I hate the Steam Cloud at the moment.
My MGR save is gone.
Now I'm a few hours back (which can be a lot in this game) and missing who knows how many upgrades and unlocks. >_<
How in the hell did it pull down my save file which never got the chance to update? I deleted all local content -- I'm assuming it didn't take the saves with it, just the game install... and then when I turned on auto-update again, it probably overwrote it.
In this case, Steam Cloud is not anywhere close to PS+ Cloud...![]()
Steam's supposed to give you the option of which save to use if the details don't match (last modified, file size, and so on). It can be screwy, though; for example, I was fiddling with Age 2 HD earlier and no matter what I tried I couldn't get Steam to realise that the local files had been modified. If you want to best protect against this in the future, you can back up your local MGR save (located in My Documents\MGR\SaveData) after playing and, if need be, attempt to have Steam use it by forcing a conflict.
As an example, let's say that I want to dive into Dust and don't want to risk Steam Cloud reverting my progress. First, I'd look at the registry to determine what files the game uploads to the cloud and where they're stored (for readability I've excluded the Mac and Linux data):
[quota] => 9.54 MB (10000000)
[maxnumfiles] => 48
[savefiles] => Array
[0] => Array
[root] => WinMyDocuments
[path] => SavedGames/DustAET
[pattern] => *.sav
[platforms] => Array
[1] => Windows
[recursive] => 1
Given the above, the files I want to make a habit of backing up are all the .sav files in My Documents\SavedGames\DustAET. Fast-forward a bit and the worst has happened: the files stored on Steam Cloud have become corrupt and Steam has overwritten the local files with these useless variants:
I can get around this by:
1) Exiting Steam
2) Navigating to the above folder, opening the files with a text editor and deleting all the data:

3) Deleting the remotecache.vdf file in Steam\userdata\[account id]\[app id]
4) Restarting Steam, at which point, in List View, I'm greeted with an icon informing me that there's a sync conflict:

5) Attempting to run the game and selecting the option to upload the local files to the cloud, effectively deleting what was previously stored:

6) And finally, exiting the game, then Steam itself, and overwriting the files I modified earlier with the backups I'd been maintaining. Steam won't detect a conflict since there's practically nothing stored on the cloud, but once I'm in-game my progress will be back: