOM's casters, probably to prepare for the inevitable SC2 Proleague. Imagine the shitstorm that would occur if OGN poached Tastetosis.
So he left GOM or he still there while working on LoL on the side?
Do you not think it might help a little bit if we can tell you some of the things you're doing wrong so you can work on improving? And that's just kind of how it goes, you go on win streaks, then you lose to better players, as long as you keep playing and keep having those little win streaks you should just keep getting better and better.
Maybe it's upgrades? Are you AT LEAST at 2/2 by the time you die? How is your creep spread?
I was 2-0 melee. Didn't add a second evo because I needed the gas for Roaches/Roach speed/Infestors/Hive/Spire/Greater Spire.