Is Physx on?
nope, it's off
Is Physx on?
Right-click -> Properties -> Local files -> Verify integrity of game cache...
Yeah, I just saw I'm missing Clear Sky. Guess I'll just start with the original and use this:
ah, thanks!
"102 files failed and will be reacquired" FUCK MAN HOW DO I STOP THIS SHIT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN HNNNNGGGHH
If i want to play the FEAR expansions (Perseus and Extraction Point) does the main game need to be installed?
Im asking because the FEAR vanilla instalation is a massive 16GB.
Hope someone knows this.
Looks like WARP want's you to login every single time your start the game, if you do this your game save is saved online so you cannot use it for offline play (vice versa)
This is amazingly stupid, it doesn't help that the game will not remember your origin details and will ask every single time for your username and password
it's a fun stealth based game but really this shit is intolerable.
lame. in the afternoon i tried the demo of arkham asylum on my old laptop. it ran perfectly. no problems at all. so this is when i decided to buy the game off steam. but when i started it it ran like shit. low framerate all over the place. even with details low![]()
lame. in the afternoon i tried the demo of arkham asylum on my old laptop. it ran perfectly. no problems at all. so this is when i decided to buy the game off steam. but when i started it it ran like shit. low framerate all over the place. even with details low![]()
decided to clear up the backlog a bit and ive been playing splinter cell conviction for a few hours now..
.. this aint too bad guys, its super stupid, but the gameplay is alright. i really dont mind the "mark to kill" thing
I like the comic about that: couldn't stand it. I guess if you were able to go into the game without any baggage carried over from the rest of the franchise it could be a half decent weekend romp, but between it being "super stupid" and shitting all over the franchise and putting in horrible segments which weren't fun (that iraq segment is where I had to turn it off) and every enemy going "I'M GOING TO RAPE YOUR MOTHER, FISHER, YOU BITCH ASS I HATE YOU FISHER WHY DID YOU RUN OVER MY DOG FISHER? YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST PAID THE VET BILLS FISHER!". It got trite in its first minute.
Two questions:
1. Is anyone here from Russia?
2. I figure i may as well ask here. Im using my 42 inch tv as my monitor and am trying to create a custom resolution of 2560 x 1440 but nothing seems to work. My tv does 1920x1080p but i cant even seem to gwt that working. The native resolution is 1280x720p. Im using a gtx 680 if that helps. Is it just not possible using a tv to have said resolution?
Yes, you need the whole 16GB.
edit: FEAR vanilla isn't 16GB. If you install FEAR then Steam will also install the expansions for some reason.
I'm pretty sure it's a one size fits all download. If you download Extraction Point, it automatically downloads vanilla as well.
Thanks Stich, Stallion and mentioned above it's the whole 16gb for all 3 games, Monolith/WB must have used the same disc installer that was used as the F.E.A.R. Complete Edition DVD
ie* it installs all 3 games in 1 go
Edit: Anyone knows how to put Extraction Point in 1920*1200?
I like the comic about that:
That makes two of us. I just remember the length of the dialogue cutscenes being longer than the length of the missions themselves.Not sure if buy though, I remember that game as a really cool graphical showcase and not really as a game, I might not have given it a chance though.
Well worth it! Extremely charming and nostalgic.Costume Quest for $3? Okay I'll finally bite.
Well worth it! Extremely charming and nostalgic.
edit: One of my dreams last night was that I accidentally bought Warp on steam. I wasn't happy about it at all.
stacking on the cheap! gonna see if i can charge my cc tomorrow
Is there any estimate of the number of Steam users having access to the beta of Dota2 and CS:GO? Indeed, the stats page always surprises me: there is about 5 million concurrent users, and 50 thousands play Dota2, 60k play CS, 55k play CS:S, yet less than 7 hundreds play CS:GO.
I couldn't stand it. I guess if you were able to go into the game without any baggage carried over from the rest of the franchise it could be a
half decent weekend romp, but between it being "super stupid" and shitting all over the franchise and putting in horrible segments which weren't fun (that iraq segment is where I had to turn it off) and every enemy going "I'M GOING TO RAPE YOUR MOTHER, FISHER, YOU BITCH ASS I HATE YOU FISHER WHY DID YOU RUN OVER MY DOG FISHER? YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST PAID THE VET BILLS FISHER!". It got trite in its first minute.
And I still can't manage to get a key.
780k person closed beta lol. Most games wish they could get that many people in the full game.
Sweet, grabbed both Psychonauts and Darksiders off Amazon, and my backlog cries just a little more. But for only 7 bucks total, dayum.
Is the Darksiders deal a steam key or? I want to get it but I'd rather have it on steam :O
Wasn't sure, just checked the steam forums and it does activate on steam so, just bought itIsn't it Steamworks?
Cheers, will do!The Amazon PCDD thread at CAG is a good resource for Steam sales. The OP is updated by an Amazon rep and he says pretty explicitly which deals activate on Steam and which do not. Worth bookmarking.
Check your pm![]()
And I STILL can't manage to get a key for CS:GO!
I've been playing the hell out of CS:GO, it's more fun than source due to the slightly better visuals and the gameplay feels a little better to me as well.
Small details like the smoke that guns emit is pretty effective.
I am getting a solid 200 fps+ at all times with the game completely maxed out with Adaptive MSAA and 2560x1440 though, lol.
CS:GO is for sure better than CS:S. I have your back on that one.
I definitely prefer GO to Source, although some Aussie servers west of Sydney would be nice (can't stand playing with an ~80+ ping).