STEAM | May 2017 - Praeying for Dino Crisis

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I don't know man, but Tizoc is doing like 25 game write-ups for the June thread.

I'm looking forward to Dirt and Micro Machines, myself.

Well I guess there are always lots of indie games and VNs coming out, but no marquee titles it seems unless you are into fighters.

Edit: Steam videos playing on my iPad, what a time to be alive.


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A Story About My Uncle -- MB-53D077B5F19DA76D - Taken by Shalashaska


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Volgarr the Viking -- MB-6617D7C3BB4CFEDA - Taken by fuzzy123

One more
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
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Neocolonialism -- MB-923EDE1855858B3C - Taken by Bonfires Down
Survival: Postapocalypse Now -- MB-8F61157606D54108 - Taken by FeedMeAStrayCat
Survival: Postapocalypse Now #2 -- MB-9CA207D7B09B0915 - Taken by Sarcasm
Survival: Postapocalypse Now #3 -- MB-2A68FB5FAC121946 - Taken by SSPssp
Survival: Postapocalypse Now #4 -- MB-F5835AAFB88294ED - Taken by Backlogger
The Few -- MB-27E4AF6DAFA127A6 - Taken by Saty


I just finished Doom!


Awesome game!!! Top notch single player campaign that really rewards exploration. I tried to collect everything I could in my 1st playthrough, although I have left quite a bunch of things behind cause I couldn't figure out how to get to certain places.

It took me, according to Steam, 15 hours to finish. I did it through Hurt Me Plenty difficulty though; still was quite challengening sometimes in my opinion (specially the two last levels).

I think it was the best shooter I played in quite a while (most certainly the best SP shooter campaign I played this gen, followed by Halo 5).


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Is there a gaming convention simulator out there or do I need to just mod Prison Architect?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Are you telling me Shadow Hand is not a hidden object game? Because thats what I would guess it was from the name and banner.
Are you telling me Shadow Hand is not a hidden object game? Because thats what I would guess it was from the name and banner.

You would think so. Though it would probably something like Shadow Hand 1: The Curse of the ill-fitting glove.

Should be out sometime today, has dropped on XBOX, though there is no countdown timer yet.


Are you telling me Shadow Hand is not a hidden object game? Because thats what I would guess it was from the name and banner.

Shadowhand is from the same devs that brought us the rather delightful Regency Solitaire, so it has my interest. 'Tis true, it too had artwork that was more than a little hidden object game-ish, now that you mention it.


Uzbekistan has blocked the import and distribution of a long list of video games, the BBC reports.

The country's Government states that the games could be used to propagate "violence, pornography, threaten security and social and political stability". Some titles may also damage the "civil peace and inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony" that exists, while others may contain "false information about Uzbekistan and the distortion of its historic, cultural and spiritual values."

Games that have been banned primarily include titles containing sex and violence, such as Postal 2, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the Hitman series, Left4Dead, Carmageddon, Mafia II, Dead Space, Doom 3 and 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Manhunt, Fallout : New Vegas, Dead by Daylight, Hatred, Until Dawn, Shadow Warrior, The Sims 3 and 4, Bone Town, Prototype, Dying Light, Lula 3D, Mortal Kombat X, Naughty Bear, Kane and Lynch 2, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

Full list of games:


Is it just me or do June and July look pretty dead for new releases? I guess that is somewhat typical for summer months.

For June, we will have:

For July, I'm crossing fingers and hope we will have:

For August:

Plus, anytime from now, we could have Miegakure.


Do try and link the steam pages in the future please ;D

I need to write a script to automate this process.

Something which would automatically replace any text like:


Or even better, I would press a button while on the Steam store, and it would copy this info to the clipboard.

Edit: Actually, RANDOMFLUFF is not needed, which is a good thing.


Trails of Cold Steel
Tokyo Xanadu
Trails in the Sky 3
Ys 8

All in the same year
Great year for Falcom fans.
Now if they announce Brandish PSP as well for PC, this'd be the greatest gaming year ever.

EDIT: Just a heads up that SF5 has a big update qued, that adds in the recent online updates and Eminem.



This is from Ed's story mode in Street Fighter V, and the gorilla looks like he matches the big S2 silhouette, so I'm pretty sure he's going to be one of the new playable characters.



This is from Ed's story mode in Street Fighter V, and the gorilla looks like he matches the big S2 silhouette, so I'm pretty sure he's going to be one of the new playable characters.


Come on SNK, when are you gonna make Kyokugen Bear playable?



SPUF End of Life June 5th, 2017

Yesterday these forums went down, and we quickly heard from many of you that you wished there had been some warning so you could save off or archive some of the content here.

You were right that we failed by not communicating that the forums would go down and giving you a chance to save off content. As such, we’ve now restored access to the forums, but we won’t be able to continue to support them long term. They will go down permanently on June 5th, 2017. We encourage you to save off any posts or content that you find valuable in that timeframe or to migrate them to Steam Community Discussions.


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Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.


Mystery Gift -- MB-ED5DB71747C2E19D - Taken by Card Boy
Are you telling me Shadow Hand is not a hidden object game? Because thats what I would guess it was from the name and banner.

Believe it or not, that Shadow Hand pirate girl character is actually too pretty to be a hidden-object character.

So they banned New Vegas but not Fallout 3 or 4? Todd Howard's reach is greater than we thought.

Now, I haven't played Fallout 4, so I'm not sure, but could it have something to do with the fact that New Vegas has gay characters and the protagonist can roleplay someone gay using perks? After all, the list doesn't just include violence.
Also Lego City Undercover is $12 on CDkeys.

Not sure if I should get it or not.

I thought it was a fantastic game, and it's well worth that price (almost 75% off). It flew under the radar on SteamGAF for some reason. It's full of goofy, silly humor with fun main missions and a ton of side content/collectibles in the city if that's your thing.

I finished the Dark Souls 3 Ringed City yesterday. Enjoyed it a lot. It's longer than the first DLC with two full zones/several areas to explore, lots of new enemies and good boss fights. I'm not too invested in the Souls lore so I'm not actually sure if ties up the story well but from a gameplay perspective it's pure, classic Souls that's just really fun to play.

I've honestly never understood the complaints about Dark Souls 3 not being good enough for some people. I even enjoyed Dark Souls 2 a lot although at least for that game I could understand that folks might not have liked it's somewhat linear/branching structure. I don't think any of the clones have been better than the games From made. Is it because people know/understand how to play Souls now so it doesn't measure up to the experience you had when you were playing your first Souls game? Because sure, there is a certain predictability to enemy placements and combat styles after you've played so much of the series but surely that doesn't make it an inferior experience, does it? I just don't get it.
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