I guess they ran put of keys, glad I bought it already.
I'm not too much of an action game fan, but awesome news nonetheless.
I guess they ran put of keys, glad I bought it already.
Everyone who is interested in roguelikes (not roguelike-likes) should get Tales of Maj'Eyal. Thirty minutes in and I'm blown away by how incredibly dense and meaty this game is.
anyone got fallout tactics on gog free? how come its on 3 installers? do i need to install all 3 or just one?
Apologies for the self-pimpage, but I'll soon be offering Mac and Linux versions of Dust: An Elysian Tail, and the ports of course will be free to anyone who already owns the Windows version. Just in time for SteamOS
Any chance that might include a replacement voice track for Fidget? I'm thinking gruff old man ex marine corp drill instructor.
R. Kelly's Protege
Pissed in someone's face until they puked from it.
Apologies for the self-pimpage, but I'll soon be offering Mac and Linux versions of Dust: An Elysian Tail, and the ports of course will be free to anyone who already owns the Windows version. Just in time for SteamOS
Download all 3 files, make sure they are in the same folder. Start the exe File to start the installation. The installer will Do the rest.anyone got fallout tactics on gog free? how come its on 3 installers? do i need to install all 3 or just one?
hahah. I think I would have loved that.Internally we joked she should sound like Nel Carter, after having smoked decades of cigars.
MGR pc release anyday now...
Postal 2 Complete has the best Achievements on Steam
Pimp away
Internally we joked she should sound like Nel Carter, after having smoked decades of cigars.
Apologies for the self-pimpage, but I'll soon be offering Mac and Linux versions of Dust: An Elysian Tail, and the ports of course will be free to anyone who already owns the Windows version. Just in time for SteamOS
Does Wasteland 2 have the gore/limb targeting that the Fallout games have?(ie blow off arms, legs, eyes, etc)
That's okay, you can submit up to 5 games, one person only submitted one game if I recall.
Did anybody tell Jase that Saoirse Ronan was on the Nerdist Podcast? Probably because it was a long time ago but I've just been catching up to October.
Edit: She was on the Nerdist podcast today. The episode runs for about 54 minutes.
It seems that there could be a little bug in regional prices.
I'm in EU2, but the "default" price (let's say, the yellow "=" one) is the USD one, and also I get all prices (between round brackets) converted to USD instead of EUR.
I also tried to switch around regions in the plugin options putting EU2 on top (because you never know ) but of course it doesn't work.
I gave a brief look at the code on GitHub and it seems it should actually deliver my correct regional price in both places, so maybe it just fails to obtain the correct region and defaults to US?
Oh man tages is still a thing
Still on a lot of EA titles prior to Origin's birth.Oh man tages is still a thing
Damn my PS3 controller broke so now I'm forced to use M+KB for singleplayer games like Batman and my dog got diarrhea . Why does x360ce have to suck so bad for PS2 controllers?
anyone got fallout tactics on gog free? how come its on 3 installers? do i need to install all 3 or just one?
Oh man tages is still a thing
Guys, what's the cheaper option to connect a xbox360 controller to my PC?
Holy shit!Non-Steam versions of Sega's Dreamcast Collection, released in 2011, use StarForce of all things.
Guys, what's the cheaper option to connect a xbox360 controller to my PC?
Killzone was so god awful that I didn't even finish it and I feel like starting the Wasteland beta after all just to wash the awfulness away. That's how bad it was, that it's close to getting me to break my no beta rule.
I have had donator status for awhile and play it off and on. The game is piss ugly with an awful UI, but if you can get past that it is a quality (real) roguelike.Tempted because of the cheap price, anyone else given it a go?
All wired 360 PC controllers have a USB adapter. That's the cheapest and easiest way to connect your 360 controller to a PC.
I don't have a wireless 360 controller so I don't know how that works.
StarForce was the DRM that literally destroyed computers?
Pretty much every DRM system has destroyed computers, but yes, it's the one you're thinking of.
Steam has hurt nothing! Ok, maybe my wallet.
I regret nothing.Steam has hurt nothing! Ok, maybe my wallet.
Spectromancer + League of Heroes + Truth and Beauty [Online Game Code] - $1.99 (-90%)
Caveat emptor.
Also, Teslagrad looks amazing but I need to stop eating into my sale funds as I'm already going to have less than I'd expected to (thanks Christmas, you jerk).
My mommy who is the best mommy in the world got me a shitload of Gabens for The Birth of Christ, and they are now sitting in my Steam waiting for the sale.
Bidding their times.
btw thank you for the Christ Present, Jason Ronan.
Killzone is one of the worst games I've played this year. I can't recall a single moment where I was having fun.
Killzone is one of the worst games I've played this year. I can't recall a single moment where I was having fun.
Well it's no Tomb Raider or AC4 but I may have to bump Saints Row from the 3rd spot on my woty list for it. As I said in the OT it takes a rare game to make me not want to even finish it.
So, AC4 is pretty bad, huh?
I've heard that it's the best in the series since AC2, but that means nothing to me because I thought 2 was thoroughly mediocre.
So, AC4 is pretty bad, huh?
I've heard that it's the best in the series since AC2, but that means nothing to me because I thought 2 was thoroughly mediocre.
I'd put it ahead of Revelations and 3 but behind 2/Brotherhood and the original, so: AC1 > AC2 ~ Brotherhood > Black Flag > Revelations > AC3.
I dropped the first one half way, and watched the ending on YouTube.somehow I managed to beat the first game but it was so bad that I have no desire to play the rest of the series.
I've always heard that 2 was much better though so I would like to hear why you think the original is better.
I dropped the first one half way, and watched the ending on YouTube.