Is the sonic racing game fun?
Is the sonic racing game fun?
Make sure to remind them to send the Paypal by gift.
So you don't have to deal with any of the service charges.
Speaking of Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. There is a 255MB update. Wonder what it's for.
According to the Community Hub, it's a Total War: Rome II character.
Is the sonic racing game fun?
I hate the fact that I couldn't send paypal money as a gift![]()
About Spelunky, what are the differences between the XBLA/Steam version and the original freeware? Are there any additional content or it's just the revamped visuals?
thanks - Grief do you want one?
Ok ive got three keys for Sonic All Stars - £2.25 PM me
I can confirm that.According to the Community Hub, it's a Total War: Rome II character.
Thanks for the answer even if most of the lingo went right over my head. I think I will squeeze Skullgirls into my August budget even if that is stretched enough already. Got to get over your fears sometimes. Will pick up a cheap 14~ PS3 Fightpad with my next Amazon purchase, do I need Motionjoy like with the DS3 or do they just work?Skullgirls is more like the Marvel vs series than Street Fighter in that it has air dashes, super jumps, assists and is generally more chaotic than a match of SF. The game does have a decent tutorial that tells you the fundamentals of a fighting game and the official community thread on Gaf is friendly to new people. Make no mistake that it'll be rough getting into any fighting game (or competitive genre really) but if you feel like you'll enjoy the learning experience then go for it. Since you missed a beta key, do you have a PS3 or 360 to download the demo and try out the game?
The fightpads are perfectly fine if you don't have a stick and MUCH much better than duking it out on a keyboard.
Will Sonic Racing make me feel all tsundere?
I can confirm that.
Meet Willemus:
I can confirm that.
Meet Willemus:
Sounds about right.
Any place I can get Rayman Legends cheaper than steam?
Dunder doesn't have any copies left.
two more sonic all star keys left
Im back guys.
Im sorry, I tried to move back to OT, but I missed this too much.
Im home again.
Thanks for the answer even if most of the lingo went right over my head. I think I will squeeze Skullgirls into my August budget even if that is stretched enough already. Got to get over your fears sometimes. Will pick up a cheap 14€~ PS3 Fightpad with my next Amazon purchase, do I need Motionjoy like with the DS3 or do they just work?
8 keys comes to around $17.
My obligatory: why isnt oblivion cheaper-post
The friends on my list are on a Skullgirls frenzy...
so we got another Skullgirls 4pack going (lol)
but only got two copies at 11.25USD each
PM me![]()
for the new page
You referring to the sale price on Saturday or the regular price?
Wait. How does this work for the guys offering the games? How much is Rayman in Russia?
399 Russiabucks, whch is ~USD$12.
Sonic all stars - no more keys left
done my first steam gifting - thanks NeoGaf
"Please do not reserve the white boxes"
People don't know how to read!
Crazy. Russians must really hate platformers for it to launch at that price.
Oh well, enjoy my $40, Ancel![]()
Sale price.
I dont get why fallout new vegas is way cheaper than a 7 year old game.
Last sale at least oblivion was 5 bucks
Ah well
Piracy is a big issue, endemically so, which requires publishers to price accordingly -- this is why you see a few publishers create RU-specific registry listings. Valve's success in the region saw other publishers jump on board, and as at October 2011, Russia was Steam's second-largest continental European market, behind Germany. I wouldn't be surprised if the two have traded places by now.
Asking again![]()
An interesting approach. Still, $12 is crazy, I knew about Russia's low-prices shenanigans, but I didn't know they could go as low as to almost reach a 75% price difference. Anyway, Rayman's worth the full price. From what I've seen and how much I enjoyed Origins this might as well be my GotY.
Sorry, noob at this - when I click those links it asks me for Keys not moneys what are keys and how do you get them?
Sorry, noob at this - when I click those links it asks me for Keys not moneys what are keys and how do you get them?