New client seems organized better.
I hate the new community tab. It's like a huge ad convention with things I don't care about. Really liked the old community with screenshots from friend and achievements.
New client seems organized better.
Shattered Haven - developer of Valley Without Wind
Sid Meier's Railroads updated in the steam registry about an hour ago. Think it'll come back to steam? More to the point does anyone know why it was removed in the first place?
I'm hating the instant drop downs on mouseover.New client seems organized better.
Anyone who thinks Fish is annoying is probably the type of person that holds lifelong grudges against people and wants straight up, sterile formal behavior from anyone selling something
Of course they had to change the damn client again.
Well it needs significant updating.
Yup, that's something I'd never have guessed, I think. Is it worth trying to solve that enigma?Well without giving too much away the wholeAt first it looks like a normal texture but later onalphabet and numbering systems are hidden in those funny hieroglyphs on all the walls.other than that there are loads of hiddenyou need to have got it worked out to solve certain puzzles and some to get cube work out. As I said though once the penny drops you realise there's quite bit more to this game than meets the eye. Fish maybe be an outspoken, pretentious brat but this game truly had a lot of love put in it.lore and messages
Is that Lindsay Lohan before she became a trainwreck? Trust me, if you looked half as good as her in that .gif, I'd totally choose the "fooling-around-in-bed" scenario.I try to avoid using a gif too frequently, but:
[.gif of pretty redhead]
For real.
I like what you did there.Quite a leap in logic you got there. I think you're annoying for making such a post but I won't hold it against you, this time.
People are justified in being annoyed by someone who claims to take great pride in their vision, expresses that it is more important than money while insulting a gaming platform in the process, then turns around and ports it to that very platform "for profit" as he put it himself.
Yup, that's something I'd never have guessed, I think. Is it worth trying to solve that enigma?
Is that Lindsay Lohan before she became a trainwreck? Trust me, if you looked half as good as her in that .gif, I'd totally choose the "fooling-around-in-bed" scenario.
Redheads are my weakness.
Yup, that's something I'd never have guessed, I think. Is it worth trying to solve that enigma?
This is the primary reason I have so many unfinished games. It takes forever to select each game then put it in the corresponding category that I just end up saying fuck it.Is there still no batch select grouping?
I thought it was spot on, the way he said it was bound to piss people off though. Words get misinterpreted easily.the japanese games comment was hilarious though, and kinda accurate, if im right about what he was trying to say
I thought it was spot on, the way he said it was bound to piss people off though. Words get misinterpreted easily.
You can't sell these in the market btw, I wouldn't expect that.
NOTE: if you use McAfee anti-virus products, you may experience an issue where Steam continually tries to download and apply this update. If so, please temporarily disable your virus scanner and restart Steam to complete the update. We are working to find a better solution for this incompatibility in future updates.
Fez on PC is a lot like you going to a strip club and seeing a girl who was mean to you in high school. Like, you know you shouldn't revel in it and you'll feel bad about it afterward, but damned if you aren't gonna make her dance for you.
guys this game is amazing and you should buy it
that's all
alright guys, im about to go nuts (by my standards)
asscreed2 $5
asscreed3 $25
cart life $tree fitty
bioshock infinite preorder $70.
pull the trigger on all of it?
alright guys, im about to go nuts (by my standards)
asscreed2 $5
asscreed3 $25
cart life $tree fitty
bioshock infinite preorder $70.
pull the trigger on all of it?
I can help you get Bioshock Infinite for the South American price ($45)
word? with xcom and all?
alright guys, im about to go nuts (by my standards)
asscreed2 $5
asscreed3 $25
cart life $tree fitty
bioshock infinite preorder $70.
pull the trigger on all of it?
That makes too much sense.Why don't you just play through AssCreed 2 first then get 3 when it's on sale later.
not to rain on your parade but I would most definetly expect that. They've already said the plan is to let you sell everything eventually.
alright guys, im about to go nuts (by my standards)
asscreed2 $5
asscreed3 $25
cart life $tree fitty
bioshock infinite preorder $70.
pull the trigger on all of it?
True, but how much is Natasha going to be worth? Those items are so common, they might even be lower than crates or Dota 2 invites.
Maximum of 2 cents.
alright guys, im about to go nuts (by my standards)
asscreed2 $5
asscreed3 $25
cart life $tree fitty
bioshock infinite preorder $70.
pull the trigger on all of it?
No preorder for Fez, which means no TF2 items. Grrr Phil Fish, I don't want to give you my money. But I feel I will anyway. Because of the port to PC.
but they can use those items to craft hats, wich could prove to be worth more money
Oh yes, I remember someone mentioned her before, maybe even in this same thread.Emma Stonenot sure if serious.
New to the whole 'TF2 Items from purchasing games' things. How long does it take for items to become sellable/tradable after they are released with a game?
Now that I know about it, I'd like to solve it myself. But I doubt I will, I struggle with the simplest of adventure games (such as TellTale's Sam & Max), so I'll probably give up pretty soon.There's a few extra bits you wont be able to see or puzzles to solve unless you either work it out or look online to cheat. I opted for the former and brought back memories of when I used to scribble out stuff for games like Metroid and MegaMan so was a hark back to the 8bit days for me. You can easily enjoy and play the game with it all going totally over your head though so don't worry too much about it. More over you could just play through it, takes around 4-6 hours roughly and then go and unearth everything in a new playthrough.
Avoid AC3 like Derrick avoids good games. Seriously not worth $25. Wait for $5-10.