Like I said, only got $30
Alabama or England?
I already have it, but your phone call will take place at night. :3Do you need my phone number?
Here's to stress-testing my Enhanced Steam server!
The latter, but you don't have to actually play the game; you can just leave it sitting at the main menu and alt-tab to do something else. You'll get a notification in the Steam client each time a card drops.
So what you guys are telling me here is that Salsa is the vampire from Let the Right One In?
Alice Madness Returns for 5 bucks, should I?
I must resist temptation and wait for the Daily Deals and Flash SalesAll gone within 20 minutes.
haha I don't think I could make a worse deal if I tried
Just PM'd Salsa.
I guess if she is AFK I can make the thread, don't expect anything special though.
Yes please. Love Meta games.
Sanctum deal ends the 22nd
FREE upcoming Steam Sale Quotes just for you, GAF, pick one:
- Is steam down?
-OMG YES (insert game here) you will be mine
- Is (insert game here) worth it?
- Should I bite or wait for the dailly deal guys?
- Vote for (insert game here) on the Community Votes PLEASE!
- Meeeh not for me, my wallet is safe.
- My Wallet is crying!
- What? Why such a big difference form $ to
- NOOO (...) oooo.
Defiance badge woo.
The quarterly steam crash happens in four minutes yay!
Salsa is a she?
And rms00 too?
It's worth the price of admission for the fantastic art and soundtrack alone.
Yay! My rigg arived! Just in time? :'D
33% this does not bode well.