STEAM | May 2017 - Praeying for Dino Crisis

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Is there any software that can tell me what takes up all of this space on my SSD? I got a 250gb SSD with room for 232gb, and my Steam games take up 48.4gb, so all of the rest of my stuff takes up 183,6gb and I have no idea what it is. I need 60gb for that sweet Tekken 7 install tomorrow.

I use this

Kind of a silly UI, but it helps quickly visualize relative space usage

Fuuuck. My phone died today and I was planning on buying Black Desert Online before the sale is over.

Steam won't allow me to do anything without Steam Guard until Steam Support is done reviewing my case. The sale is over in ~2 hours, I'm SOL right?
If you are into the classic SNES era of jrpgs, pick it up. It plays like a faux mmo, you have a bunch of little quests to earn xp, money, and items. The battle system is great, it's basically secret of mana style gameplay but with more control and action. The sprite work is great too, for $14 I'd say pick it up.

Secret of Mana style... yesssssssss.

It's not couch co-op, though, which was one of the things I loved about that game.
Fuuuck. My phone died today and I was planning on buying Black Desert Online before the sale is over.

Steam won't allow me to do anything without Steam Guard until Steam Support is done reviewing my case. The sale is over in ~2 hours, I'm SOL right?

Get someone to gift it to you?


mannnnn I always love watching fighting games but im so terrible at them so I dont really buy them...tekken seems really cool though. how is the story modes in those games? good for noobs?


Is there any software that can tell me what takes up all of this space on my SSD? I got a 250gb SSD with room for 232gb, and my Steam games take up 48.4gb, so all of the rest of my stuff takes up 183,6gb and I have no idea what it is. I need 60gb for that sweet Tekken 7 install tomorrow.

I use this one regularly. ( ) It has a sensible UI, is fairly fast on my SSD and doesn't look and feel like a hundred year old app.


Is there any software that can tell me what takes up all of this space on my SSD? I got a 250gb SSD with room for 232gb, and my Steam games take up 48.4gb, so all of the rest of my stuff takes up 183,6gb and I have no idea what it is. I need 60gb for that sweet Tekken 7 install tomorrow.

I personally use TreeSize Free because of its many options and windows integration
EDIT: Oh, Mivey ninja'ed me

If you are into the classic SNES era of jrpgs, pick it up. It plays like a faux mmo, you have a bunch of little quests to earn xp, money, and items. The battle system is great, it's basically secret of mana style gameplay but with more control and action. The sprite work is great too, for $14 I'd say pick it up.
yep pretty much this, really love what i played from Cross Code so far , too bad they recently postponed v1.0 Full Launch from July to Early 2018 :-(
Will be interesting to see what happens to Kingdom Hearts franchise when we inevitably get FFXII.

I think I played a little bit of the first one around when it came out. Nothing else.

I'd be stoked for a PC release.


Also, I wish I would have tried out Vanquish prior to getting this new monitor so I had a frame of reference for comparison.

All I can say is that it looks smoooooooooooth with GSYNC.


mannnnn I always love watching fighting games but im so terrible at them so I dont really buy them...tekken seems really cool though. how is the story modes in those games? good for noobs?
Let me give u an idea of tekken's story-

You can always have fun mashing buttons in tekken cuz that is how many have played since the ps1 era.
It is casual button mashing fun so get in on that ish!


Fuuuck. My phone died today and I was planning on buying Black Desert Online before the sale is over.

Steam won't allow me to do anything without Steam Guard until Steam Support is done reviewing my case. The sale is over in ~2 hours, I'm SOL right?
That's why you don't need a mobile authenticator.


That's what I wanted to hear without mentioning it.

I should have asked this originally. How long is this game?

It depends on how many side quests you do, there is only 3 dungeons right now since its EA, imo its a nice chunk if you do everything from the get go.

Secret of Mana style... yesssssssss.

It's not couch co-op, though, which was one of the things I loved about that game.

This game would be even better if they added that!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
All you guys posting screenshots of your preferred file size viewers are missing out on the golden opportunity for a Milamber moment.


Dies Irae pushed back.
Muv-Luv Alternative delayed.
Root Double VITA version still not out.

Why are people supporting VN Kickstarters?


Will be interesting to see what happens to Kingdom Hearts franchise when we inevitably get FFXII.

KH will be a bit more problematic to port than the FF unfortunately, since there's licensing of Disney content as well as Utada Hikaru, which is what - supposedly - stopped the games from getting a digital release inthe past.

Altho the issue with the digital release has been solved with the PS4 versions as it seems.

I'd quadruple dip tho


I've just picked up The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition after completing Dying Light and wanting a new SP game to lose some hours to.

I hope I get sucked into it as much as a lot of peeps on Gaf did in the past. It has some glowing reviews.

Any tips/advice before I start the game such as some PC tweaks/mods I should be looking into etc?


I've just picked up The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition after completing Dying Light and wanting a new SP game to lose some hours to.

I hope I get sucked into it as much as a lot of peeps on Gaf did in the past. It has some glowing reviews.

Any tips/advice before I start the game such as some PC tweaks/mods I should be looking into etc?

Disable Points of Interests map markers ASAP.
If you play with a gamepad, you should be able to setup macros to use all signs with simple combos, sure as hell made my game more enjoyable.
Fast travel anywhere mod is recommended, although I'm not sure if it works with the latest patch.


I bought Witcher 3 at Steam, and have a new noob question regarding PC gaming.

I'm currently with a RX 480. Setted the game at 1080p, everything on high (not ultra) trying to keep 60 fps. Hairworks off and SSAO.

Temperature seems to be going from 75~80 (I think I should expect 85~90ºC when it gets a bit older and during long usage), it's also running at 100% usage. Are these numbers normal and safe? Or should I drop the settings for lowest numbers?


I've just picked up The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition after completing Dying Light and wanting a new SP game to lose some hours to.

I hope I get sucked into it as much as a lot of peeps on Gaf did in the past. It has some glowing reviews.

Any tips/advice before I start the game such as some PC tweaks/mods I should be looking into etc?
My needs were simple.

Infinite sprint stamina.
Infinite Roach stamina.

I also set up a controller config through steam so that long pressing the back/select button quick saves.



Have you ever wanted to be the head of a giant transport company responsible for connecting all important sectors of the US industry? This fall, TransRoad: USA, the newest management simulation game by Deck13 Hamburg and astragon Entertainment, will grant you the opportunity to discover the sophisticated logistics that are indispensable when it comes to keeping the US economy up and running.
Any tips/advice before I start the game such as some PC tweaks/mods I should be looking into etc?

There's an option to enable an alternate movement system that seems to lower inertia. Check both movement systems and see what's best for you.

Resources/money will feel scarce at the start but you will get tons of it later on so don't worry about that stuff too much.

Take the time to understand Gwent during it's tutorial. It's a really fun minigame if it clicks for you.

Main quests give substantially more XP than side quests. Try and do the main quest at or around the recommended levels. If you level up too far past the recommended level a quest becomes 'grey' and will not give any XP after that.

Take the time to explore the game world and get absorbed in the experience. Don't treat it as just another game where you go from one quest marker to the next just to clean up your quest log.


Hover : Revolt of Gamers is out from early access.


Today's launch comes with an impressive update that doubles the game content compared to Early Access.

Here's the full game content overview :
  • 9 Playable Characters
  • 1 Tutorial Stage
  • 2 Open World Stages
  • 2 Indoor Non-Linear Stages
  • 2 Indoor Linear Stages
  • The Final Boss
  • 90+ Storyline Missions
  • Many Challenges of very different kinds : Races - Chase - Infiltration - Tricks & Combos - Graffiti - Sabotage - Catch
  • Missions editor
  • Skill chips for customization
  • 7 collectible pets
  • 48 collectible graffiti
  • Gameball matches & races (epic streetball like game)
  • 17 original music tracks (feat. Hideki Naganuma)

Full announcement: link


For you.
You have 12 unread chat messages *clicks* oh you wanted to view them? Nah we didn't save them.

Gee thanks Steam.
You need to close the chat windows before clicking on it if already had a chat window opened with the person who sent it.

You can check the chat history if you open the respective chat on the mobile app


Disable Points of Interests map markers ASAP.
If you play with a gamepad, you should be able to setup macros to use all signs with simple combos, sure as hell made my game more enjoyable.
Fast travel anywhere mod is recommended, although I'm not sure if it works with the latest patch.

My needs were simple.

Infinite sprint stamina.
Infinite Roach stamina.

I also set up a controller config through steam so that long pressing the back/select button quick saves.

There's an option to enable an alternate movement system that seems to lower inertia. Check both movement systems and see what's best for you.

Resources/money will feel scarce at the start but you will get tons of it later on so don't worry about that stuff too much.

Take the time to understand Gwent during it's tutorial. It's a really fun minigame if it clicks for you.

Main quests give substantially more XP than side quests. Try and do the main quest at or around the recommended levels. If you level up too far past the recommended level a quest becomes 'grey' and will not give any XP after that.

Take the time to explore the game world and get absorbed in the experience. Don't treat it as just another game where you go from one quest marker to the next just to clean up your quest log.

Thanks all, I'll check out those mods and the control systems. Would you all say it is a controller game? I don't mind playing it either way to be honest but with controller being mentioned a few times that seems like it might be the better experience for combat?
Thanks all, I'll check out those mods and the control systems. Would you all say it is a controller game? I don't mind playing it either way to be honest but with controller being mentioned a few times that seems like it might be the better experience for combat?


I played the majority of it with a controller, though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I bought Witcher 3 at Steam, and have a new noob question regarding PC gaming.

I'm currently with a RX 480. Setted the game at 1080p, everything on high (not ultra) trying to keep 60 fps. Hairworks off and SSAO.

Temperature seems to be going from 75~80 (I think I should expect 85~90ºC when it gets a bit older and during long usage), it's also running at 100% usage. Are these numbers normal and safe? Or should I drop the settings for lowest numbers?



Thanks all, I'll check out those mods and the control systems. Would you all say it is a controller game? I don't mind playing it either way to be honest but with controller being mentioned a few times that seems like it might be the better experience for combat?

I vastly preferred mouse and keyboard. Something just felt more fluid in terms of dodging and quickly flicking through spells.
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