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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2013 V - Message Modbot for Good Time 1-800-555-READOP

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
RE: Icons; let me know if you feel like ModBot should be more aggressive about doing the icons or not. I wanted to add graphical flare (and fight off competition from those lovely SteamGiveaways banners that they generate!!!!) but I didn't want stuff to be too icon-heavy or to have to spam steam's servers and bog up generation times.

Nah it's all good for me - was kind of a tongue-in-cheek thing, since alr1ght did his giveaway with a custom icon. :)


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
RE: Icons; let me know if you feel like ModBot should be more aggressive about doing the icons or not. I wanted to add graphical flare (and fight off competition from those lovely SteamGiveaways banners that they generate!!!!) but I didn't want stuff to be too icon-heavy or to have to spam steam's servers and bog up generation times.
As long as NOICONS remains an option, I'm happy.


Hello everyone, we have a few updates today:
New "Booster Pack Eligibility" dialog - you can find this in the top right of your badges page. It will list the games where you are currently eligible to receive a booster pack.

CS:GO Fix - We've fixed an issue where some CS:GO owners were not getting card drops for owning the game after last Thursday's update.

Trade Offer Web API - For developers, there's a new set of Web APIs available for working with Trade Offers. More information is available on the Valve Developer Community Wiki.
As always, be sure to leave your feedback in the group discussions area!



RE: Icons; let me know if you feel like ModBot should be more aggressive about doing the icons or not. I wanted to add graphical flare (and fight off competition from those lovely SteamGiveaways banners that they generate!!!!) but I didn't want stuff to be too icon-heavy or to have to spam steam's servers and bog up generation times.

Also raffles from now on will now contain a live-updated countdown timer so you know exactly how long is left! Thanks ckohler for unwittingly letting me piggyback off your countdown script!

*checks op*

You know I love excessive graphical flair Stump.


Wow, woke up to Humble Bundle 9
Weird that Steam isn't letting me download any of the games after adding the keys though, I guess the servers are just getting hammered?

Also 1 day left before 10th anniversary


Ugh. I think I'm ready to give GTA IV another shot. I hope GFWL and Securom go easy on me.

I wonder how long I'll last before I delete it.

I hope that Rockstar has a solution in place once Microsoft pulls the plug on GFWL. I like to think that GTA IV has done fairly well on PC to warrant it. It still manages to reach the top 10 on the top sellers list during sales.

Is the multiplayer component in Max Payne 3 handled by Rockstar Social Club?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
If anyone doesn't have it yet, it's a fantastic game.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:


Mark of the Ninja -- MB-CAEA11A23DBD91B8 - Taken by Shalashaska


Playing a few rounds of Incognita. Since the game isn't that big yet, the other guys probably told you about everything already, but still...

I love the contrast/ different approach of Mark of the Ninja and Incognita in regards to information. Where the first one gives you all the neccessary infos right away, in Incognita you have to get them on your own, making difficult decisions and weighing up time (round), your action points, the enemy and so on on the go. This makes the game far more tactical, while MofN relied more on precision.


I haven't been able to use Steam market since 29th August thanks to the new broken feature of Steam.

15 days Do they really want me to wait until 9th of October?
the bonus games are usually previous bundle participants as opposed to totally new games
In that case I really want Limbo to be added. I've been waiting to play it.


listen to the mad man
Dat countdown

ModBot said:
Just quote this message and paste the quote in the thread:

I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- If you win and you don't play this game and finish it before December 31st, 2013, you're going to get a negative tag because Mod Abuse that's why
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:


Fez -- MB-35F87567FFD1F53C - Taken by Ogedai_Khan. 19 entrants total.

Sorry it isn't a great giveaway...but it would have been yesterday.

ModBot said:
Just quote this message and paste the quote in the thread:

I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:


Mark of the Ninja -- MB-802D7320C5BAEC6D - Taken by Overdoziz
FEZ -- MB-83E162871DBABB22 - Taken by OverHeat
FTL -- MB-3D97F05831F2C6C5 - Taken by itllgrobak
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