Australian Kool Aid, Stump imports it.
Yeah. it was fun watching you guys play.We really need to do more GAF Playthroughs like the Castle Crashers one
Yeah. it was fun watching you guys play.
I hope it's some sort of misunderstanding, like a poorly explained bad ending or something, or the devs are going to patch it?
dev quote--
(note: the user in question who 100%ed the game says 4.5 hours)
Just caught this on SPUF--if you were considering buying Dark Matter, you should think again. Despite overall good feedback, apparently the game ends completely abruptly (you enter a door of no particular significance and then you get a fade to black with a JPG with centered white text that tells you how the game ends) and there's no intent to finish the game or update it and it's not released as Early Access or episodically:
The last minute of the game (no spoilers, since it's just a video of a guy entering a door and getting a text ending)
I hope it's some sort of misunderstanding, like a poorly explained bad ending or something, or the devs are going to patch it?
dev quote--
(note: the user in question who 100%ed the game says 4.5 hours)
Dark Matter should get removed from the store.
Dark Matter should get removed from the store.
Can someone who doesn't have Nimbus (and actually wants the game) check if they can use the key in this post?
Duplicate key. Already activated.
Dark Matter should get removed from the store.
Dark Matter should get removed from the store.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
Pffft... I have Rayman 2 on my account, the game wasn't even sold on Steam.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
Wow, I thought this looked very cool too, I was thinking of buying it, but after reading that and watching the video of how it just ends, out of nowhere, damn I'm not buying this now. Maybe someday when it goes on sale for $2.49 at most, and even then I'm not sure it's worth it. That's simply inexcusable for a finished game.
Me too. We have to start a club now or something.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
Me too. We have to start a club now or something.
I wish I could find Deadpool for a bit cheaper. It would be a nice game to share with my family.
okay, I gave in to all the cool kids and replaced my Game Collector showcase with games removed from Steam.
Nice. My only Steam-removed game IIRC is Speedball 2...
(I have Cryostasis, but it may be non-steam)
Though to be fair I'd rather have Ghostbusters, Indigo Prophesy and Cryostatsis
I remember Ghostbusters was $2.5 at some point, can't believe I didn't buy it.
Same thing with the original Mafia.
The disk can be found for cheapish and I don't think the Steam version had any Steam features.My Steam regret is Outrun 2006, I could have got it but I was waiting for a sale ;-;
Those are all really bad games. Really, really bad.
Does Serious Sam HD come with 2? I got the first one from the generous birthday and now I have both but my Steam history doesn't say I own it or the store page.
You didn't play Mafia or you don't have it on steam? because that game is crazy gooooood, so don't miss your chance if you can.
The disk can be found for cheapish and I don't think the Steam version had any Steam features.
shoulda coulda wouldaMy Steam regret is Outrun 2006, I could have got it but I was waiting for a sale ;-;
No Serious Sam 2, just the first and second encounter.
shoulda coulda woulda