Impressions post patch please! Just want to see if it's even worth clearing 2 gigs of space for the patch.
I have played a couple of missions post patch, but IMO it feels a lot better, but you have to see it for what it is, it will never compete with the resent big budget titles and as far as I understand it the hardware of the vita seems pretty limited if you haven't worked with it before and are a small studio with big ambitions.
I have some conversations with them on my twitter where you can read what I liked and don't like with the game (damn you vita for not having copy n paste in 2014) and the answers to my questions.
It could be true or placebo:
I think that the AI for both allies and enemies are better.
A greater feeing of progress when it comes to be able to buy new equipment and ships faster.
The fog in mission 2 looks a lot better.
You can now choose to not show the hand when in cockpit-view.
The text in the game is bigger and clearer.
Faster walkspeed when you are on the ship.
I have played mission 3 two times without having the endless death-loop bug ruining the game for me.
Being able to warp direct to the start of a mission instead of having to walk to the ready
some problems that are still present:
I wish that they had made the story a bigger part of the experience.
some animations still look stale.
some textures of the peope on the ship still looks strange (as I understand it they have lighting baked into the textures)
Some parts in some missions contains low framerate.
It is the only game in this genre on the PS Vita so if you like these kind of games and dont have unrealistic expectations and compare it to nostalgic memories that you have of ie wing commander you might find it quite fun.
Edit: I see this game as a work in progress and I hope that the developers will keep making changes to it, to me the SP campaign is the interesting part of the game and my hope if that they'll release story based DLC in the future.
Edit 2: sadly I have to tell you that the game still is kinda broken. tried mission 4 and 5 and it didn't go well. the textures inside the cave didn't show this time and in mission 5 I ended up without a waypoint and no way to finish the mission. this makes me sad.
Edit 3: I have continued to play and have realised why the game didn't give me a new waypoint, it seems like I had missed one ship and you have to shoot down everything before you can anvance (makes a lot of sence actually). As I said before I have contiued to play the game and except for the texture looking strange on mission 5 I have not had any problems.
It is very important that you buy equipment for your ship (shield, stealth, etc.) and listen to your objectives as the game aren't that good at explaining some things that are vital to your enjoyment of the game. remember that you can use the d-pad to highlight friendly units as well as enemies and to use the laser scan in some missions you have to cycle between your equipment with the square-button. I think that it takes quite some time to understand how to play this game the way it is supposed to be played and that it is easy to dissmiss if you don't give it that time.
In some of the missions you have to defend certain ships and in my first attmpts I just focused on the enemy ships and suddenly (to me it looked comlpetely random ) it was game over. then I highlighted the unit I was supposed to protect, ordered my two companions to establish a defensive pattern and matched my own speed to the speed of the ships I was defending. this made the game feel like a completely new game.
try and play the game again if you was quick to write it off as a terrible game, because it's not.