First person to quote this gets either Dungeon Defenders or Brainpipe. Their choice. Whoever is second gets the left over. If you don't want the leftover and you quoted it just edit it out. You can only have one.
First person to quote this gets either Dungeon Defenders or Brainpipe. Their choice. Whoever is second gets the left over. If you don't want the leftover and you quoted it just edit it out. You can only have one.
First person to quote this gets either Dungeon Defenders or Brainpipe. Their choice. Whoever is second gets the left over. If you don't want the leftover and you quoted it just edit it out. You can only have one.
Dungeon Defenders please. Thanks.
Brainpipe Please.
First person to quote this gets either Dungeon Defenders or Brainpipe. Their choice. Whoever is second gets the left over. If you don't want the leftover and you quoted it just edit it out. You can only have one.
I see you decided to get it anyways![]()
This might be the first one I skip. Own DD and Brainpipe and the other two steam games look like... Trash.
Containment is really nice if you like Zombies & Bejeweled
that is the one that is of the most interest to me, but my backlog on pc alone is over 300.... so I am going to try to stay strong @_@Containment is really nice if you like Zombies & Bejeweled
The bundle costs 3.90€, and Containment costs 3.99€ on Steam. If you just want this game, wait for the Summer sales or a Daily Deal.
That's disappointing.Can't buy DLC on Steam unless you own the base game on Steam..
Saves on the support headaches since Valve don't really have any![]()
Uh... how do I access the Arkham City skins I just paid for? :/
complete the game first trollface.jpg
or use it in challenge maps.
When you start the game, it allows you to choose want skin you want to use.
it's currently the 20th most played game on steam today with 4,397 people playing it according to steam. I would consider that pretty active personally.How's the Dungeon Defenders community? Still pretty active? I'm thinking about picking this one up.
go into story mode, and just select the skin before you play.
that's what I do anyway.
So food and farms will increase your population faster. They get further bonuses depending on what type of planet they are. The more people, the higher production, so everything will go faster from there.
If you're losing money adjust your taxes. You'll have some unhappy people but you won't be losing as much money. Also look into firing heroes as they take dust per turn as well.
The border stuff I'm still figuring out. You have outposts and then they get upgraded to be part of your civilization so until then they can still be taken over "peacefully" (they will hate you for doing this, it's just not outright declaring war) just by sitting ships there and influencing them.
Likewise I'm trying to figure out the combat. I'm glad it's not entirely real time, more just turn based with a timer. And when left to auto the computer seems to lose more battles than win, so at some point I need to figure out how to manually battle, but I don't usually play military in these games so I just haven't had enough battles to figure it out.
Sins is much more of an rts than this so I'm not sure how much that will help you in this lol.
My one big beef right now is how stuff is connected. I love the exploration part of these games. I'm usually the first one to have everything scouted and I love knowing where everything and everyone is. The way this is set up is very corridory and if you get bottlenecked by two assholes blocking you then you can never get out and explore and you get stuck in a corner just sitting and building. I just got to wormhole stuff in the last area of my game so I'm trying that out but that doesn't seem very promising as it just opens up a few shortcuts. I'll keep trying as it might be more diplomacy focused (get everyone to have open borders with you if you want to explore freely).
Haha, I've been playing with an offline GFWL account. I literally can't use my DLC, can I? Unless I need to register the code, somewhere?
Haha, I've been playing with an offline GFWL account. I literally can't use my DLC, can I? Unless I need to register the code, somewhere?
Noob question regarding Steam: How I do stop downloads from pausing when I play a game?
Noob question regarding Steam: How I do stop downloads from pausing when I play a game?
You can't. Alt-tab and resume is the best we haveNoob question regarding Steam: How I do stop downloads from pausing when I play a game?
Noob question regarding Steam: How I do stop downloads from pausing when I play a game?
Noob question regarding Steam: How I do stop downloads from pausing when I play a game?
Weird I had set the exploit of my starter planet to be food production but the moment I started to colonise other planets within that system (I dumped all of my research into exploration so I could colonise the world types in my immediate system and those nearby) my starter world became a ghost town.
Two of my three heroes were governing systems and had all of their skills to boost system output of whatever my chosen exploit was (on the initial colonised world). The only one that was an outright financial drain was the one I had in my fleet. I think the fleet and building improvements were costing me more Dust than the heroes, even though they were starting to get price-ier as they leveled up.
I also tanked my economy by trying to up the production speed at which a colony ship was made. I screwed up when making my fleet and managed to create an empty colony ship instead of producing a new colony ship.
I think part of my problem was that I was researching a tech tree that might've been counter to the leanings of the race I had chosen. I was using Terrans, focusing on exploration when they're all about military and economy. They even highlight important techs for your race in orange on the tech tree. The system whose border got enveloped by the Horatio first appearing wasn't an outpost anymore, it was a full fledged colony and thus had a border and was part of my empire.
Yeah I haven't ever gotten terribly far in the military branch ever and I see some of the other stuff like 'sabotage' in the research branch so I think it'll be a while till a lot of battle stuff starts opening up for me.You can research different weapon types for the different ranges but there are also wild cards you can purchase for combat. I haven't figured out yet where you buy those. And I obviously need to spread out my tech research amoung more branches and focus on the important techs for the race.
Alright, then I'll just muddle my way through Endless Space for a while until things start to click better.
ALT-TAB warriors unite! By our powers combined, we summon you, Captain Download!
If you didn't like AA you won't like AC. It's pretty much the same, with more side-stuff.Lol wtf, somehow I'm doubting Arkham City is worth it to me with GFWL and considering I didn't really enjoy AA for some reason.
any of you guys know if this is the proper 60fps patch for Transformers?
If you didn't like AA you won't like AC. It's pretty much the same, with more side-stuff.
OK, so I've logged into GFWL. How do I access the code to install my skins pack and challenge maps? I've installed Robin and Nightwing. :/
First person to quote this post can have my IGN Prime Dungeon Defenders key. I already own the game.
Yes.Gaf, do I have to deal with GFWL if I'm buying Batman AA GOTY?
Any of the Arkham City DLC really worth it? $22 for both games w/o it sounds pretty good.
Gaf, do I have to deal with GFWL if I'm buying Batman AA GOTY?