Seams like the typical non-proofed article. If it had been confirmed I'm sure when Tora was being bugged about it he might have at least been at least forthcoming with some details. Rumored? yes, confirmed? no.
What does surprise me is that the decisions to release not only Rising but the late port of Lords of Shadow and day and date release of the sequel weren't exactly overnight on a whim ventures but would have been in some form of consideration for some time. If that's the case why not take a gamble, to test the waters so to speak with Ground Zeroes for pc at the same time as the console versions. Considering how long since that was announced for release and no confirmation of a pc release apart from a few suspect rumors.
If it sells well push on with MGS V on pc. Despite being a different genre to Solid but still the same universe Rising had better day one and lifetime to date concurrent players than Darksiders II and DmC, which both released in line with other platforms. Says a lot for the franchise if a port after a year can turn in those numbers.
I'd say it's because LoS and MGR are small enough to test the waters, but something like MGS way to big to take any risks with it. It's their biggest IP and not something they can throw around like that. If MGR does well enough, if it hasn't already, then we might see the MGS HD collection as the next step. It would also be pretty cruel to release Ground Zeroes as a test and then not bring The Phantom Pain over, because GS didn't do well enough.