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Steam | 02.2016 - Orangeade

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Any way to watch the whole thing?

Ucchedavāda;194841768 said:
I'd like to know this as well.
Have some vacation coming up, so I'll have plenty time to watch it (
when I am not playing SFV

Not yet. They had some technical problems with the stream, but the archive will be up later today.


#VisionSummit16 Keynote Update! We are editing the video :) Target post time is 3pm PST here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYHzkjn2PWk


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
We speak to Denuvo, whose Anti-Tamper Tech may have left piracy dead in the water

Earlier this week the cracking collective 3DM announced that they would no longer be attempting to unshackle single-player games from their DRM protection, leaving the piracy scene for at least a year to assess the repercussions it has on videogame sales.

That's 3DM's own spin on the fact that they're entering a hiatus, at least. The last big announcement from the China-based group was of their frustration trying to get around Denuvo's Anti-Tamper Tech to crack Just Cause 3, so it seems at least possible that there might be another narrative at play causing 3DM to withdraw from videogame piracy.

Austria-based Denuvo first demonstrated their Anti-Tamper Tech in the wild to protect EA's FIFA 15 from piracy. Historically the FIFA games attracted huge levels of piracy prior to 15, regularly making the top ten most pirated games lists. ATT was so effective that EA also enlisted Denuvo to protect Dragon Age: Inquisition from piracy, likewise City Interactive's Lords of the Fallen.

On 1st December 2014, 3DM made a breakthrough. "After 15 days of work, the 64bit version of Denuvo has been cracked," they announced in a statement on their site. "This hints at FIFA 15, DA:I, and Lords of the Fallen being ready for release in the near future.”

True to their word, 3DM released a cracked version of Dragon Age: Inquisition two weeks after the game was shipped.

But the fact Denuvo's Anti-Tamper Tech was eventually circumvented isn't really the point, sales & marketing director Thomas Goebl tells me: "We do not position our Anti-Tamper solution as uncrackable, only hard to crack."

It might seem a minor point, but it's very telling about the relationship piracy groups have with anti-piracy measures. SecuROM and SafeDisc, both on the front line of the fight at from 2008 to present, were a gauntlet laid down to pirates.

Bypassing them was a challenge, and a means of voicing discontent to what many percieved to be a shady practice that infringed on people's rights - Maryland resident Melissa Thomas filed a successful class-action lawsuit against EA for their implementation of SecuROM in Spore in 2008.

Denuvo's strategy is smarter. On one hand their admission that ATT is theoretically possible to crack diminishes the bravado of the traditional relationship between pirates and anti-piracy companies, so that there are fewer bragging rights for the cracker who manages it.

On the other hand, the apparently laborious nature of cracking ATT keeps the game safe from piracy for at least the first few days after its release, when potential sales are at their highest. "Our focus is to help publishers to secure the initial sales windows of their games," says Goebl, "hence delaying piracy."

The idea of pirated copies as lost sales has long been contested, and perhaps the best illustration of the vagueness of that relationship comes from Just Cause 3 and The Witness. The former deployed Denuvo's ATT and enjoyed much of its opening week on PC piracy free. The latter did not, and by creator Jonathan Blow's admission was heavily pirated:

It seems The Witness is the #1 game on a certain popular torrent site.
Unfortunately this will not help us afford to make another game! :(
— Jonathan Blow (@Jonathan_Blow) January 28, 2016

Blow also revealed that The Witness made somewhere in the region of $5 million in its opening week across both PC and PS4. Using SteamDB's data to cross check that figure (while keeping in mind that it's by no means gospel), that $5 million checks out: 71,000 current Steam owners who paid $40 each equals $2.84 million dollars of PC revenue to date, just over half the figure Blow estimated across both platforms.

Just Cause 3 meanwhile, according to SteamDB, currently has 508,000 Steam users.

There are obvious flaws in comparing those two figures. They're two different types of game, marketed with different budgets, appealing to different audiences, released at different times of the year.

But the disparity of those numbers, coupled with the reported high piracy rate of one and reported anti-piracy success of another... well, it's at least enough for someone to entertain the idea that there might be a relationship between sales and piracy.

And the effect Denuvo's software is having on that relationship is attracting a growing number of publishers. Konami used ATT to safeguard Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, EA for Battlefield: Hardline, FIFA 16, and Star Wars Battlefront. Square Enix used ATT for Rise of the Tomb Raider after Just Cause 3's release, too.

It's popular, then. And it seems to be having a tangible impact on the industry. 3DM are by no means the only cracking group out there, but they are a big name in the field.

The question is: what are Denuvo doing differently? How are they succeeding where previous anti-piracy measures have failed.

"We see three major differences," Goebl tells me. "Our solution is very secure, has no extra hurdles for the paying consumer, no negative impact on the in-game performance [or] experience, and is easy to apply by the development studios."

That statement's especially interesting, because it implicitly references the issues many vocalised - sometimes in the courtroom - about SecuROM. And in turn, that's interesting because Denuvo and SecuROM are one and the same.

"Denuvo is the new company formed from the management buyout of the Sony DADC DigitalWorks team," reads the 'who are we?' section of the company's official site. "The team that developed best-of-breed copy protection like SecuROM for games and Screen Pass for movies."

That changes the narrative about anti-piracy. This isn't the story of a new company succeeding where others have failed by applying their brave new strategy. It's about the old company learning from their mistakes and eventually besting their old foe.

"Regarding security," Goebl continues, "our protection [produces] these good results [because] we created a very dedicated, niche product for Windows-based games on Steam, Origin and alike. By comparison, most other Anti-Tamper providers are less focused and offer a wide range of OS and programming language support."

Whether 3DM return in February 2017 and resume their activities remains to be seen. Whether their hiatus has a noticeable effect on PC game sales is also anyone's guess, and that's the more interesting half of the equation. Meanwhile, Denuvo will continue to make Anti-Tamper Tech more difficult to circumvent.

The war between the old foes might not be over, but it appears as though it's at least winding down, and the pirates are not flying their flags victoriously.


On the what I think is the last mission in XCOM 2 my screen started flashing in certain spots of the map. White or yellow or red depending on how I moved the mouse. Couldn't see shit but at least I know I'm not epileptic.


The overall consensus of firewatch seems to be one of disappointment. You're not alone. Even though i enjoyed the game and don't regret my purchase, i'd still agree with the public. Could've been better. It's probably the pre-release hype that hurt tthe game.

Haven't played the Witness yet, nor did i read a lot of impressions, but it seems to be partially true for that one also.

Impressions for The Witness are overall very positive. I think it's a game with a big amount of hype prerelease that actually managed to deliver on that.

With Firewatch I agree there is some missed potential and I expected a bit more, but I still really enjoyed the game.
Today is my birthday

Anyone can get me a job? Or a visa to any civilized country where no one shit on me everyday because i am not from this country?

PS,I accept gifts especially dragon dogma or rise of tomb raider 😄😄

Happy birtyday, LORD~!

Good luck with your job hunting.
Happy Birthday LORD


Joking aside, happy birthday for real. Have a good one. Hope you find a job, I am in a similar boat.
There are obvious flaws in comparing those two figures. They're two different types of game, marketed with different budgets, appealing to different audiences, released at different times of the year.

But the disparity of those numbers, coupled with the reported high piracy rate of one and reported anti-piracy success of another... well, it's at least enough for someone to entertain the idea that there might be a relationship between sales and piracy.

"We're not saying that it's piracy...but it's piracy."


why is steam downloading 'workshop content' for rocket league

I'm not subscribed to anything and I don't have a
Steam controller..

pls stop this oppression


Thanks to you all, that's really cheers me up

Happy Birthday LORD

Joking aside, happy birthday for real. Have a good one. Hope you find a job, I am in a similar boat.
I was going to make long comic about my birthday and make fun of my self , but i wasn't in a mood to do anything, fucking LR i can't even finish it
Didn't play any game in the past 2 month except that shit.


happy birthday LORD


It's nice to see I am totally vindicated in my thinking knowing that Firewatch is essentially Gone Home 2016.


If you backed The Flame in the Flood at the soundtrack tier on kickstarter it has been officially released. I've downloaded it and am listening to it now. sogood.gif. If you did not you can still purchase it (because the music's just that good). Amazon has it up if anyone's interested. The game itself continues to receive regular updates and progress is being made on the story campaign. Hopefully it fully releases this year so I can vote for it in the steam gaf goty as I would have voted for it last year had it been eligible.

Release date announced: February 24th.

It's nice to see I am totally vindicated in my thinking knowing that Firewatch is essentially Gone Home 2016.

I gave you credit for that earlier, ser.

why is steam downloading 'workshop content' for rocket league

I'm not subscribed to anything and I don't have a
Steam controller..

pls stop this oppression

The easiest way to stop that is to get rid of Rocket League. ;)
I remember they said the jast bundle would be soon, guess we are still waiting :(

On the plus side steam big picture is really nice now after not using it in ages :D
Wait, FPS were capped at 60 in Rocket League? I was always getting like 65 fps...

Almost finished downloading the update, hope I can pull 75 fps since that is the refresh rate of my screen. nevermind, i can pull 140 fps uncapped.

Let's do this!
I need to get American Truck Simulator, the demo is great. I will definitely need a No Speeding Mod because the speeding tickets are on some bullshit in this game, I had people hauling ass past me and I some how get a $1,000 speeding ticket. Also American radio has too many damn commercials, no wonder nobody listens to it anymore.
Been looking a some puzzle games kind similar in some way to hexcells and found this


Tried the demo and found it really relaxing working my way through the few levels. Hopefully the harder ones will really make the brain work.
I wouldn't have known about the demo if you had not mentioned it. Cheers. Maybe I'll try it sometime. From screenshots though I am reminded of Droplitz (delisted from Steam :*( ) which is another game I should really give a try (one my first Steam purchases when they still had bundles in sales).

Speaking of trading cards, I'm curious - does much of this thread bother to craft badges and all that? I just insta-sell all them.
I like the pointless thrill of getting randomly dropped booster packs to have enough cards to complete a set and then to try and trade the duplicates to complete a set.

I only craft around sale time as I can sell the sale cards (I sometimes do complete a sale badge and the free drops suffice here) unlike useless coupons. Preferably pre-sale when the prices are better. I kind of missed that at Christmas though so I currently have several badges ready to craft.

I must have around 10 foil cards drop. Of course I've not been able to sell most (I'm too lazy to relist them and don't want them to go for the jokes offers that are buy orders).
Rocket League looks like one of those games where I'd either sink all my time into or never ever touch it again after one match. Nothing in between.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
all that work on enhanced steam and now more work ;_;

It's really not that much extra work, considering when I'm writing stuff for Enhanced Steam I'm usually also browsing GAF.
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