Uh, so while it's still dirt cheap for me and i have a lot of games i'm interested in, maybe you guys can add something to that list so i could buy it now and not later.
I'm looking for good indie games that are not really mad about system reqs. I have 520MX card so yeah, pretty fucked but still playable.
I don't mind any advices - old and new games, everything's fine.
I have: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Dust: An Elysian Tale, Gone Home, Gunpoint, Antichamber, The Banner Saga, Bastion, Isaac, Don't Starve, FEZ, Foul Play, FTL, Giana Sisters, Hammerwatch, How to Survive, Jazzpunk, La-Mulana, LIMBO, Mark of the Ninja, Monaco, Papers, Please, PixelJunk games, Proteus, Receiver, Reus, Risk of Rain, Rogue Legacy, Shadowrun, Shelter, Spelunky, SteamWorld Dig, Surgeon Simulator, To The Moon, Torchlight 2, Unepic, Valiant Hearts, Volgarr the Viking, Double Fine games
Plus i have Transistor and Shovel Knight in my inventory so count those off.
Maybe i'm missing something really good and you guys can help me get it while it's cheap!