Slap the neighbor for doing nothing about itI so wanna slap this fucking neighbours dog who's been barking for 2 hours now.
Slap the neighbor for doing nothing about itI so wanna slap this fucking neighbours dog who's been barking for 2 hours now.
I love how diverse these lists are. The results are going to be interesting.
Still have to finish Revelations 1 and play RE6 from the Capcom bundle.
Also, the amount of levels N++ has is insane.
It's common knowledge that Raw Data in co-op is the most fun to be had in VR currentlySpace Pirate Trainer is super fun too imo! And Elite of course![]()
(5 Points) - Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (hands down!)
(4 Points) - The Witness
(3 Points) - Dead Rising 1
(2 Points) - FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster
(1 Point) - DOOM
It's common knowledge that Raw Data in co-op is the most fun to be had in VR currently![]()
There's been a mod to do that for ages.speaking of FFX, did they patch in a way to use the japanese voices with english menus / subs yet?
What am I missing here? @_@
Granted, Pictopix has a neat feature where, should your mouse have a wheel, clicking it will put a white hollow square. This is neither a White Box or Cross like in Paint it back for example and doesn't count as either of course.
Basically you use this 3rd box to assess whether the squares you've covered are the right ones and then either put a cross in them or fill them up.
While I COULD do this with the above puzzle, it'd mean I'd be doing trial and error and I'm not keen on doing such a thing where in PiB, I could 'mathematically' deduce which squares to fill up or not.
oday were releasing Title Update 1.09 for PC. Xbox One and PS4 received this patch last week.
Below are the fixes you can expect from this PC patch:
[Performance] RAM Usage Optimization This patch optimizes a system memory usage which improves the games performance on systems with low RAM amount.
[Performance] Screenspace Reflections Optimization This patch improves the overall performance of Screenspace Reflections and adds two new lower quality levels (Medium and High).
San Francisco Fog The algorithm of the San Francisco Fog (aka Karl) appearing is improved with this title update.
Visual The maximum value of the Pixel Density slider has been changed from 1.25 to 1.5 with this patch.
Sound We have added a Music Volume slider.
Controller Added support for the newer DualShock 4 controllers (ZCT2U models).
YourBoySerge Nerf This .50 Cal sniper rifle has been the subject of some debate in the community, and is considered to be overpowered in online play. In this patch, weve reduced the number of rounds in the magazine from 6 to 1, and we will continue to monitor and balance this beasty rifle.
Fixed various minor issues with flickering.
Fixed various minor issues with incorrect window modes behavior.
Fixed various minor issues with the UI and text.
(5 Points) - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was my favourite game of last generation, and I think it suffices to say that Mankind Divided is mechanically better on nearly every aspect. Superior gameplay, superior level design, superior side quests, and an art style that rivals DXHR's brilliant aesthetics. Even though MD's cut-in-half main story and the unmemorable characters are the only (albeit big) downsides compared to Human Revolution's amazing counterparts, the overall package in MD is a tremendous Deus Ex experience. Also, fuck Square Enix.
I don't see why he is though. Its not like we have anything to ask him that hasn't already been asked.So is Gabe doing these AMA's once a year now. Kinda feels like asking the mafia boss a favor on the day of his daughters wedding kinda deals.
Here's my GOTY list. A pretty easy one if I say so myself, seeing as how the only 2016 games I've played are Deus Ex MD, Pony Island (amazing atmosphere, crap gameplay), and Dragon's Dogma (great gameplay, crap almost everything else).
I'm sure Dishonored 2 would be #1 or 2 if I had played it, but Arkane has forced me to wait it out until it's at least 50% off.
What am I missing here? @_@
speaking of FFX, did they patch in a way to use the japanese voices with english menus / subs yet?
At last someone noticed us, poor new ds4 model users!Nice WD2 Patch
Controller Added support for the newer DualShock 4 controllers (ZCT2U models).
What am I missing here? @_@
Granted, Pictopix has a neat feature where, should your mouse have a wheel, clicking it will put a white hollow square. This is neither a White Box or Cross like in Paint it back for example and doesn't count as either of course.
Basically you use this 3rd box to assess whether the squares you've covered are the right ones and then either put a cross in them or fill them up.
While I COULD do this with the above puzzle, it'd mean I'd be doing trial and error and I'm not keen on doing such a thing where in PiB, I could 'mathematically' deduce which squares to fill up or not.
Why wouldn't you use the hollow square? It's there for a reason and not really trial and error tool. It will help you visualize the squares rather than keep it all in your head.
I'm glad that with the recent patch the dev added a way to manually gray out completed numbers, it's a great quality of life improvement and doesn't count as a hint (unlike the automatic marking).
I think the speed of 3 just raises your skill level really high once you master the inns and outs of it all. The gameplay picks up so much and is so engaging compared to the first two games. Whatever From does next with that formula (whether its 4 or new ip) I hope they elevate the difficulty much much higher. Like push that shit to the extreme.
You mean Dark Souls 2 vanilla or Scholar of the first gang bang?Replayed Dark Souls not too long ago and am still kind of surprised how easy it was. Playing so much 2 and 3 after 1 made going back a breeze. The first is just real easy. The catacombs were like the only major problem area where I died a bunch of times. And even then it was just a select few areas of the Catacombs.
I think the speed of 3 just raises your skill level really high once you master the inns and outs of it all. The gameplay picks up so much and is so engaging compared to the first two games. Whatever From does next with that formula (whether its 4 or new ip) I hope they elevate the difficulty much much higher. Like push that shit to the extreme.
From + sci-fi, in a new IP.
We've already seen that they can knock out Victorian/Edwardian/Georgian (Lovecraftian) atmosphere.
I want them doing an aztec soulslike.
There are not enough games featuring aztecs mythology.
I want them doing an aztec soulslike.
There are not enough games featuring aztecs mythology.
You mean Dark Souls 2 vanilla or Scholar of the first gang bang?
Man when are we gonna get an update about Nier on PC. No demo and no news on release sucks.
I'm actually stuck in DS2 SotF, wherever I go I get killed in a couple of hits and it looks like I don't deal enough damage.Beat both. SotF several times. I will probably replay SotF again soon. I didn't think it was all that hard tbh. The DLC was tough.
From + sci-fi, in a new IP.
We've already seen that they can knock out Victorian/Edwardian/Georgian (Lovecraftian) atmosphere.
They should do something based on or inspired from Nihei stuff.
I want a game set in the Megastructure.
They should do something based on or inspired from Nihei stuff.
I want a game set in the Megastructure.
all these psychos joining my party
What game is this? Textures look straight out of the PS1 era... which I kind of dig in a way.
Wasn't aware there was a 3D version. Apparently it was made for the DS then ported to Windows in 2014.