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Steam | 02.2016 - Orangeade

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
cause he's motivational

Trivia time. Disgaea 1 is the only game in that series I finished, and the only Laharl version I recognize as canon.

When 2 starred some asshole that wasn't Laharl I was like "wait what?" And lets not even get into the aberration that is female Laharl.

I also hate the art for Laharl in later games.


Rolling Girl
Let's see your logo then.



Rambo: The Videogame doesn't work for me

When I try to start it this happens:


There is no setup.exe in the games folder and verifying files doesn't help

How do you start this game?

I was able to install and run it, no errors. Maybe try re-installing the DirectX and vcredist that are included in the game folder and see if you can launch after that?


It runs great for how well it looks, and it is a pretty game. XCOM 2 on the other hand...

Xcom 2 runs like garbage? Was thinking of picking it up soon but haven't really been following any threads on it to avoid spoilers and such. Maybe I'll wait until they patch it


Xcom 2 runs like garbage? Was thinking of picking it up soon but haven't really been following any threads on it to avoid spoilers and such. Maybe I'll wait until they patch it

It's an incredibly fun game, that has a lot of performance issues. Mostly laggy cutscenes and the like. Noticeable, but usually nothing that gets in the way of the gameplay.
Trivia time. Disgaea 1 is the only game in that series I finished, and the only Laharl version I recognize as canon.

When 2 starred some asshole that wasn't Laharl I was like "wait what?" And lets not even get into the aberration that is female Laharl.

I also hate the art for Laharl in later games.

Try Disgaea 4, imo the game is on equal levels with the 1st, love the characters and story in that one with the exception of fuuka who is annoying af.


It's an incredibly fun game, that has a lot of performance issues. Mostly laggy cutscenes and the like. Noticeable, but usually nothing that gets in the way of the gameplay.

Interesting considering it's a PC only game. I would expect that type of performance on a port or multiplat


What was Firaxis' timeframe for putting out the first big patch? If I remember correctly, they were going the Wasteland 2 route and not doing intermittent patches for whatever reason. Doesn't make sense since they're PC only.


it's kind of amazing how some solutions to the witness puzzles can be right in front of ur face and you can't see them until you sit with someone else and try to explain the puzzle to them
Oh wow, Balrum sounds cool. Wishlisted.
What was Firaxis' timeframe for putting out the first big patch? If I remember correctly, they were going the Wasteland 2 route and not doing intermittent patches for whatever reason. Doesn't make sense since they're PC only.

They've been silent so far, but I imagine they're trying to tackle the major issues without causing other problems. So lots of QA every step of the way.
guys which one of these is the best gtx970? friend wants to buy one and idk which is better, I got MSI one so I told him to go with that one but i told him to give me a few min cause maybe one of thse are better
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127832 (the one I got)



I have an EVGA 970 and it's treated me very well. I'd go with one of them.

Not sure on the model number of mine. It's either one of those two, or a slight variant.
I have an EVGA 970 and it's treated me very well. I'd go with one of them.

Not sure on the model number of mine. It's either one of those two, or a slight variant.

k, hes going with this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814487076

came out to 310 and some change w/ no tax. not bad. even comes with the division; cheaper than what I spent on my card which was a flat 350 and cam with lame ass the crew, unity or far cry 4.
k, hes going with this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814487076

came out to 310 and some change w/ no tax. not bad. even comes with the division; cheaper than what I spent on my card which was a flat 350 and cam with lame ass the crew, unity or far cry 4.

I paid more like $400+ for mine (in $CDN, back when it wasn't so worthless) and got three games with it (Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Knight, and, later, MGSV because BAK was so broken). Seemed like a lot, but I went with it 'cause the only one that would fit in my case. As mentioned, it's served me very well; I especially like how quiet the fans are.

Your friend got a pretty good ideal, I think.
Requested my first ever refund today on Crashlands. I was surprised to see it accepted in about an hour. I had 2.5 hours played so I wasn't sure it would go through. I oddly feel kinda guilty about it. Then again I really didn't enjoy my time with it so I'm not sure why.

I picked it up this morning along with Stardew Valley and Factorio. I'm having quite a bit of fun with both of them. I played the first 3 tutorial missions of Factorio and I'm hooked. It's a really neat mix of building sim, crafting, and tower defense. Stardew Valley basically feels like Harvest Moon. Though I'm not really sure how deep it is yet.


That's great to hear, hope it is because of people re-purchasing after the performance fiasco caused by Beta client XP

Steamspy is 3 days behind I believe, so those should be pre-purchase sales.
Disgaea 5 did 22k first week in Japan so Disgaea PC had at a least a better launch than that.


So I've been playing Sokobond.

Do you like puzzle games?
Do you like chemistry?
Were you always unable to figure out how exactly bonds work between the 4 most basic components of a molecule?
Do you enjoy gaining knowledge of something you'll potentially never use?


Just a couple days ago I finally got around starting Mafia II which has been sitting in my backlog for a while now. Oh boy am I glad I did. It grabbed me from the start so that after only few days I have finished the campaign.

It's probably easy to compare this to Grand Theft Auto but both games are actually very different. In Mafia II there really is not much else besides the campaign. There are no side missions to speak of or even other forms of entertainment we are used to have in open-world games, races, mini-games etc. It does read as a disadvantage but in reality it is a big positive. The campaign is greatly paced and you always know what to do next. Wasting time with menial and most often unfun side occupations would hurt that pacing only and not add anything meaningful to the experience. What matters most is that I never felt the need that the game should have anything besides the campaign. The absent of a character leveling or mindless XP pop-ups is refreshing and fits great with the focused style of the game. Less is more here.
In terms of side activities you can count the collectibles probably. There are three. Playboy Magazines, Wanted Posters and Pinup Posters. Later is locked behind the Hard difficulty setting. The Wanted Posters are scrambled across the world and are a pain to collect. Collecting the Playboy Magazines is the easiest since they usually are strategically placed in the vicinity of campaign missions. These each unlock a single high resolution photo of an original playboy playmate of that period. Suffice to say it's NSFW (breasts). They appear only during certain missions and disappear later. Thankfully the devs did not opt to the stupid industry standard of making collectibles glow.
The world is done great. It's fairly big with distinct areas and aesthetics. Driving mechanics thankfully are great as well but you have to keep in mind that unlike GTA, most normal cars feel too slow and heavy. Once you get your hands on a sports-car, you will drive nothing but those.
Besides driving there is a focus on combat and I'm glad to say that shooting feels great. There is a nice cover mechanic and it just feels good to run into a firefight and slide seamlessly into cover. Enemy bullets do take away health-points very quick so you will have to use cover constantly. One thing I have to stress is the very great use of physics in combat. Glass shatters, wooden cover breaks apart nicely and even concrete walls break around the edges. It not only serves as beautiful eye candy but also adds a new mechanic and tactic to keep in mind during combat.
These two things, driving and shooting will be done plentiful and no matter how fun they are on their own, they would still become a chore if the story behind it faltered. It does not. On the contrary, the story is greatly written with great, believable characters. As someone who watched most popular gangster movies I was expecting many cliche events and lines to appear but to my surprise many events and turns I did not see coming. Without spoiling too much, you will be seeing the protagonist's rise in the mafia. The ending came abrupt. I was actually believing the story would continue but it just stopped. So think, not playing throughout the whole life of a gangster but a slice of it. An early slice at that. It mostly revolves around you, Vito Scaletta and your best friend Joe Barbaro and how you both become gangsters in the mafia. Maybe it's the cliche I am used to from movies and games but I was positively surprised at Joe not being a boring and bland character.
Since there really is only the campaign to play, voice acting is important and for the most part it is really great. Leo's VO was exceptionally good. One voice stood out in a comical way. Vito's sister Francesca was bad. Really bad. The VO forced an usual high-pitched sound with her. No clue how that got OK'd.
The atmosphere of the 40s/50s America is hit nicely with old cars and music. Later comes from three radio stations. I'm not personally fond of the period's aesthetics and music but there are some catchy songs I'll listen to on Youtube for sure. The cars are an acquired taste. I don't find them appealing mostly but there's not much freedom with historic accuracy. Visually the game looks great. The city is greatly detailed with buildings and districts looking unique and fitting. Cars look great and the motion blur when driving fast is used to great effect. I also noticed that grass looks surprisingly good. Keeping in mind this is a ps360 era game, yes there are low-res textures and models but they mainly become only noticeable during close-up cutscenes.
Not all is perfect though. As I mentioned briefly, the campaign feels like there is something missing at the end. It ends faster than I'd imagined Vito's story to be. Not being able to roam the city freely after the ending only adds salt to the wound.
As said, the world is big with many places and buildings that stand out. Weirdly enough, most of these places went totally unused without any missions taking place there (dam, skyscrapers, water). Maybe it was planned initially but it got cut.
I think they also missed an opportunity with Vito's family. Her sister never gets much of a focus. A shame as it would have made for some nice arc to see her get polluted by her brother's money and power maybe.
I experienced some crashes which I could not solve but thankfully never lost too much progress. Some cutscenes are also pre-rendered movies with very low bitrates that really hurt their qualities. I have no idea why they didn't just make them run in-game in real-time (like other cutscenes), especially since the assets and everything basically in them are of in-game quality. Weird.

All in all though, I have to say I enjoyed my time with Mafia II immensely. The story, characters, atmosphere, combat all top-notch. It's a better game than GTAIV for sure even if it does not offer a similarly detailed world with many side activities but maybe because it is a very focused game that uses the open-world not only as a selling point but only as instrument for the campaign. I like this method better than GTAIV's bloated unfocused hodgepodge of menialities. Not even gonna compare story, writing and characters of the unbearable mess that GTAIV is with the greatness of Mafia II.
Mafia II is a great game and everyone should give it a try. It blew me away and will do for at least some others as well for sure. Now I am more interested in Mafia III than before. Hopefully they manage to bring over the strengths of Mafia II.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Huge wall of text when on steam earlier all you said about Mafia 2 was "I like boobies"


Card Boy

Fuck yeah Lego Batman 3 is $2.50 on Nuuvem. Also Scribblenauts & Scribblenauts Unmasked is $1 each. Lego Batman 3 is defiantly not region locked bought and activated fine.


personally i found mafia 2 to be a really bad game. like you can tell they were trying to do something with the story but they ended up taking too many shortcuts and their version of an open world was not as impressing as mafia 1's realistic car physics and traffic laws and unstealable cars. like, iirc those things are still there but there's no comparable leap to make it feel distinctive from more arcadey open world games like gta.

like i bet mafia 1 aged terribly but it was kind of mindblowing to me back in the day, from the story to the setting to the simulation, and mafia 2 is like a really pretty game with a solid everything but i wanted a similar feeling from it and it felt like it didn't even try

edit: and what it makes it really bad is that it's just that, solid. nothing about it inspired anything from me other than "yea, i guess that's ok". it wasn't particularly offensive but it felt like a waste of time, like nothing about it lived up to its potential


I loved Mafia 2. But I also love gangster movies so it was a match made in heaven for me.
The Open World aspects are mostly disappointing but I really enjoyed playing through the story.
And I've never played the original so I don't know how it compares.

Card Boy

Did Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R get removed from Steam? Clicking on the link on Google or doing a Steam search brings back nothing.


Did Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R get removed from Steam? Clicking on the link on Google or doing a Steam search brings back nothing.

ArcSys games keep getting delisted recently and not even the people responsible for the games on Steam know why.


irresponsible vagina leak
Gocco of War Quick Impressions

+ Easy to grasp gameplay
+ Cute Visuals
+ Decent amount of character customization
+ Good Crafting System

+/- Store could have more options from the start and the prices for some items can be absurd at times.
+/- Enhancing Weapons feels like it drags a bit but maybe later materials make this a way faster process

- Shooting at times feels off.
- If playing offline the CPU Partner AI is ass

So far I really recommend the game and it gives me some Phantasy Star Online vibes with the online play. I've played about 3 hours according to Steam and I'll be sure to continue doing quests and grinding materials to keep improving my weapons. I may try posting more updates as I keep playing and i'll be sure play with some gaffers if they eventually get the game.


Any way to access the Highlight reel/replay in Superhot? I mean they let u upload it to their shitty website which I need to be registered member to get into. But can we access the videos manually or save the Highlight reel locally or share on YouTube or whatever?


I've never played any of the mafia games, but your impressions are making me very interested in picking them soon!

You can certainly ignore this advice, but as someone who played both Mafia and Mafia II last year I would highly recommend skipping the first game. It doesn't hold up very well given that so many open world games have come out since that time. First of all, outside of I believe 2 missions, the driving in the game has no purpose whatsoever. You drive to a mission and get a checkpoint. There are no side activities to do in the city, so all the driving does is artificially extend the playtime. The shooting is also extremely dated and makes the missions pretty frustrating. I honestly consider this one of the worst games I've ever played - maybe if I had played it on release my opinion would be different, but games don't exist in a vacuum.

Mafia II is still worth playing at least. The driving is still not all that important but there are a couple of side activities and the driving model is a lot more fun. The beginning of the game takes place in winter and they actually modeled snow driving in the city pretty well. You also get a more modern cover shooting mechanic.

There is one reference to the first game in Mafia II but if you watch the end cinematic from Mafia you'll understand it when it happens.


So what's steamGAF's impressions of The Division so far? From the beta of course.

Day 1 for me
. I'm really excited. It's a cover shooter that encourages teaming up in a squad. It's got suppression so you can flank enemies, lots of loot, gadgets, and some cool cosmetic stuff. Plus a crafting system that wasn't even in the beta.
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