Right, it's gone 6pm where I live, and the new Dailies are live. So now, I have:
Beat Hazard Complete
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
2 coals
-50% off any Valve game
-25% off any Valve game
-10% off any Ubisoft game
-33% off any GSC Games game (STALKER & Cossacks series)
-75% off Empire: Total War
-50% off Tiny Bang Story
-50% off Greed Corp
-50% off Max Payne 2
-50% off Dino D-Day
-50% off Shadowgrounds Survivor
-50% off RoboBlitz
-50% off Star Ruler
-50% off Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
I want:
Any non-coal or coupon offers now welcome. I haven't given up on SSF4:AE, but I
have given up on getting it through trade, so I've redeemed my PAYDAY as I promised I would. I'll also redeem Stranger's Wrath in 24 hours if I don't get a good offer for it.
...anyone want to gift me Star Wars: Battlefront II for my Beat Hazard Complete while the happy four-hour's still on?