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STEAM | August II 2014 - Kept you waiting, huh?

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
JPY being implemented first suggests a gradual rollout, but even so you're going to be busy, haha.

Hopefully so. When they first announced the new currencies I started cleaning up the code so that it could be more easily adapted when these rolled out. But there are still things I have to do like adding currency conversion tables (which get updated each hour) for the new currencies.

The toughest part about the Yen rollout has been that most things cost over 1,000 yen (approx $10) so the use of commas has been throwing me off. So hopefully now that I have a lot of this stuff cleaned up I won't be thrown for any real loops with the new currencies.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Very LTTP but I played 2 hours of Transistor today. Such a beautiful game! I love that is is very combat/mechanic focused and that the story is kind of there in the background if you want to think about it, but you can ignore it and not miss much. I only have half of the skills so far and I can already customize my playstyle so much and everything seems viable, can't wait to unlock more. Very impressed so far.

I'm playing with a controller since it just seems more natural, what did people generally prefer?

Controller all the way.


I'm getting strong Bioshock + Lost vibes from Singularity.

Dat Dharma Initiative and crazy event leaving behind audiotapes.


Ugh, don't you hate it when there's a game that looks like something you'd really be in to, and when you finally get it and check it out, it just doesn't do it for you?

That's where I'm at with They Bleed Pixels right about now. At first glance the game seems like an interesting combination of platforming and combat. There's a basic combo system, and lots of environmental hazards for you to knock enemies into, so you can kick an enemy to launch him backwards, follow up with a dashing punch to stun him, launch him into the air with a different kick, jump up after him and punch him into a nearby sawblade, sending fountains of pixelated all over the place. It's really fun for a few levels, and I found myself really excited to see what comes next.

Then the game started ramping things up, and not in a good way. The game introduced other monsters and more tricky platforming, and that's when things just went off the rails. All the other enemies the game introduces so far are completely excempt from that interesting combo system I mentioned earlier. They either die in a single hit or will teleport away after you hit them, making the combat go from "not particularly deep but still fun" to "stilted and annoying". It really doesn't help that the game starts throwing some of these annoying enemies at you while you're trying to do some of the insanely tricky platforming later on. Think the birds from the original Ninja Gaiden all over again.

Even the interesting approach to checkpoints didn't help. For those who don't know, there are no fixed checkpoints in the levels, you build a meter by performing combos and picking up orbs, and when it's full, standing still for a second will create a checkpoint and refill your health. It's a neat idea in theory, providing some strategy and an incentive for doing more involved combos (more frequent checkpoints). The thing is that the game limits you on where you can place them. You can't place them on slippery surfaces (more on those in a sec) or when there are enemies or certain environmental hazards too close. This is fine,and there are several sections where you can tell that the level designer was explicitly blocking the player from creating teleports (sawblades embedded in the wall, etc) to ensure that people have to master a certain section in one go, but these sections often go on for FAR TOO LONG. I finally got fed up on a part in the third chapter (about seven levels into the game) where, right after finally getting through a really hard section that involved jumping over some sawblades in a tight corridor, I ended up on a long section with a single moving platform being showered with monsters. All the while I had a full meter for a new checkpoint, but nowhere to place it.

So, about those slippery floors... This has to be the downright oddest implementation of a slippery floor I've ever seen in a 2d game. Graphically, they look like they're supposed to be "slimy" and not "icy", but the implementation almost makes them feel "frictionless". It's far too difficult to come to a complete stop on them, and even jumping straight up and down results in your character inexplicably sliding the direction you're facing when you land on one. Of course, the game also requires you to fight enemies on these surfaces, which ends up being more annoying than challenging.

To compound these issues is the fact that these levels are LONG, and checkpoints only return you to a spot if you die, not if you quit the game. Far too many times during my time with the game I would have already spent 20 minutes in a single level, gotten through several tricky sections, and be ready to quit, but I had to keep trudging on in order to not lose my progress. Also unhelpful is the god-awfully dull music, which I can only describe as "generically ominous". A soundtrack like Binding of Isaacs, equal parts ominous and whimsical, would have really gone a long way to make the longer levels more tolerable, but the soundtrack is completely bland and totally forgettable. It's not as bad as Pixeljunk Shooter's, but considering the game's subject matter and look, I was expecting something more interesting.

So yeah, while the game does have its moments, I can't really recommend it, and I think I have to sadly relegate it to the "Never Again" category in my Library.


At times I feel like Indies don't know how to properly up the difficulty in later stages/areas of their games.


Ugh, don't you hate it when there's a game that looks like something you'd really be in to, and when you finally get it and check it out, it just doesn't do it for you?

That's where I'm at with They Bleed Pixels right about now.

Yep. I kept trying to continue on it, but once I had to go up and down through a labyrinth full of spiky shit that could kill me while buzzsaws kept coming up from below, cutting off the "down" if you weren't fast enough, I'd had enough.
I'm proud that I finished 2-3, but I'm done.

I'm interested in Borderlands 2, but there's really no reason to beat or play Borderlands 1, right?

Play the free weekend, then give up when you notice how samey, grindey and not much fun it is.

(Yes, I did finish it)


Ugh, don't you hate it when there's a game that looks like something you'd really be in to, and when you finally get it and check it out, it just doesn't do it for you?
That was Bastion for me. Was really looking forward to it based on the art style/audio stuff, but when I got around to playing it I just found it.. boring.
I'm interested in Borderlands 2, but there's really no reason to beat or play Borderlands 1, right?
They're both very similar. Borderlands 2 is essentially more of the same but I feel they improved on many aspects of the first game. I personally don't care about the stories in those games at all; I just play it for the multiplayer shooting.
So basically, if you're looking to play a shitload of Borderlands, might as well start with the first since it's still a mostly good game. If you're just interested in playing one of them, go with 2.
That was Bastion for me. Was really looking forward to it based on the art style/audio stuff, but when I got around to playing it I just found it.. boring.

Muramasa was that for me. Looked gorgeous, was in the mood for an action-heavy 2d game.

Too bad it plays like ass, has real dumb unnecessary cooking/crafting stuff, and repetative levels that all look the same and feels padded by the reuse of them.


BL1 is perfectly fine itself. BL2 is great, but can get a bit too goofy at times. And 1 is $2.50 cheaper lol.
Any idea how the multiplayer is in 1 though? Because when I played it at launch it was pretty much broken/garbage because of Gamespy. But I think they got rid of that?
Also I agree about the humor thing. I'm not really sure how people can find BL2's "jokes" funny. Most of the time I was laughing at the terrible writing instead.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Cheap copies of CivV: Gods & Kings may start popping up as it seems the DLC was briefly mispriced at 8 JPY (roughly 8 cents).


Did we have a thread about this? http://www.puppygames.net/blog/?p=1574

Some quotes:
Then Steam came (and to a lesser extent, Big Fish Games).

Things changed fast. So fast that in other industries it would have been seen as a cataclymically disruptive event. The upshot of it is, within 5 short years, the value of an independent game plummeted from about $20 to approximately $1, with very few exceptions. Steam is great! You can sell loads of games! But only if they’re less than $10. Technically Valve don’t actually dictate the prices we charge. Actually, they do. Utterly. It’s just not talked about. In fact technically, I don’t think anyone’s allowed to talk about it.

Then came the Humble Bundle and all its little imitators.

It was another cataclysmically disruptive event, so soon on the heels of the last. Suddenly you’ve got a massive problem on your hands. You’ve sold 40,000 games! But you’ve only made enough money to survive full-time for two weeks because you’re selling them for 10 cents each. And several hundred new customers suddenly want their computers fixing for free. And when the dust from all the bundles has settled you’re left with a market expectation of games now that means you can only sell them for a dollar. That’s how much we sell our games for. One dollar. They’re meant to be $10, but nobody buys them at $10. They buy them when a 90% discount coupon lands in their Steam inventory. We survive only by the grace of 90% coupon drops, which are of course entirely under Valve’s control. It doesn’t matter how much marketing we do now, because Valve control our drip feed.

Where does this lead us to?

You are worthless to us.

Where once you were worth $20, and then you might have become a fan and bought another 4 games off of us for $20, you were worth $100. We only had to fix your computer for you once, as well, so the next four games amortised the cost of the initial support. If we were lucky you were a gamer and already had drivers and liked our stuff and bought the lot. Sometimes you’d tell your friends and maybe one of them would buy a game from us.

But now?

Now you’re worth $1 to us. If you buy every one of our games, you’re worth $5. After Valve and the tax man and the bank take their cuts, you’re not even worth half a cup of coffee. So, while we’re obsequiously polite and helpful when you do contact us for support, even if it’s just the same old “please install some actual video drivers” response, you really should be aware that you are a dead loss. Even if you buy everything we ever make again. Even if all your friends buy everything we ever make again. You just cost us money. Not just fictitious, huge-piles-of-filthy-lucre indie-game-developer who made-it-big money. All our money. We barely scratch a living, like most indie game developers. You quite literally cost us lunch because the shop sold you a computer with broken software on it.


you can buy Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition for $5.1 if you own gold edition
but it wont last for ever, this promotion only for 28 August


limited time? fuck

I'd gladly give them 5 bucks but just not now, but guess there's still a week left.

Did we have a thread about this? http://www.puppygames.net/blog/?p=1574

Some quotes:




Yep. I kept trying to continue on it, but once I had to go up and down through a labyrinth full of spiky shit that could kill me while buzzsaws kept coming up from below, cutting off the "down" if you weren't fast enough, I'd had enough.
I'm proud that I finished 2-3, but I'm done.

Yeah, I made it to 3-3, and it only gets worse from there. I think I've really been spoiled by stuff like Super Meat Boy, where the levels are difficult but short. The problem with that section with the saws chasing you was that there was still a LOT of level to go after that, so once you did it you were committed to finishing the rest of the level to avoid the stupid saw section again.

That was Bastion for me. Was really looking forward to it based on the art style/audio stuff, but when I got around to playing it I just found it.. boring.

Oh yeah. I kept hearing all this good buzz about it, and I did like the general presentation, but the gameplay itself did nothing for me.


Yep. I kept trying to continue on it, but once I had to go up and down through a labyrinth full of spiky shit that could kill me while buzzsaws kept coming up from below, cutting off the "down" if you weren't fast enough, I'd had enough.
I'm proud that I finished 2-3, but I'm done.
I loved They Bleed Pixels and am happy that I finished it all the way. But some later levels get haaaaaaard. I could only play one level a day or else I would have burnt out on the game as well. Some levels took me up to an hour of concentrated finger mechanics and it was mentally tiring as well. Still a great game with a fantastic art style!
Anyone thinks Battleblock Theatre is far more boring than Castle Crashers? I tried to play it with my gf once and then my best friend whom I always play games with but both times we thought it felt like its a mediocre indiegame.

Panda Rin

Anyone thinks Battleblock Theatre is far more boring than Castle Crashers? I tried to play it with my gf once and then my best friend whom I always play games with but both times we thought it felt like its a mediocre indiegame.

yeah. the level variety wasn't there. felt like I was through the same levels over and over again.


Anyone thinks Battleblock Theatre is far more boring than Castle Crashers? I tried to play it with my gf once and then my best friend whom I always play games with but both times we thought it felt like its a mediocre indiegame.

I'm the opposite. CC bored me to death, but BT was a blast in co-op.


Anyone thinks Battleblock Theatre is far more boring than Castle Crashers? I tried to play it with my gf once and then my best friend whom I always play games with but both times we thought it felt like its a mediocre indiegame.

yeah, i played through 2 chapters and so far it's not very interesting, I was thinking it might get better later but haven't got back to it.
Anyone thinks Battleblock Theatre is far more boring than Castle Crashers? I tried to play it with my gf once and then my best friend whom I always play games with but both times we thought it felt like its a mediocre indiegame.

Yeaahh.. Played 2 worlds alone and 2 with a friend in co-op (because we couldn't get online co-op to work more than once). While I really appreciate that the levels have special 2-player versions, there just isn't much there that made me go back to the game.


Yes, as it very well should. ;)

Obvious question time: Are you logged in?

I think I checked all the obvious things. I'm not getting it in either the client or the browser. And yes, I own Gold. :p
EDIT: I think I know. I got a key a few days before release which redeemed as "Guacamelee Early Access", so I guess that sub just isn't eligible for the discount.
I'll just wait for a sale or a bundle.


Has this been posted? Saw it on Shield Break's twitter page today.

Shield Break Studios announces their first game: Bierzerkers

Full article: https://www.unrealengine.com/news/shield-break-announces-ue4-powered-bierzerkers

Bierzerkers, a team-based, multiplayer, melee combat game set in the Viking afterlife. Players will do battle using a variety of unique classes with stylized Norse visuals, arcade-inspired melee combat, and fierce online competition.

Says it's playable at PAX Prime


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I think I checked all the obvious things. I'm not getting it in either the client or the browser. And yes, I own Gold. :p

What sub did you activate/buy? Maybe the devs forgot to add it to the list. Double Fine had a similar problem with... something. I think it was Spacebase -- the loyalty discount was present for those who'd bought one of its games through Steam itself but not those who'd opted for bundles.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It does.

Edit: Seems to have only very small Russian discount (compared to US). They really thought this out.

The base prices on the Ukrainian store are what you'd expect, though ($10 or $12.59 for the game + Guac Gold OST).
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