dat Desktop holy fucking shit lol
I'm loving the full recycle bin, so appropriate.
dat Desktop holy fucking shit lol
Hey, nothing wrong with a black background!Why is there a black background dude?
Totally agree, you should use this gif with your review:
Oh wait, that's how I felt after reading your review.[/QUOTE]
Well, at least Gaf's taste also led me to The Swapper. You lose some, you win some, I guess.
It makes it easier to clean up the mess he makes.Why is there a black background dude?
25min until Revengean-
what is happening :lol
Here I am in a foreign country having an internet connection that can't support 144p playback on youtube and where I don't know anybody apart from the people at work. This means I actually have time to play some of my backlogged games I luckily downloaded before I left home! Currently I'm playing through XCOM, but I don't know where to go next. My available games are:
Rome: Total War
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition (has to activate on GFWL... I don't think that's possible with my internet)
Deus Ex: HR (played it up to the first boss, but I don't know if I should continue..)
Dishonored (low chaos playthrough done, high chaos here i come!)
Hotline Miami
Civilization 5
Torchlight 2
Europa Universalis 4
La-Mulana (~10h into the game, dont know if I want to continue without a walkthrough though)
Volgarr the Viking
The Walking Dead
Help me SteamGAF!
Hey, nothing wrong with a black background!
Cuts down on useless memory usage by windows.
Just finished Gone Home. Jesus, what an awful game. And people are praising so much its story: what story? Come on, it bets all on a 'just meh' twist. Bad bad game.
For some reason I was sure Rapelay was a snes shmup.
No, that was Axelay.
Do not google Rapelay.
Humble Bundle Weekly Sale: Sexy Beach
Not judging either - I think it's awesome actually.
Um, some of us don't have to Google rapelay to know what it is, thankyouverymuch.
Its so disappointing that Dark Souls doesn't have trading cards on steam. Thats like the one steam title that can easily getaway with having 100 or more trading cards because of all the damn awesome moments/characters in that game. Hope they add some in the future.
Here I am in a foreign country having an internet connection that can't support 144p playback on youtube and where I don't know anybody apart from the people at work. This means I actually have time to play some of my backlogged games I luckily downloaded before I left home! Currently I'm playing through XCOM, but I don't know where to go next. My available games are:
Rome: Total War
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition (has to activate on GFWL... I don't think that's possible with my internet)
Deus Ex: HR (played it up to the first boss, but I don't know if I should continue..)
Dishonored (low chaos playthrough done, high chaos here i come!)
Hotline Miami
Civilization 5
Torchlight 2
Europa Universalis 4
La-Mulana (~10h into the game, dont know if I want to continue without a walkthrough though)
Volgarr the Viking
The Walking Dead
Help me SteamGAF!
Runner 2 doesn't need these lame boss fights.
Especially that second one where you have to jumpkick for the first time in your life. Really, devs?
Also, Steam just died on me.
Steam is probably down.
Sorry, but the steam page you are requesting isn't reachable for now.
If you want to check for yourself, please check here.
Faithfully yours, the Enhanced Steam team.
Humble Bundle Weekly Sale: Milamber
Anyone else having trouble connecting?
I want to play my goddamn Revegeance.
Mirror's Edge has a load of horrible difficulty spikes.
Maybe it's because I'm using a controller but combat is AWFUL.
Mirror's Edge has a load of horrible difficulty spikes.
Maybe it's because I'm using a controller but combat is AWFUL.
Mirror's Edge has a load of horrible difficulty spikes.
Maybe it's because I'm using a controller but combat is AWFUL.
Anyone else having trouble connecting?
I want to play my goddamn Revegeance.
I think Milamber must be confused as to the nature of a videogame called Prey. He's in for a world of disappointment when only some of the doors are actually vaginas.
Mirror's Edge has a load of horrible difficulty spikes.
Maybe it's because I'm using a controller but combat is AWFUL.
I think Milamber must be confused as to the nature of a videogame called Prey. He's in for a world of disappointment when only some of the doors are actually vaginas.
I think Milamber must be confused as to the nature of a videogame called Prey. He's in for a world of disappointment when only some of the doors are actually vaginas.
I personally thought it got really bad once you had frequently to deal with groups of swat guys or whatever in enclosed spaces near the end. Never finished the game.
Steam getting DDOSed again?
Depends, really. The rest of the doors are sphincters.
I was excited for the last one until I heard the AI cars are constantly crashing into each other so you keep going into caution mode without doing anything wrong and never have a proper race.