Uhh, I need help with my PvZ. Anybody able to give me some tips via PM or next time I see you in the GAF channel. Something about the match up just makes it hard for me to play.
- don't know when to pressure the zerg
- don't know how to open apart from the FFE. When to make robo, how to react to what I scout early game etc...
- how to scout if zerg goes heavy ling early
- when to take 3rd
Ok haha. Been practicing//watching my PvZ alot lately . Been solving most of those problems alot. Well this is all master stuff related but oh well
Other then FFE: You can do a 3 gate expand i like to do, its really really safe ( need small ramp size map ( metal, metro, etc))
9 pylon
18zealot ( 3 sentries after )
23 pylon
26 gate
27 gate
32 pylon at ramp
34 Nexus
Then just forge up and get 1 or 2 cannons, i really like to get hallucination after warpgate so i can scout if hes doing some allin or not. And get stalkers after those 3 sentries, they are much better at defending a ling/roach allin.
Oh and use your scouting probe to scout the 3rd of his base. That probe is really important because it can reveal what the zerg player is doing. I literally want to leave the game if it dies.
How to pressure zerg: multiple little ways
If you go FFE after setting up your whole building ( nexus, core, cannon) A lot of people like to build 2 zealots (chronoed) and send them to the third base. Do not make them if you don't scout a third base from the zerg with your scout probe.
Warpprism+ dts or zealots, great way to pressure. Zergs are greedy as fuck so its usually really easy to snipe hatches with dts. Or even snipping that spire ( i sniped panda's spire 3 time in the same game while it was morphing to a greater spire) Trust me you don't wanna fight broodlords.
Oh and again, the scouting probe is really important. Alot of lazy ass zergs dont scout their expos. So just build a pylon with your probe and just build 4-5 zealots to snipe the 4th and 5th base from the zerg. And if they manage to scout the pylon early on with a
slow ling usually means no all-in.
Scouting heavy ling: Use that scouting probe again. If you dont see any 3rd base by the zerg by 5-6 minutes ingame time. I suicide that probe in the expo of the zerg to see the number of drones he has. And if it has high drones it means hes retarded because he needs his third base ( and you will probably manage to get your probe to escape). If low drone count and no 3rd base, means some heavy pressure//all-in. Just add a cannon or 2 and you should be fine with forcefields.
When to take a 3rd: Fast.
If you wanna keep up with a macro zerg you need to expend really fast ( By making sure he's not alling you with all scouting possibities ( obs, hallu, scouting probe)
Depending on the map like daybreak or kingdom, if the zerg gets a 4 minute ingame time i like to get my 3rd by 6 to 8 minutes. But you need to defend. And your building placement has a big deal in this situation. You can't let the zerg to overrun you.
i gotta go so i hope i answered most of the questions.
edit : oh and if you are macroing and you are pretty much safe, don't chrono core or zealot unless you are doing some pressure push or something. Don't chorono warpgate/+1 atk. Chrono your nexuses, its much better.