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Stardew Valley - Tips and tricks (including 20 things NOT to do on first year)


Oh no, another dozen hours? I've put hundreds into Stardew Valley, the moment-to-moment gameplay is a lot of fun. And a big part of that is simply being creative.

Is this game essentially endless? Like will the seasons just always repeat forever, or is there a definitive end where the credits roll and I'd have to restart?
Subscribing to this thread for later.

I admit that having to go through such a big list of do-nots is making me a little anxious, even if they're not essential, haha.

The list is basically for those who want to optimize completely from minute one, and it won't even really help much with that.

It is tremendously more beneficial for the average player to just play and discover at their own pace rather than worry over little, genuinely inconsequential nitpicks right at the start of the game.


So long as the marriage & family stuff isn't required to complete the community center, I'm going to enjoy this game through n' through.

Joey Ravn

What's with all the people getting hostile at OP for making a thread with tips you are able to follow, or ignore, should you want to? Live and let live, people.

Is this game essentially endless? Like will the seasons just always repeat forever, or is there a definitive end where the credits roll and I'd have to restart?

There is a "soft ending" at the end of the second year, but you can keep playing forever.


Why would I not craft sprinklers? I had a ton of gold and iron in the first year, what else am I going to do with it all?

Feels like you definitely should craft sprinklers as otherwise you're just hoarding them for no reason. You put time into getting them but then you're not using them? And continuing to spend time each day watering crops that you otherwise wouldn't have to?


I played the game the way I wanted (for > 120h).

Sprinkler are awesome, watering the plants every morning was so annoying, so I crafted as many as I could afford. I regret nothing :)
Why would I not craft sprinklers? I had a ton of gold and iron in the first year, what else am I going to do with it all?

Feels like you definitely should craft sprinklers as otherwise you're just hoarding them for no reason. You put time into getting them but then you're not using them? And continuing to spend time each day watering crops that you otherwise wouldn't have to?

I also went for sprinklers as soon as I could. If you're the sort of player to really push your farm, you quickly realize that you want to use your entire day end-to-end and that time is a more valuable resource than obtainable goods like minerals (and for repetitive actions, you also have to account for stamina). Sprinklers allow you scale up—way up.


I think the OP would have been better if it had have worded its tips as helpful suggestions and not a huge intimidating list of don'ts.

With that being said, some of these tips are certainly helpful. Like not cutting all the grass on your farm does save you a tonne of hassle when you get the silo.

My advice for new players is to go in and have fun experimentating yourself but don't be afraid to google stuff if you don't understand something or just want some advice on crops to grow or whatever. The biggest thing to remember is that you can't really fail in Stardew, so there's no reason to be scared of messing things up. I was overwhelmed when I first started but once I realised that it didn't really matter if I was playing sub-optimally or missing things, I started to enjoy it a lot more.


I tried to get into this game on steam but I felt really anxious feeling like I was doing things wrong or not min-maxing. I'm not sure what it was about this particular game exactly, as I haven't felt that way about Harvest Moon games. The combination of the day-time limit, energy per day limit, huge amount of stuff to do, etc all contributed.

I'd like to give it a shot again on the Switch, but I'm worried that lists like the OPs (this a me issue btw, not his fault - his is just an example) will keep popping up in the back of my mind stressing me out.

I'm used to Animal Crossing where I can dick around all day I think, and the energy/time limit stresses me out.

So, let's say that I go into this and am as inefficient as possible. What possible things will I miss out on? Or is it all do-able but it'll take a long time? Can you marry and stuff after the 2nd year?


didn't read, looking forward to farming like a total jackass just like I would if I had to figure out how to become a farmer suddenly in real life


So what's the best approach to sprinklers? Get them right away, or save them for another time?

I tried to get into this game on steam but I felt really anxious feeling like I was doing things wrong or not min-maxing. I'm not sure what it was about this particular game exactly, as I haven't felt that way about Harvest Moon games. The combination of the day-time limit, energy per day limit, huge amount of stuff to do, etc all contributed.

I'd like to give it a shot again on the Switch, but I'm worried that lists like the OPs (this a me issue btw, not his fault - his is just an example) will keep popping up in the back of my mind stressing me out.

I'm used to Animal Crossing where I can dick around all day I think, and the energy/time limit stresses me out.

So, let's say that I go into this and am as inefficient as possible. What possible things will I miss out on? Or is it all do-able but it'll take a long time? Can you marry and stuff after the 2nd year?
My understanding is there are no missables. Every item, action, etc, can ultimately be performed. They may just take longer depending on how you play.

The tips in the OP are just a way to do things more efficiently in the early game.


As in "Heathcliff"
What's with all the people getting hostile at OP for making a thread with tips you are able to follow, or ignore, should you want to? Live and let live, people.

There is a "soft ending" at the end of the second year, but you can keep playing forever.

Is there any goals to get "perfect ending" like Harvest Moon 64?


My understanding is there are no missables. Every item, action, etc, can ultimately be performed. They may just take longer depending on how you play.

Yes! Play the game the way you like and don't stress yourself.

The only thing that pulled me off my feet was going into the mines unprepared.

Great! I think I'll give it another shot. I may try to remember about building the silo early, but besides that I'll try going into it blind.


I feel like I'm in an UnderTale thread so many people are talking about the "right" way to play this game to experience it's "pure magic". I'm hyped as fuck for it but people talking like that is, to me, more off-putting than a list of tips to help first time players.

Apparently the irony of experienced players coming in to a tip thread to tell people how to play (by not taking tips) is lost on them. No offense to anyone who doesn't think people should take tips for this game, but really, it just comes off like wistful nostalgia instead of sincere concern. It's not going to ruin anyones magic to know that running around with a pickaxe out at low stamina is a bad idea.

So what's the best approach to sprinklers? Get them right away, or save them for another time?

The first tier of sprinklers aren't worth investing a lot of time or money in to. They start to become more efficient once you unlock the second level.


So what's the best approach to sprinklers? Get them right away, or save them for another time?

My understanding is there are no missables. Every item, action, etc, can ultimately be performed. They may just take longer depending on how you play.

The tips in the OP are just a way to do things more efficiently in the early game.

Since the (imho) only worthwhile sprinklers are the highest tier ones (the ones below only water the 8 adjacent tiles...), and they require the highest tier metal, which you should much rather use to upgrade your tools (watering can, pickaxe and axe should be your first priority imho), i wouldn't waste too much time on the idea of sprinklers.

Always upgrade your watering can as soon as possible (i.e. when you got the resources and it's gonna rain the next day) - that'll be the single biggest time saver to your daily chores going forward.
By the time you'd have a easy access to the highest grade metals, you should be using a watering can that water 18 tiles at once.

I'd recommend freestyling your farm throughout year 1, or even year 2, and shift towards 'efficient self sufficient farm design' in a later year. That's pretty much endgame stuff.

Mista Koo

One more vote for going with the flow for the first year or so.

By the end of the second year I had modded the heck out of the game.
Tbh last time I played I started a new game and rushed to get
the greenhouse
for the first year. Which I did. But it wasn't as fun playing that way so this time I'm just gonna do whatever.


Here's some advice for new Stardew Valley players: Don't read this list and just play and discover shit on your own. Seeing this game as a spreadsheet that needs to be min-maxed is not worth it.

If you want to get married, get freaking married. If you want to venture into the depths, go ahead!
That's how every game should be played.

I played one season in Stardew Valley as some kind of tutorial. After playing some additional days in the summer season I was ready to start a new game with all my gathered knowledge :)


As in "Heathcliff"
None that I know of. You can get everything in the game just by playing it.

What a shame. I always like to have some kind of requirements to accomplish within two years, like I did with Harvest Moon 64. I had to get a good approval from my father in order to unlock last reward for the game.

Like this,


Thanks for the answers!

Joey Ravn

What a shame. I always like to have some kind of requirements to accomplish within two years, like I did with Harvest Moon 64. I had to get a good approval from my father in order to unlock last reward for the game.

Like this,


Thanks for the answers!

IIRC, you do get "rated" based on what you have accomplished within those two years. But since the game doesn't end, it just continues to play forever, locking anything behind a missable, but grindy, requirement seems a bit too harsh if you ask me.
Where are you supposed to store things? You keep saying don't sell anything basically but don't say what to do with the stuff

Craft chests, they can store up to 36 items. If I remember correctly, you start off with one in the house.

Also, don't worry too much about not selling things.
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