Starfield Early Access thread | See That Standard Edition Over There? You Can Upgrade It.

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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I did not start out with persuasion as a skill but Ive had so many opportunities to use it that I’ve just went ahead and leveled it up.
I think I e saved a lot of credits so far.
But Mom and Dad are getting some cut though I have no idea how much. The cookies were worth it.


Gold Member
I did not start out with persuasion as a skill but Ive had so many opportunities to use it that I’ve just went ahead and leveled it up.
I think I e saved a lot of credits so far.
But Mom and Dad are getting some cut though I have no idea how much. The cookies were worth it.
Mom & Pop is about 5k a month it automatically comes out of your pocket.

Absolutely loving this. I have a Rouge AI that I pissed off last night seemingly chasing me around the galaxy lol. Class.
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Gold Member
Man, this game. It just keeps giving me side missions everywhere.
I love it when you get a random quest, follow it down the rabbit hole, and you end up in a crazy alternate scenario that's so removed from where you started that your pre-quest self feels like a distant memory. I was a Ranger doing an investigation. Next thing you know, Steve Harvey...gets me wrapped up in manufacturing and smuggling a drug for a Russian. Now I've got an alter-ego, inside connections, a job where I make the shit.

This game is the best.
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Gold Member
That's unfortunate. Do you save often? I have all the auto-saves on and I use Quicksave myself so I know exactly which one to go to while I'll fall back on the others if need be. It just sounds like yours were glitched, maybe.
I do. I wonder if it is because I constantly delete some of the older saves while I am in that menu. I will stop doing that. It just drives me nuts how often the game saves even though I turned off some of the autosave options.


Gold Member
I wish this game
You know what, Bethesda really fucked up how they sold this game to us.

When you start, prepare for disappointment, because what you think it is....... it isnt.

But when you start playing you start to understand what the game is.

An amazing Bethesda RPG with mechanics at first that are confusing and frustrating but make perfect sense when you progress.

I'm having a blast with this game, 15 hours so far and really getting my Skyrim feels from 10 years ago, discovery, exploration on a galactic level.

I still cannot get over the level of detail in the game, it's insane and the variety of things to do, i've done 4 main story missions, rest of the time i've been doing the Ranger quest line and random raids on various planets and doing side missions there, there is so much to this game.
Agreed. I have been thinking about this all weekend while playing and I think the biggest issue is you almost fell like you have to fight the game to get to the fun. They should have streamlined the early game skill progression and fast travel systems. I would have made the base tier skills progress by just doing stuff instead of having to invest skill points. Run 1000km while encumbered and you get better carry capacity. Shoot with any weapon and get more skilled as you progress. After you hit the ceiling on those early skills then you get into the skill tree for advanced stuff.

Vehicles also feel missing every time I'm running across a planet for minutes at a time.

When the game works it is top notch, though. They just need to trim out the bullshit and I hope they address it in some patches.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Did a pretty long quest line to get a better ship, 100% worth it, I actually enjoy space battles. Also got a variant of the Grendel that fires incendiary rounds, even the NPC was enjoying it:

Real shit : what outfit is that !? Soooo clean


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
it's called the Mantis, it's from a side quest
I have this outfit, it's great because it increases your weight limit by a lot.
I did get a legendary weight increase body with base stats of 120 a pop so idk if this mantis can beat that.

I’ll have to look into getting it tonight maybe to see.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Just showed up outside a rock planet in the middle of a ship battle. Powered down everything but shields and grav drive to avoid detection but it failed. Plotted course to the next system (never been) to avoid death and jumped while getting massacred. Barely made it out (I've upgraded grav drive twice for speed). Now to land and repair the ship. Its fucked up.
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Gold Member
So did they do away with full cycles for NPCs? Stores are always open and inside they have no beds. Generally no living quarters at all in most areas.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
So did they do away with full cycles for NPCs? Stores are always open and inside they have no beds. Generally no living quarters at all in most areas.
Possibly. At least for one NPC on Mars. I waited several times to sneak some mats whisky from the admin office but he never left. He just stood there looking at the whisky bottle the entire time.
Just finished an awesome mission with the best possible ending, only achievable if you actually read notes and pay attention to your surroundings instead of blindly following the waypoints. Feelsgoodman

The mission is called Entangled and as stated, if you follow instructions to turn off the machine, you have to make a choice between two options. But there's a computer in an overlooking room, with a nearby note hinting on what went wrong with the experiment in the first place. If you put on your thinking cap... who knows what might happen...
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Gold Member
How is everyone playing character and faction wise?

I'm basically a space courier and merc, but not full on bounty hunter. Avoiding joining the FC or UC groups.

Still on the first ship (Frontier) with a few upgrades, but I need to get another ship soon. Need to have a big ol ship for hauling shit haha.


Identifies as young
How is everyone playing character and faction wise?

I'm basically a space courier and merc, but not full on bounty hunter. Avoiding joining the FC or UC groups.

Still on the first ship (Frontier) with a few upgrades, but I need to get another ship soon. Need to have a big ol ship for hauling shit haha.

I'm UC currently doing the Ranger's faction. much for background checks, huh? Technically I started out as a bounty hunter, but I'm not really playing that way yet. I'll get to bounties when I have a beefier ship. Right I have the Mantis which is good, but can still get blown out of space. Started messing around with ship building and getting the hang of it, but sucks you can't just start from scratch. You have to start with a ship you acquired and the you can take it apart and actually replace everything with something else.

40 hours in and I'm loving it. Push aside the negatives and look at the quests, side quest, and factions......this is prime Bethesda. No doubt about that in my mind.
I was playing Starfield when all of a sudden my PC shut off and wouldn't turn back on. Only a click from the psu and lights/fans turning on for 1 second on the motherboard. I removed the PSU and shorted it to test if it was still working... it's dead. Now I'm going to test if it took out anything else
I've spent the last two hours exploring on one planet just trying to complete all of the scans. Got all of the resources and plants but I am missing one fucking enemy type.. doesn't tell me "biome complete" so doesn't that mean they have to be in the area? Fucking annoying.

Game is incredible though. Every time I start down a quest line a new one comes along and I get lost down that rabbit hole.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I've spent the last two hours exploring on one planet just trying to complete all of the scans. Got all of the resources and plants but I am missing one fucking enemy type.. doesn't tell me "biome complete" so doesn't that mean they have to be in the area? Fucking annoying.

Game is incredible though. Every time I start down a quest line a new one comes along and I get lost down that rabbit hole.
Scanning is the true hardcore mode. Its brutal.


Gold Member
45 hours on the clock since release, slept no more than 6 hours a night just so I can get more game time. Some fantastic side missions/quests. Not touched any ship building or outposts, around every corner there's something new. Could this be Bethesda's best game to date? Quite possibly.

No doubt in my mind now, this is GOTY for me.
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Zoom in on these pics. Can’t believe this is a Bethesda game, they’ve upgraded their visuals a ton, the level of detail is pretty insane tbh. Could make cover art from the first one.



I did a mission that took me to a huge NASA fascility, museum area showing off the things used during the moon landing and all. The lore in this game is sooo good. Found a sweet ol suit, looks filmsy but all my suit stats got upgraded.

I need to start doing some base building, want to see how that is, I’ve completely dodged that bit so far

39 hours
On an undercover operation for the UC yes! Let's just say it puts you in some very interesting predicaments with even more interesting people.

And also, getting to see the Crimson Fleet hideout was a truly jaw dropping moment, one of my best moments of gaming this year.
The female boss bitch from Crimson Fleet is so fucking annoying and obnoxious. The moment I met her, I knew exactly from the start that I am just going to screw the Crimson Fleer over.

Also, since I went full stealth, I just killed every Pirate in the Key that I could without being noticed. It's fantastic being an undercover spy.

The funny thing is, my characters backstory is that he is a criminal and a thief. So I just rob and kill for both that I do missions for and for those that I am going against. I love being the ultimate asshole.

My favorite thing to do is to pickpocket all the quest character characters and steal their id's, credits and passes for security. It's so funny.
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How is everyone playing character and faction wise?

I picked the premade character that looks like Amos from The Expanse and I suppose that's how I play. Ain't nobody got time for faction stuff and bullshit quests.

Some of the, uh, dungeons and man-made locations are incredible. Then you get into some putty dough environment and it's like you're playing NMS but the wildlife AI is broken. Predators holocaust herbivores on every planet :messenger_hushed:

Looking forward to the inevitable mod that will match dungeon gravity to planet gravity. Some interiors are 1G while outside it's lower. Low gravity combat is super fun.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is a long shot but does anyone know what system / planet the quest "Fueling Greatness" started on? For some inexplicable reason, the "Activities" section has almost no quest info.

Its the super snobby space cruise company.

I would buy a strategy guide if they made one.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I would like to do the same lol

Which planets have you found to be best so far?
Jemison / ALPHA CENTAURI is the hardest one so far and its the main starter planet. Once you truly learn all the systems for scanning it gets a bit easier.

I'd actually suggest maxing out a few barren rock moons to get your feet wet. A planet full of life is a lot more work.

Ultra Donny

The first night I played, I was a little bit underwhelmed. Gave it another chance the next night. I understood the systems better and I enjoyed it a bit and the experience growed. Fast forward and I can't stop thinking about when I can play again. Haven't feelt this about a game in a looong time. So so good. Glad I found this thread and get to read about everyone else's adventures.


The first night I played, I was a little bit underwhelmed. Gave it another chance the next night. I understood the systems better and I enjoyed it a bit and the experience growed. Fast forward and I can't stop thinking about when I can play again. Haven't feelt this about a game in a looong time. So so good. Glad I found this thread and get to read about everyone else's adventures.

My initial expectation - 7/10
1st session - solid 7/10 confirmed
2nd session - 8/10 maybe
3rd session - solid 8/10
4th session - can’t wait to play again. Score on that? Can’t ever score that feeling…
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