So went to Eurogamer yesterday, played some upcoming titles:
first game I actually played, and I must say I liked it, combat seemed quite varied and creative in execution , although a lot of people did quit the game half-way, maybe it just wasn’t there thing . I saw one rep trying to explain the combat system, so I guess there is a learning curve. Another rep told me that the PC version will have a custom hud which can be removed, so I'm hoping for a decent port to PC.
Hitman Absolution AND Tomb Raider:
both games played very well, especially Hitman (never played the previous games) a rep said both games will get the sleeping dogs treatment of extra options for PC so this is great news.
DOOM 3 bfg edition:
Didn't really see the point of this game.
Aliens: Colonial Marines:
This game is amazing, playing only the MP section of standard TDm, it was basically hunters vs humans in l4d. As human you really did have to work in a team to stay alive, as the alien s can easily leap and sneak up behind you for kills. I really do hope they focus on the MP side as this is already better than AVP 2010 multiplayer by miles.
FarCry 3:
Loved it, everything is good, this game is going to be awesome, slightly worried that the hardcore elements of FC2 may be removed, such as enemies not re-spawning, although I think they are randomly generated across the map now. Played the PC version, looks god-damn awesome, probably best looking of this year.
Crysis 3:
only MP was shown, but it’s basically Crysis 2 with 20% more COD.
looks sooooooo good, even on the 360 version, no more piss filter as well, the car I was playing felt a bit floaty but I guess the other cars should be fine. Game should be steamworks, so hopefully the online community won’t be shut down like last time.
like every other game but with extra stuff, can’t really say much more than that.
Other mentions:
WARFACE: very good for a F2P game
MEDAL OF HONOR: MP looks better I guess
NFS:MW : made by criterion, so it’s impossible for them to screw it up
Metal Gear Rising: this better be on PC.....
Dead or Alive 5 Spent half my time in the character menu, trying to find the skimpiest set of clothes I could find.
Oh not really Steam related but some Xbox Dishonored keys: