STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Hmm, so Saints Row is free for a weekend, whats to stop you from completing it before monday? Or is it time limited or something?

I already have it just curious and its the first time I've noticed a single player game being free, although I'm sure its happened before.

Considering how Saints Row 3 could have been yours for 1 dollar in the bundle with a bunch of other games, this is basically the last stop before going ahead and just adding it everyone's account.


Unconfirmed Member
Halo is okay. I beat all of them but ODST and I couldn't tell you the story if a gun was held to my head. Multiplayer was a pretty good time.

Metal Gear Solid though... loved the first one. Tried the second and I just couldn't get into it. I haven't played any of the others.
I did my first (and only) complete playthrough of MGS2 several weeks ago, and in fact I posted about it in this thread (why, I don't know, as it's not Steam related. Though I added it as a non-Steam game!). I LOVED it.

MGS1 is awesome too, and I haven't played the other games. I've got the 3DS port of MGS3, and I want to play it after finishing Kingdom Hearts 3D.

According to the history it never sold for that price.
I saw that too, but I'm sure it was $7 at one point. I mean, I searched in the market and it was there.


Unconfirmed Member
If you go over foils, it tells you this stuff if the market is barron enough. You can individually see that one card sold for X.XX dollars. It's when there's heavy volume that median price kicks in.

EDIT: Just went and checked that card in question. Yeah, there's too much volume to pin point exact prices there. But being as the high point was 10 sales for average of 2.93, there was maybe a single card that fetched 7.00. If more had done so, the median price would have risen higher than that.
You know, this could very well be the case. I got the card at around 1:20 GMT-3 on 06/05, as this post shows. It's possible that there was only a couple of Mermans in the Market, since cards for Runner 2 had just been added that same day.

Don't have any proof or screencaps, but I'm 100% sure that at the time I looked the cheapest card was, at least, $7.
If you go over foils, it tells you this stuff if the market is barron enough. You can individually see that one card sold for X.XX dollars. It's when there's heavy volume that median price kicks in.

EDIT: Just went and checked that card in question. Yeah, there's too much volume to pin point exact prices there. But being as the high point was 10 sales for average of 2.93, there was maybe a single card that fetched 7.00. If more had done so, the median price would have risen higher than that.

median != average
Median just means that of the 10 cards sold, 5 of them sold for more than 2.93 and 4 of them sold for less (or slightly different depending on the definition). There is no way to get any more information out of the median, a card could've sold for $100 instead of $7 and it wouldn't have changed the median.


Dumb decision if you ask me, unless they dramatically decrease the drop ratio. That would work I guess.

But still, no real incentive to level up now, or smaller than ever in any case. I feel bad for those who crafted their cards into badges to get to level 10 and get a chance to drop foil cards.

That was me :( No foils.


median != average
Median just means that of the 10 cards sold, 5 of them sold for more than 2.93 and 4 of them sold for less (or slightly different depending on the definition). There is no way to get any more information out of the median, a card could've sold for $100 instead of $7 and it wouldn't have changed the median.

I'm on a role today. I thought they were listing average price sold for the lot. Kind of a weird way of doing things, because it's so imprecise for predicting values.


Axel Hertz
They probably already spent 5 bucks on each account and sold the keys a long time ago.

That's the thing that stopped me from actually using my 6 (one for each day) idle accounts for TF2.

I wasn't going to spend 30 bucks upgrading them to Confirmed accounts. Maybe I should have (I also didn't want to associate my CC or Paypal account to those accounts, as those are the payment options I use on my main account and I didn't want Valve to come crushing down on me)




Saints Row IV is up


$44.99 (-10%) if you own SR3?

Plus skins?



Girlfriend gifted me Dust and Fez on Steam for my birthday, no idea which to play first, anyone got a recommendation?

You have an awesome girlfriend with great taste, my gf hates video games....

As for which one to play, depends on your tastes.

Fez is a puzzle game.

Dust is a Metroidvania Action-RPG.


Unconfirmed Member
Girlfriend gifted me Dust and Fez on Steam for my birthday, no idea which to play first, anyone got a recommendation?
Fez made me feel incredibly stupid, I don't want to touch it ever again. I haven't played Dust, so I don't know how good it is.

Also, happy birthday!


Anyone from Brazil here willing to help?

Pre-order for Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World is up and it costs only 3.59 BRL (~1.70$) in Brazil.


Hmm, so Saints Row is free for a weekend, whats to stop you from completing it before monday? Or is it time limited or something?

I already have it just curious and its the first time I've noticed a single player game being free, although I'm sure its happened before.
Well, to directly answer your question: there's nothing stopping you from completing it before Monday, or installing it over the weekend and going offline until you're done playing it (Steam won't remove it until you're online and and free weekend is over, IIRC).

Girlfriend gifted me Dust and Fez on Steam for my birthday, no idea which to play first, anyone got a recommendation?
She has good taste, I recommend you put a ring on it and then play Dust.


Axel Hertz
Anyone from Brazil here willing to help?

Pre-order for Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World is up and it costs only 3.59 BRL (~1.70$) in Brazil.

I'd help, but you'd have to pay the paypal fees (you can't gift money to Brazilians) and that would render your savings rather useless.
median != average
Median just means that of the 10 cards sold, 5 of them sold for more than 2.93 and 4 of them sold for less (or slightly different depending on the definition). There is no way to get any more information out of the median, a card could've sold for $100 instead of $7 and it wouldn't have changed the median.

In theory, a median would be more useful, because it represents an actual example as opposed to just being an estimate. If someone sold a Heavy card for a billion dollars, you would much rather have a median than an average, because a median would represent the data better.

Crap I learned in Stats class.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
List of individual sales for Steam activated titles on Amazon's indie store, courtesy of JaseC

Tony posted a list of everything that's on sale/due to go on sale over at CAG. I took the liberty of weeding out the non-Steam stuff, as well as the superfluous Mac and 4-pack listings:

6/6 only:






A few things to note:

- I'm quite certain the Steam DRM listed on the Mac version of Blockland is an error as while the game is on Greenlight, it hasn't yet been approved. If somebody wants to take one for the team, go right ahead. ;)
- Most (all?) indie game purchases give you $15 of credit to use towards Huntsman, meaning you can pre-order it for free. You'll also get credit to put towards Dynasty of Dusk and The Curse of Nordic Cave, both of which also get knocked down to $0.
- Despite not being mentioned on the page itself, the key Raven Squad gives you is indeed a Steam key, which is notable because the game was pulled from the store some time ago.
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