Have the following (toddhunter to steam):
Willing to give away the killing floor guest passes if people want the achievement. The steam gift is the orange box.
Main game there is train simulator 2012. Suppose somebody might be keen on it.
Prefer rpg/strategy type games. Coal is also ok
I'll take a guest pass for Killing Floor. Steam link in profile.
Should be sent
If you mean killing floor than yes, accept the steam invite and I'll send it
Edit: Sent
If you've got anymore KF passes mind if I have one?
steam: resonating
Hard Reset, Serious Sam 3, Duke Nukem Forever, F.E.A.R. 3
Or even money.
PM me!
If you've got anymore KF passes mind if I have one?
steam: resonating
Okay, updated again!
I really really really want Skyrim!
I have the following to trade (obviously will trade multiple items for Skyrim to at least it's dollar value)
Valve Complete Pack
Bit Trip Runner
Bunch of Heroes
Oblivion GOTY Deluxe
Plants Vs Zombies
Vegas Make It Big
World Basketball Manager 2010
Anyone want to offer me coal or better for Frozen Synapse?
uh someone gifted me dota2 even though i already got it.What are chance of getting FM2012 or dead island from it,otherwise i would just give that away.
How much coal?
Thank you so very much to Petrie, who gave me far more than I bargained for and got so much less than he wanted.
So now, I have:
Beat Hazard Complete
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
PAYDAY: The Heist (possibly, will redeem for myself later if no interest before the next set of daily Deals comes on @ 6:00pm GMT)
2 coals
-50% off any Valve game
-25% off any Valve game
-10% off any Ubisoft game
-33% off any GSC Games game (STALKER & Cossacks series)
-75% off Empire: Total War
-50% off Tiny Bang Story
-50% off Greed Corp
-50% off Max Payne 2
-50% off Dino D-Day
-50% off Shadowgrounds Survivor
-50% off RoboBlitz
-50% off Star Ruler
And I know I've been going on about it all sale, but I really want Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, so I'm willing to give up everything in my inventory (including all my Spiral Knights items if you want, and also all the TF2 items I'm allowed to swap, including a Vintage Sandman, whatever the fuck that is) just for that one Capcom game.
Now, I know that PAYDAY has a cheevo and I should redeem it just for that, and I also know that Petrie will probably be really mad at me, and I also also want to see how Stranger's Wrath looks on a PC I own, and I also also also know that I should wait for a possible Daily Deal on the game, but this is CapCan'tDoSteamSales we're talking about here, and getting SSF4:AE on PC would complete my whole year, so I'm putting it down now.
All of the above and more for SSF4: Arcade Edition. PM me.
Have the following (toddhunter to steam):
Willing to give away the killing floor guest passes if people want the achievement (both gone). The steam gift is the orange box.
Main game there is train simulator 2012. Suppose somebody might be keen on it.
Prefer rpg/strategy type games. Coal is also ok
Willing to trade anything for Blur or The Ship
Willing to trade anything for Blur or The Ship
Giving this games away for those who don't have them:
Portal (2 copies)
Day of Defeat: Source (2 copies)
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2 (2 copies)
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Just quote me with games you want(I think maximum 2 games in one hands is fair), and send me your email in pm. Emailing gifts is much faster and easier than adding to friends and trading.
Dod:s please.Giving this games away for those who don't have them:
Portal (2 copies)
Day of Defeat: Source (2 copies)
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2 (2 copies)
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Just quote me with games you want(I think maximum 2 games in one hands is fair), and send me your email in pm. Emailing gifts is much faster and easier than adding to friends and trading.
Giving this games away for those who don't have them:
Portal (2 copies)
Day of Defeat: Source (2 copies)
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2 (2 copies)
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Just quote me with games you want(I think maximum 2 games in one hands is fair), and send me your email in pm. Emailing gifts is much faster and easier than adding to friends and trading.
Giving this games away for those who don't have them:
Portal (2 copies)
Day of Defeat: Source (2 copies)
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2 (2 copies)
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Just quote me with games you want(I think maximum 2 games in one hands is fair), and send me your email in pm. Emailing gifts is much faster and easier than adding to friends and trading.
SQU said:Giving this games away for those who don't have them:
Portal (2 copies)
Day of Defeat: Source (2 copies)
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2 (2 copies)
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Giving this games away for those who don't have them:
Portal (2 copies)
Day of Defeat: Source (2 copies)
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2 (2 copies)
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Just quote me with games you want(I think maximum 2 games in one hands is fair), and send me your email in pm. Emailing gifts is much faster and easier than adding to friends and trading.