Gonna repost here my thoughts on The Darkness II, since the purpose of the thread I wrote it for is something else:
I picked up Darkness II in the recent Amazon sale, and for the first half of the game I was really pumped. I was playing it thinking man, this game was really slept on - I remember it getting ok reviews, but no real high praise. It has an incredible art style and pretty good graphics, and for the first couple of hours I was cutting up mobsters left and right. The game does a great job of making you feel dangerous, and makes it easy to multitask. You can shoot guys while also attacking with the demon arms, and all in all it's super satisfying.
That is, until about halfway through (aka two or three hours in, eww) when The Brotherhood shows up. These guys have a ton of armor, and later enemies can 1. teleport and 2. TAKE YOUR GUNS OUT OF YOUR HAND, which is a combination of two of the most annoying possible things enemies in shooters can do. Adding bullet-sponge foes where they don't belong is kind of a trend in shooters, and it's incredibly annoying - it's not more difficult, it just means that the game isn't fun anymore. I wasn't able to multitask in these levels, because I had to focus all firepower on one or two seemingly immortal assholes warping all around the map. This is made doubly annoying in group fights, where there are at least two or three people pointing floodlights at you, which 1. makes the Darkness powers go away and 2. blinds you and makes a really awful ear-ringing sound.
It doesn't help that a good chunk of these later levels are barely even levels. The objective "survive the ambush" popped up all too frequently in big square arena rooms, which is a shame because the game's earlier stages do a pretty good job of funneling you through exciting setpieces without being quite as bleeding obvious as Call of Duty or Medal of Honor. The story is also pretty cool, in a pulpy way. All of the Jenny hallucinations/flashbacks were awesome, and the Darkness Hospital was inventive, even if it wasn't as crazy as the weird WWI-ish stage from the first game.
Still, I feel like the addition of the Brotherhood enemies really soured my opinion of the game. Considering it took me two sittings to finish the game, that's pretty damaging. At first, I thought it was a polished and inventive shooter; now, I'm just sort of grumpy about it, even if the actual ending was... interesting, at least.