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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions

Hey guys are we gonna have any threads going for the new Don't Starve co-op mode that's in early access?

Did a search and couldn't find anything on it. Anyone planning on making one? Would be fun to get some community games going for it.


Could be because gems are a tad lower today.

I suppose, but as I already had the gems, that doesn't help me any unfortunately. I had hoped prices would continue to trend down and held off last night, but they haven't. As an example, the game I was watching the most was at 2600 after having drifted down from about 3000, I was hoping it would hit 2000. Now it's back at 3200 and most of the stuff I was watching has done similar.


Just watched the Giant Bomb video to Akiba's Trip. The english voice actors are terrible. Brrr

Hahaha, yeah, I removed it because maybe spoilers :)
Is it really? xD

Best girl? You mean Rise? ;D
Anyway I can't play P4G but I loved P4 on PS2 :v
Rise is great too, but there can only one.

the excitment over a glorified demo as if MGS5 was coming out is...bizarre
People pay for beta testing, why not for nice demos?


For you.
I suppose, but as I already had the gems, that doesn't help me any unfortunately. I had hoped prices would continue to trend down and held off last night, but they haven't. As an example, the game I was watching the most was at 2600 after having drifted down from about 3000, I was hoping it would hit 2000. Now it's back at 3200 and most of the stuff I was watching has done similar.

More than half of the auctions have been won already so yeah, prices rising makes sense. The best time to get something would have been a little before half.
IIRC he used to post in SteamGAF, but now is just in OT. He's a well known Gaffer.

2nd poster. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=488976

I've never personally crossed paths with him, that I can recall.
I don't get his tag either, so other than the fact that it goes nuts and ends up repeating Member about 40 times before saying he has a nice beard and busted TV... I dunno, Milamber alert is a lot funnier to me, especially as a surprise.

I don't understand it either, disgusting bunch the whole lot of them.

Haha... you and your disgusting... if you want truly disgusting look no further than:

Hey guys are we gonna have any threads going for the new Don't Starve co-op mode that's in early access?

Did a search and couldn't find anything on it. Anyone planning on making one? Would be fun to get some community games going for it.

Oh based Klei. You are a beacon to gamers who can do no wrong.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
holy shit Deadfall Adventures is totally worth 4 bucks right? (on humble)

I wouldn't pay $1 for it. It's like a terrible version of Alan Wake Indiana Jones. Janky as hell, and frustrating. I guess some people liked it though, so to each their own.


Groupees Community 4 bundle
Minimum: 1$
  • Final Slam 2
  • Albino Hunter (GL)
  • Biotoxin (GL)
  • 2020 (Desura)
  • Eggnogg+ (DRMFree)
plus music and ebooks

Indiegamestand has Obludia for 1$

Wingamestore has Jagged Alliance Back in Action 75% off

Indieroyale Debut 22 bundle
Current price: 1.65$
  • East Tower Akio
  • Star-Twine
  • Cruel Arena
  • Bit Shifter
  • Bomb the Monsters
  • Star Nomad
  • Make it indie!
I wouldn't pay $1 for it. It's like a terrible version of Alan Wake Indiana Jones. Janky as hell, and frustrating. I guess some people liked it though, so to each their own.

Still better than supporting Klei.


Hrmmm... why do all these sales suck? I just want to buy something... and yet... humble and steam have forsaken me. :\


More than half of the auctions have been won already so yeah, prices rising makes sense. The best time to get something would have been a little before half.

Yeah, I had been thinking that most of the sale but I think I let being tired last night cloud my judgment. Ah well, still some decent deals to be had.

Do you hate klei just because of achievements on steam? That's kind of petty

For god's sake don't get him started.

Panda Rin

I'm a sucker for episodic content. Is $18 worth it for Dreamfall?

Humble also has Don't Starve on sale. Good purchase for those who want in on the cheaper Don't Starve Together beta. Game's is great with a few friends.
Do you hate klei just because of achievements on steam? That's kind of petty

If you want to dumb it down to just the symptom, yes, I guess so. But it's more than that. I hate Klei because they're under the impression that they can compromise their principles for money and still maintain some credibility regarding "artistic vision". I hate Klei because they're only about doing whatever makes them money and not listening to their customers/supporters unless it could benefit them financially.

YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO. They should be called out for this. Ozium knows more about this than I do, but they were against multiplayer in Don't Starve too. But wait... they can market it as a separate product and charge for it? Oh, that sounds interesting, we'll do it.

In a world where we have FROM listening to internet petitions and managing to port Dark Souls... where the team somehow comes back, removes GFWL, and seemingly leaks the proper information to Durante so that the new version of DSfix will work properly we have Klei who won't listen to their fanbase for anything unless it will somehow increase their profit margins.



bish gets all the credit :)
Did anyone get a steam key from their desura copy of Marvin's Mittens?

No, but I did notice Desura's new "mascot"?


So the Dark Souls switch to steamworks happened. The GFWL CD Key obtainable on Steam can be given away to let someone else redeem the game on Steam now?
Aww yeah that would be cool, though I suggest maybe adding that part to an existing Don't Starve thread? If that exists?

Also check the thread topic creation thread

Well no one's posted in any of the Don't Starve threads in ages, probably be best to make a new MP thread.

I would make one but I haven't had a chance to get into yet. No one else has mentioned it in the topic creation thread. If someone wants to make one feel free.


YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO. They should be called out for this. Ozium knows more about this than I do, but they were against multiplayer in Don't Starve too. But wait... they can market it as a separate product and charge for it? Oh, that sounds interesting, well do it.

I thought it was going to be free for those who already own Don't Starve once it's out of early access?


So the Dark Souls switch to steamworks happened. The GFWL CD Key obtainable on Steam can be given away to let someone else redeem the game on Steam now?

Didn't work, the original keys were all already Steamworks, so nothing new was authorized, so the "extra" key is just a duplicate.

Damn, Costume Quest 2 is down to $6 already. That game must've bombed thoroughly on the PC, at least.

I was amazed when it was already 50% off during the Halloween sale just a couple weeks after release. Makes me glad I didn't buy it. Probably be bundled by March at this rate.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Damn, Costume Quest 2 is down to $6 already. That game must've bombed thoroughly on the PC, at least.

They had to have known that they'd have to discount this game pretty steeply following Halloween.

A lot of people aren't going to put this on the top of their "must play" list until next October.
I thought it was going to be free for those who already own Don't Starve once it's out of early access?

Dunno, but they're charging people who own don't starve now... that's pretty shitty instead of just allowing people with don't starve to opt into a beta and play it to give them free beta testing and feedback.
Based on the other post confirming this, I'd have to say this is a new low. Let's charge people to beta test it and then give it away later. That's some more bullshit in my book. I work as a professional tester... that shit just isn't right.
They had to have known that they'd have to discount this game pretty steeply following Halloween.

That's fair. im just assuming that between the slashing of the price so quickly, Majesco's recent financial troubles, combined with Double Fine letting some folks go a few weeks ago, that CQ2 did less than everyone expected.


Dunno, but they're charging people who own don't starve now... that's pretty shitty instead of just allowing people with don't starve to opt into a beta and play it to give them free beta testing and feedback.

Err... there is a free beta

I got in and I even gave away a key here

the multiplayer is technically a standalone so those who don't own don't starve can pay 5 bucks to get it


Dunno, but they're charging people who own don't starve now... that's pretty shitty instead of just allowing people with don't starve to opt into a beta and play it to give them free beta testing and feedback.
You get it free when it's out of early access and when you buy it while having a copy of Don't Starve, then you get not only a -75% discount, but a free copy extra.

Don't be so grumpy, grandpa


Dunno, but they're charging people who own don't starve now... that's pretty shitty instead of just allowing people with don't starve to opt into a beta and play it to give them free beta testing and feedback.
Based on the other post confirming this, I'd have to say this is a new low. Let's charge people to beta test it and then give it away later. That's some more bullshit in my book. I work as a professional tester... that shit just isn't right.

Yeah, I can see that.

On the flip side though, the Don't Starve Frontier cost for current owners could be abused ($5 for a copy of Don't Starve + 2 copies of Don't Starve Together).

Still no reason they couldn't allow current owners to test for free, though.

I still love Mark of the Ninja.
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