So, because Tale of Two Wastelands isn't working correctly for me (due to the way it installed, I had the invincible Sgt. Montgomery from the Operation Anchorage DLC following me around the Mojave, and he couldn't be spoken to), I decided to uninstall it for now and start A World of Pain instead.
From the perspective of someone starting a new game, it's not that great. The two "dungeons" i've been into so far have been extremely cluttered with all sorts of junk (what happened to simple, straight-forward caves with branching paths?), NPCs don't speak, I immediately started then completed a quest right after it was assigned to me, and the whole thing feels like busywork that doesn't add anything substantial to the gameworld. I thought this was supposed to be a wide-scale rebalancing of the game to make it extremely tough, but so far, I haven't been impressed.
I consider A3 as an interesting failure. A4 is exactly what you'd get with a quirky European director overseeing the film.
From the perspective of someone starting a new game, it's not that great. The two "dungeons" i've been into so far have been extremely cluttered with all sorts of junk (what happened to simple, straight-forward caves with branching paths?), NPCs don't speak, I immediately started then completed a quest right after it was assigned to me, and the whole thing feels like busywork that doesn't add anything substantial to the gameworld. I thought this was supposed to be a wide-scale rebalancing of the game to make it extremely tough, but so far, I haven't been impressed.
Alien Resurrection was a huge piece of shit. I still can't believe that basketball scene made it into the finished product.
I consider A3 as an interesting failure. A4 is exactly what you'd get with a quirky European director overseeing the film.