Yeah, Saint's Row The Third is some amazing co-op material.
The Saints Row 2 port was handled by the CDProjekt, so, basically, where's your god now?
Think I'm gonna pick up F1 2012. I don't have a ton of racing game experience, but I've been really into Dirt 2/3 lately. Same devs? Also playing with controller, will I still get some enjoyment?
Just press the turbo button and you're all set. Of course, first you need to tweak the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files. And allocate the extended memory.Wow. What is it the 90s again? Programmer shame beam, activate!
Well shit! Thanks for the quick warning. Is the full package for the Third worth it?
I'll ask one more time, anyone want to split a Don't Starve two pack?
Anyone here got a spare copy of Don't Starve? I'll paypal ya $6+1.
Still looking for something to split Dont Starve purchase with
Unless you're a European PS3 owner that is. Still can't believe how badly they fucked that up.
Just press the turbo button and you're all set. Of course, first you need to tweak the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files. And allocate the extended memory.
I'm playing the original bioshock for the first time andatlas' family just got killed
I know I'm late on this but this game seems hardly as special as what everyone made it out to be. Cool atmosphere and all but the gameplay itself is pretty average.
Maybe it will impress me more later.
The Saints Row 2 port was handled by the CDProjekt, so, basically, where's your god now?
I'll ask one more time, anyone want to split a Don't Starve two pack?
The Saints Row 2 port was handled by the CDProjekt, so, basically, where's your god now?
The Saints Row 2 port was handled by the CDProjekt, so, basically, where's your god now?
I'm pretty sure it's the GOG part of the company that did the port, not Red, the part that does The Witcher games.
Fine by me. The more players the better.There is a rumor floating around that CS:GO might be going F2P in the future. The evidence surrounding it is really flimsy, so I'm hesitant to make a new thread.
1) Apparently one of the members of a competitive team talked to a member of the site and told him GO was converting to F2P. This is kinda dubious because anybody can say anything on the internet, but stranger things have happened.
2) A recent patch showed that Valve plans to sell tournament league passes and have item drops ala Dota 2.
CS:GO has, by all accounts, been a massive flop so far. Six months after release and after several sales, it still can't beat CS:S or even touch 1.6 in player counts. A F2P conversion doesn't sound all that crazy. The general consensus is that free players would only be able to play on pub servers and you could "buy" the game to participate in competitive matchmaking (and presumably cosmetics?)
I hope so, then all you'll have left to do is run the setup program and set the proper sound port and IRQ.*internet high-five*
I wonder if I could use moslo to get it to run at proper speed.
I hope so, then all you'll have left to do is run the setup program and set the proper sound port and IRQ.
Seriously, games this days are a pain in the ass to run. I hope one day we can get a piece of software that allows us to double click on a game in a list and automatically download and install it, without worrying about directories or manually configuring everything
I'm downloading an 11gb Team Fortress 2 update on my 1200 baud modem right now. I hope I don't get disconnected or I'll have to start all over again. Damn BBS only supports xmodem!
You lucky sons of bitches. I'm still installing the TF2 update from 8,046 floppy disks.
You must have gotten the 5 1/4 Floppy Edition. The 3 1/2 Edition only has 3000.
Dang, you just stole my line.You can borrow my Jaz drive.
Green man gaming has a major indies sale going on atm-
Green man gaming has a major indies sale going on atm-
This voucher: GMG20-P4DLK-FKYRSGreen man gaming has a major indies sale going on atm-
Get a room, whydontcha?
I'm done, don't pm me
This voucher: GMG20-P4DLK-FKYRS
still appears to be working for an extra 20% off. Ends at 1700 GMT though, so I think you've only got about thirty more minutes to use it.
Pretty seriously considering Pid for $2.72.
You can borrow my Jaz drive.
I had a 4-track minidisc recorder. Shit was tight.
This voucher: GMG20-P4DLK-FKYRS
still appears to be working for an extra 20% off. Ends at 1700 GMT though, so I think you've only got about thirty more minutes to use it.
Pretty seriously considering Pid for $2.72.
Crap, I need Capsule to download Dustforce? Should I be afraid?
Rayman - 66% off
From Dust - 75% off
I Am Alive - 66% off