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Starfield on Playstation- Do you want it?

Thread title

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 12.7%
  • Maybe with Dlcs

    Votes: 44 13.0%
  • No

    Votes: 250 74.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
I tried it on Xbox, so not bothered either way. I can’t see it coming to Sony’s console in all honesty regardless of the whispers.

If it did, I’m sure it would be fairly successful.




Gold Journalism
I won't buy it as the game doesn't look appealing to me at all. I didn't buy it on PC either.

But there are many Bethesda fans on PlayStation, so the game may find folks on the PS5 platform. And it'll help Bethesda get some money. No loss, but a win-win solution.


My opinion: you should definitely try it, but lower your expectations. It will probably be much better with DLCs, so wait for them, if this release happens of course.
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Gold Member
My opinion: you should definitely try it, but lower your expectations. It will probably be much better with DLCs, so wait for them, if this release happens of course.
I have conflicting views on Starfield. It’s typical Bethesda, so that’s generally good, but then it can also feel archaic, which isn’t so good. I feel like it came a generation/engine too soon.

I know the fans say it doesn’t matter, but being able to travel freely in space and to the planets would have made a massive difference. It’s all about the journey for me with these kind of games, and in that sense, it sadly doesn’t cut the mustard.
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Do I personally want it? No... it was shit on PC.

Does someone want it and is it worth doing? Absolutely. I'd rather everyone gets a chance to play something instead of buying publishers to take games away from others


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Not really? I've played it on my Xbox so have no need to play again on the PS5.

Would be cool for PS players who don't have a PC or Xbox.


At the time, I was thinking about buying a Series S specifically for this reason. But when the first gameplay was seen, the hype I had was completely gone...^^

Still, I would pick it up if it came to the Playstation, simply because I really liked Fallout 3, NV and 4!


Gold Member
Considering I haven't even bought it for PC, there's zero chance I'd buy it on PS5 (where it will perform worse for me) when it will require significant overhauls via mods (which might never come to pass) in order to salvage the game.

So no.


Simple answer, no.

I've played it and it just doesn't appeal. It's got a little better since they patched in dlss but it just strikes me as Fallouts idiot brother that Bethesda had locked in the attic for years that somehow managed to escape and announce itself to the world.
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Gold Member
I mean I have it on PC, which is the superior platform as many of the games most glaring issues can be fixed with mods. It's still not even worth playing, many dedicated long term Modders who have worked on Morrowind all the way to Fallout 4 and everything inbetween have literally given up.

Not because they can't, but because the games not worth saving... I think that coming out of the mod community is the biggest tell.

Sure release it on PS5, I'm sure it would please a fair number of people, but there are plenty of better games available already.
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Little Mac

Gold Member
I'm sure it has its audience but it's just not for me. I grew up on FFs and Dragon Quest games and prefer those types of role playing experiences. I tried in the past to get into the Elder Scrolls games but all the bugs/glitches/lost saves quickly turned me off. Bethesda games have a lack of polish that the company expects gamers to accept but I just couldn't. Nowadays, I think CD Project Red makes much better "Western" RPG games than Todd Howard/Bethesda.

i dont think so cady heron GIF
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Some people might enjoy it, but for me... I've played it on PC and got a refund. Unless Bethesda pulls out a miracle, (unlikely, they're notorious for not being able to fix their own games) it's just not a game worthy of my time.


I couldn't give two fcks about bethesda games untill they change and modernize the whole engine and experience.... but surelly there are a lot of ps gamers that would want to play this game.
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I would be much more interested in Hi-fi Rush and Forza

Also Gears. If that "Gears Collection" is really real, it would be dope to have all of them on the PS

Played some of Starfield on release (PC) and it was really bad. Worse Bethesda game that Ive played. Even worse than Fallout 4
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