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STEAM - announcements, updates and WIN

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Markster said:
heh, I've still got my e-mail as my account name.

Same here. I actually have an old email account I keep around just because I signed up for a lot of things with it and don't want to lose it. :lol

There's no way to add Sam & Max Season 1 to Steam if I bought it retail is there? It would be soo much easier to do that instead of inserting cd's but I got it for $15 a few weeks ago and figured I'd go with that.


Yeah. I guess having a low Steam ID is valuable. I tried emailing them with an attempt to change it, but they just told me to make a new account. It's really goddamn stupid.
VGChampion said:
There's no way to add Sam & Max Season 1 to Steam if I bought it retail is there? It would be soo much easier to do that instead of inserting cd's but I got it for $15 a few weeks ago and figured I'd go with that.

No, there isn't. The actual list of games that allow retail->Steam full activation is very small, mostly limited to Valve games.
I bought the weekend special Red Orchestra and damn that's a cool game, esp. at that price.

Played a map where the soviets had to delay an assault by the germans and to my surprise the map while having two very different sides (soviets had little to no tanks but very fast respawn times=lots of spendable infantry) was very balanced and fun. I really love the tank models and all the little details like shots bouncing off different parts of the armor and the fact you really have to aim well to destroy a Panzer IV. cool beans, gfx are dated but get the job done.


You people wanting to add your games to Steam so you can download them need to get a reality check. Valve didn't see a penny of that original purchase... why would they waste bandwidth on non paying customers?


Your Steam Support account is a separate account from your Steam or Forum account. It does not exist by default.

I must've missed this part :p

thanks for the info, btw, guys.

I'll download the client tonight and give that a go, instead


Haeleos said:
You people wanting to add your games to Steam so you can download them need to get a reality check. Valve didn't see a penny of that original purchase... why would they waste bandwidth on non paying customers?
Apparently you need the reality check.

It's up to the developers of the game whether or not they want to allow it to happen. Has nothing to do with Valve not wanting it to happen.

Oh, would you look at that! Third-party games!


TheOneGuy said:
Apparently you need the reality check.

It's up to the developers of the game whether or not they want to allow it to happen. Has nothing to do with Valve not wanting it to happen.

Oh, would you look at that! Third-party games!
Look at the games on that list. They clearly had some sort of agreement with Valve. Most, if not all of them are from games that are either closely associated with Valve (like Sin, Dark Messiah, Red Orchestra and others), or from games that came out within a few years and released on Steam from day one.

Why do you believe that it's solely up to developers? They have nothing to lose by allowing people to download it from Steam. More developers would have taken it up if that were true.

No, I think it's far more reasonable to expect that there needs to be some sort of deal between the game publisher and Valve for retail CD keys to work with the Steam service.


Slavik81 said:
Why do you believe that it's solely up to developers? They have nothing to lose by allowing people to download it from Steam. More developers would have taken it up if that were true.

That's what Valve's said. Though I think there's more to it than meets the eye.


Haeleos said:
You people wanting to add your games to Steam so you can download them need to get a reality check. Valve didn't see a penny of that original purchase... why would they waste bandwidth on non paying customers?

To increase their PC game market share.


Slavik81 said:
Why do you believe that it's solely up to developers? They have nothing to lose by allowing people to download it from Steam. More developers would have taken it up if that were true.
Sure they have something to lose. Potential double sales. Especially if the game had been out for a while in retail before getting dumped on Steam. On the other hand, they have nothing to lose if they DON'T do it.
No, I think it's far more reasonable to expect that there needs to be some sort of deal between the game publisher and Valve for retail CD keys to work with the Steam service.
Well, Valve has also said as much in the past. Though I'd be hard pressed to find a quote. Mostly because I'm just blindly believing what a bunch of people on this forum said. D:

I'm pretty sure, though, that if developers wanted it to happen, it would happen.

Also, Lost Planet, for example, was put on Steam only a year ago.


TheOneGuy said:
Sure they have something to lose. Potential double sales. Especially if the game had been out for a while in retail before getting dumped on Steam. On the other hand, they have nothing to lose if they DON'T do it.

Well, Valve has also said as much in the past. Though I'd be hard pressed to find a quote. Mostly because I'm just blindly believing what a bunch of people on this forum said. D:

I'm pretty sure, though, that if developers wanted it to happen, it would happen.
I have a hard time believing that. The make-up of the list of games that does support really does point towards the system having to be OK'd by Valve beforehand. Maybe Valve doesn't have any requirements more stringent than that? Or perhaps it has to do with standard distribution agreements rather than agreements with Valve proper.

There's definitely more to it that hasn't been said, though. Unfortunately, there's not much transparency in the games industry.

TheOneGuy said:
Also, Lost Planet, for example, was put on Steam only a year ago.
Lost Planet only released on PC a year ago.


Slavik81 said:
I have a hard time believing that. The make-up of the list of games that does support really does point towards the system having to be OK'd by Valve beforehand.
I don't see how it points to anything other than "hey there aren't a lot of third-party games on this list!"
Lost Planet only released on PC a year ago.
Yes. But you can put in your CD key if you bought it in retail is my point. Can't do that with many other Steam/retail simultaneous release games.


Atari signed on a while ago, so I kind of expected it all to be up by now. I know at least The Witcher is planned for future release once they get the free content update done. I assume more will come in time, but it's kind of weird NWN hasn't shown up, yet.


TheOneGuy said:
I don't see how it points to anything other than "hey there aren't a lot of third-party games on this list!"
Precisely the reason why. Half the 'third-party' games on that list are Valve-published. As far as I can tell, the few others released on Steam at the same time as retail.

My guess would be that Valve has a number of requirements that must be met. Probably something about the CD-keys to ensure compatibility with the current Steam validation system and to make sure people can't generate valid keys to get free copies from Steam.

That would certainly explain why few publishers would be willing to do this, and why it would be nearly impossible to add the ability after the retail release occurred. The only exception would be the original Half-Life, because the system was built specifically around that game.

Those sorts of requirements would make sense and would explain why Valve-published games always do it, while few others can. Unfortunately, Valve has never mentioned what requirements they have.

Common sense tells us they would not accept some. For example, if the code to unlock a game was a single digit, I can't imagine Valve would allow it. But what if it was only 10? They must have some sort of policy governing what they accept and what they reject.


Slavik81 said:
Precisely the reason why. Half the 'third-party' games on that list are Valve-published. As far as I can tell, the few others released on Steam at the same time as retail.

My guess would be that Valve has a number of requirements that must be met. Probably something about the CD-keys to ensure compatibility with the current Steam validation system and to make sure people can't generate valid keys to get free copies from Steam.

That would certainly explain why few publishers would be willing to do this, and why it would be nearly impossible to add the ability after the retail release occurred. The only exception would be the original Half-Life, because the system was built specifically around that game.

Those sorts of requirements would make sense and would explain why Valve-published games always do it, while few others can. Unfortunately, Valve has never mentioned what requirements they have.

Common sense tells us they would not accept some. For example, if the code to unlock a game was a single digit, I can't imagine Valve would allow it. But what if it was only 10? They must have some sort of policy governing what they accept and what they reject.
Well, I have no doubt security is an issue. But is it really feasible that only five or so games fit that criteria? I don't think it is!


TheOneGuy said:
Well, I have no doubt security is an issue. But is it really feasible that only five or so games fit that criteria? I don't think it is!
We don't know what the criteria is, or even if it exists.


Penny Arcade was only a timed exclusive on that other DD store because they have a stake in it, and wanted to help launch their own store. In the back of their minds, they always knew that Steam was the only way to make money on PC.


Slavik81 said:
We don't know what the criteria is, or even if it exists.
Well, yes, of course. I just... Eh, whatever. It's not really worth talking about until we do know more. And since we never will... d:

I just bought PA:E1. Haven't started playing it yet. I had planned to buy it on Greenhouse eventually, but hey!







Doytch said:
Is this the one Shawn was talking about for a while on the Brodeo? Is it worth playing without a joystick?

Friend of mine has it and from my impression, it's not. The only reason why I haven't bought it yet. I really need to get a joystick for this and FS2 Open.
Wow, there is a Silent Hunter Collection that comes with SH3, SH4, and the SH4 add on for $26.99. That is a smoking deal if you're at all interested in two well-polished, mod-friendly WWII sub sims.


Fragamemnon said:
at all interested in two well-polished, mod-friendly WWII sub sims.

Hello?! Is anybody there?

kidding... I'm semi interested in them. Sturmovik looks a bit more my taste though, just need to get a joystick.
Diablohead said:
I'm guessing a pad with analog sticks will work too right? I need some new pc games and for the price I doubt I can go wrong.

I really think that a stick is pretty much required for IL-2. Then again I've never played it with anything less than full complex engine management, maybe it's possible to play with a pad on the more arcade settings but I can't imagine IL-2 without at least a basic stick.
Haeleos said:
Hello?! Is anybody there?

kidding... I'm semi interested in them. Sturmovik looks a bit more my taste though, just need to get a joystick.

Both SH3 and SH4 are pretty easy to get into, IMO. There's a lot less to manage in WW2 subs and both games have good tutorial missions and lots of community FAQ style stuff for new players (go to subsim.com forums). The games also have a lot of assists to get the new player going and eventually you'll disable them as you turn into full bore Captain Rivetcounter.

Both SH3 and SH4 have extensive and impressive mod releases (GWX, Trigger Maru). GWX is especially awesome.

The metacritic score for SH4 is about 7-8 points lower than it would be if the game was reviewed now (in its current state after some patches) than it was at release, where some stuff was really broken.


speaking of games that I really wish were on Steam right now... Operation Flashpoint. I'd even buy it a 3rd time and I already bought the original, and then the goty/gold edition.
firex said:
speaking of games that I really wish were on Steam right now... Operation Flashpoint. I'd even buy it a 3rd time and I already bought the original, and then the goty/gold edition.

Whatever happened to Op Flash 2?


Saddens me that this thread is so neglected. Anyway, new stuff from Telltale was added yesterday (at least for euroland).

Bone Episode 1: Out From Boneville ($8.99)
Bone Episode 2: The Great Cow Race ($8.99)
Telltale Texas Hold'em ($8.99)
There is also a Telltale everything pack ($69.99) and a Bone bundle with both games (for $14.99).

How are the Bone games compared to Telltale's newer stuff like Sam & Max? I have no relation to the Bone cartoon at all but I love adventure games, still worth the $15?


I love both the comic and the games. In fact, the comic is one of my favorites ever. While the games aren't perfect (you'll definitely see tons of improvements if you'd played Bone before SAM), I think they're still thoroughly enjoyable.

Two big things, though:

1) The Bone games are really, really easy. REALLY easy.
2) At the moment, it looks unlikely that they'll ever finish the series. It didn't sell so well. Though if enough people buy it from Steam, who knows!

(Also the voice acting wasn't as good as the voice acting in SAM is.)


So did this thread mention the recent Portal/HL2:Episode update? The one that enables selectable field-of-view in the game options?


To celebrate getting a new computer in the next few days I'm going to... buy some older games. Either the Silent Hunter pack or STALKER, but which?

Also, *now* I just hate not having gotten the Orange Box. I have Portal and TF2 on Steam separately but I thought if anything I'd eventually get Orange Box on 360 just so I could play Eps 1 and 2 better than on my old comp. Regretting that now that I want to get Eps 1 and 2 on PC. :p


calder said:
To celebrate getting a new computer in the next few days I'm going to... buy some older games. Either the Silent Hunter pack or STALKER, but which?

Also, *now* I just hate not having gotten the Orange Box. I have Portal and TF2 on Steam separately but I thought if anything I'd eventually get Orange Box on 360 just so I could play Eps 1 and 2 better than on my old comp. Regretting that now that I want to get Eps 1 and 2 on PC. :p

Haven't played Silent Hunter, but I suggest Stalker. Such a fantastic game, and the best atmosphere in any game ever, imo.
I'd go with STALKER as well. There's a chance that SH3/4 might not be your thing-it's a bit more niche-but I thought that STALKER was not only a one of a kind sort of game, but very accessible as well, meaning that most people will be likely to enjoy it.


Botolf said:
So did this thread mention the recent Portal/HL2:Episode update? The one that enables selectable field-of-view in the game options?
FINALLY.. I'm sure I wasn't the only one getting sick...


MINI Member
So I'm a PC gaming noob and I'm picking up a decent gaming laptop soon.

Can I use Steam if I live in Australia?
Are there any other devs rumoured/announced to be jumping on borad Steam in the near future?

Thanks in advance.


I'm sure you can use Steam in Australia, there just might be some limitations on deals and differences in prices.

A new announcement today though is that both Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Far Cry 2, will be released on Steam.
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