Call of duty i give you , but i do not see why the other 2 do not belong together since they are both action games.
That's a very broad use of the term action. An action game for me, currently, is what others label as character action. Variety of weapons with long combo strings and a focus on combat. The Batman games are tricky and I'm not sure where to classify them, but I know they're not what I consider character action. I've sort of lumped them in with Assassin's Creed, Hitman, and a bunch of others where the focus seems to be on stealth rather than combat. I still don't feel great about that classification, but it's better than lumping it in with the other character action games.
I liked 1 but my friend borrowed my HD collection while I was in the middle of 2 and never returned it. I'm going to make a call now since it's been 3 years.
Many people consider GoW2 to be the best of the series. It's a shame you never got to finish it. Get on that!
And I'd recommend Castlevania for $5, especially if it's free card money you're buying it with. It's got a lot of problems, but there's a decent game underneath them all.
Wasn't DS3 supposed to be the one that lets you create your own custom weapons, though?
It does... and you can just create the standard weapons from previous games if you so desire.
DS3 is a lot like RE6. It focuses on combat and becomes more "action horror" than "survival horror" but at it's core, I found it to be a decent game overall. I had a bunch of fun with a random co-op partner and ran through the game several times with him and had a blast doing it.
IIRC, in previous DS games, you could hold three weapons at once, each possibly with a secondary attack. (So up to six attacks total) In DS3, you hold two customizable weapons, each with up to two separate attacks. (So up to four total) Also reloading in DS3 causes you to throw out the rest of your clip.
Or am I remembering it wrong?
I don't know about the throwing your clip out -- I don't remember that part clearly but as far as the crafting goes, 2 weapons never felt like too little, mostly because instead of having 3 weapons where you may not give a damn about the alt-fire, you could custom build your two favorite weapons into a single gun. I used to carry a line gun just for the mine alt fire in my DS2 hardcore run. Took up a whole weapon slot. In DS3, I just built that type of fire into one of my weapons as the alt fire.