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STEAM | June 2014 - Enhanced Electronics Edition

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Signs I'm buying too many bundles: I buy so many bundles that entering games I've bought into the database I use to keep track of games I've bought so I don't buy the same game twice has become too tedious, so I wrote a Python script to scrape Steam metadata to save me time. :/

on the topic of too many bundles, I was considering stopping buying them, when I bought several I had all games in (too much work to check) and then steam didn't let me to redeem games for a day, because I tried to redeem too many games I already own (didn't know this was a thing and it was faster this way)



I just finished Blackwell Convergence, if you like classic Point and Click adventure games, you really should play these games, they are fantastic.

Couldn't get really into, I stopped at the second.
Blame Phoenix Wright, lol.


Unconfirmed Member




I really don't wanna dwell on this but it's not an eye thing people. It's literally impossible to not notice the difference. "not caring" is another thing entirely and it's one thing to discuss that in those threads but when people say they LITERALLY CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE then I just think they're being dumb
Seeing both of these side by side I can notice the difference, but I think I wouldn't be able to if I only saw one on its own. But I was being honest when I said I didn't notice any difference here. If that makes me dumb, so be it.


There is some content that can look pretty close when you just switch back and forth between 30 and 60. But looking at 60 for even a minute and then looking at 30 makes it look like a slideshow and I don't believe anyone who says they can't see it.

My eyes can easily get used to either but the change from one to the other is always extremely noticeable.

I don't think anyone who says they can't see a difference is necessarily lying. I mean, if it's in the context of console vs console vs PC then, yeah, anyone who "can't see the difference" between resolutions and framerates is probably full of shit, but not necessarily.

I mean, look at the Coke vs Pepsi thing. Researchers have given people blind taste tests while monitoring brain waves, and a lot of people can't tell the difference between the two. Or, like, the differences between wines. A connoisseur can tell the differences, can taste subtle variations that are plain as day to them, but if you give me two glasses of red wine I'll ask for a beer.

I can see the difference between 60 and 30 when they're side by side, but if I just sit down to play something I don't really think about frames and resolution. I don't notice tearing, either, although I know it's a big deal for some people. I'm not lying-- I'm primarily a PC gamer and you all know this-- I'm just not a connoisseur of graphics.



Is it really so hard to believe? Until gaf made such a big issue of it, I was sure that most people don't see difference. It's like complaining that somebody can't hear difference between two semitones, or can't distinguish more than 30 or so shades of green. C'mon man, people are different, you won't gonna argue with that, will you?
fgs, some people are blind and not because they are dumb. Is it so hard to comprehend?
Took until the fifth mission, which I believe is just past the halfway point of the campaign, but Thief '14 finally has a standout level with some great atmosphere in The Forsaken.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, seriously. The ME one may be a little choppier on 30 FPS (though it could also be due to suggestion), but I see absolutely no difference on BF4. And I changed the browser's window size to only show one of the vids at a time, stared at the 30 FPS one for a few minutes, changed to the other one for a while and then back again.

Try looking at 10fps 3DS games all day. It'll help train your eyes.


It's like complaining that somebody can't hear difference between two semitones, or can't distinguish more than 30 or so shades of green.

it.. really is not

but ok

im not dissing, I just don't believe it is all.

No need to get hostile with that ridiculous dumb/blind comment as if it was even remotely similar to anything im saying.


Is it really so hard to believe? Until gaf made such a big issue of it, I was sure that most people don't see difference. It's like complaining that somebody can't hear difference between two semitones, or can't distinguish more than 30 or so shades of green. C'mon man, people are different, you won't gonna argue with that, will you?
fgs, some people are blind and not because they are dumb. Is it so hard to comprehend?

Yeah, seriously. The ME one may be a little choppier on 30 FPS (though it could also be due to suggestion), but I see absolutely no difference on BF4. And I changed the browser's window size to only show one of the vids at a time, stared at the 30 FPS one for a few minutes, changed to the other one for a while and then back again.

I can never tell the difference in those gif threads or that 60v30 website. I can only really tell the difference in-game.

Sometimes I will force the refresh rate down to 30 and play for a bit, blindingly obvious at that point. Especially when you factor in the increased responsiveness of you actually playing.

I've always found the 60 FPS RE4 trailer to look quite smooth as well

Yeah, seriously. The ME one may be a little choppier on 30 FPS (though it could also be due to suggestion), but I see absolutely no difference on BF4. And I changed the browser's window size to only show one of the vids at a time, stared at the 30 FPS one for a few minutes, changed to the other one for a while and then back again.

Check the BF 4 driving one.


I always see a huge difference between 20 fps and 30, and I can see a difference between 30 and 60 but it isn't enough I really care about. I'll choose 30 fps and much better graphics settings every time over 60 fps. I also tend to be more sensitive to a game running at a variable between 40 and 60 than I am to a locked 30. Unless it's something like Mortal Kombat that has to be 60 fps by design. Plus locked 30 fps usually means I don't have to crank my video card fan up nearly as high.


it.. really is not

but ok

im not dissing, I just don't believe it is all.

No need to get hostile with that ridiculous dumb/blind comment as if it was even remotely similar to anything im saying.

I guess each one reacts in a different way looking at different things.
Usually I don't really notice (or care) when a game is running at 30, but in some cases, like that gif or driving games, it's exceptionally obvious.


Stormy Grey
I am a huge IQ whore and yet 60FPS is the best thing to attain

I'm sure I'd say the same if I had a screen that took advantage of 120FPS and hardware to boot but the level of responsiveness and smooth animation is intoxicating

I can get some numbers for good optometrists if you need em gaf


I can get some numbers for good optometrists if you need em gaf

I really dont intend to come off as hostile or anything but I truly just don't get it

it's half the framerate, literally half. If I start thinking about legitimately being people not being able to tell the difference I just start to wonder how they experience life or something. It's just unfeasible to me.


Binding of Isaac event at E3. There were stations where you could play the game on Vita as well as a live QA event with Edmund.

  • White enemies may not be harmed until all other enemies have been slain.
  • Black enemies phase in and out of stealth.
  • Orange enemies.... not sure what their effect was.
  • There were pills that cause a large yellow radius with an effect called "Lemon Party"
  • Donation machine takes coins, and can be bombed to get those coins back (depletes from the donation machine). Feed it enough and it breaks on its own to provide an item.
  • Donations are saved from session to session.
  • There is no release date, but the goal is sometime this year.
  • Those skull turrets that pop up to shoot now have a mobile version.
  • There are squishy weird-headed Isaac zombies that are actually the new skeleton creature in disguise.
  • The things from the Womb that pop up, move towards, and sink down to pop up elsewhere, now have a cousin that just pops out and stays in place, only to fire a shot and burrowing again.
  • Flies will sometimes move in a swirling formation instead of coming at Isaac on their own.
  • Chocolate Milk charge speed is clearly improved by rate of fire increases.
  • All physics and mechanics are smooth. Acceleration and deceleration of Isaac, shots fired, and the creature movement patterns, are way cleaner and smoother.
  • Dual Analog (or D-pad and "ABXY" buttons) is much more satisfying to play with than keyboard. (Grief Note: Take this one with a massive grain of salt as it doesn't look like there were any PCs on hand to play the game with. They could just be noticing the improved controls).
  • There are vases now, another bomb-breakable object in the world. No clue if they have better odds of items, different items, or other purposes.
  • The minimap can be overlayed over gameplay and defined for various opacity levels using the PS4 touchpad. This makes it easier to see the whole map in a glance.
  • The lighting looks great. Those caves will be fun to get through.
  • The demo had finite time to it. After the limit was reached, Isaac would take damage at short intervals until death.
  • Currently co-op is an optional jump-in jump-out at any time for the second player, playing a floaty minion baby instead of an Isaac-class character that collects items and sustains damage.
  • Currently the plan is for the level-editor to be in-house only. That doesn't mean us players can't draw up suggestions and submit them somehow, but we won't have the official tools implement them.



Took until the fifth mission, which I believe is just past the halfway point of the campaign, but Thief '14 finally has a standout level with some great atmosphere in The Forsaken.

What. That's the Asylum one, right?
That was a fucking ridiculous joke, especially compared to the masterpiece that was the Cradle, which everyone compared it to.
It was constantly going for cheap jump scares and more stupid fucking cutscenes.
I really dont intend to come off as hostile or anything but I truly just don't get it

it's half the framerate, literally half. If I start thinking about legitimately being people not being able to tell the difference I just start to wonder how they experience life or something. It's just unfeasible to me.

I never, ever noticed screen tearing until I read it was a "thing". Now I see it everywhere.

If you are not looking for things, you'll just not notice it. The original Dark Souls did make me a believer though, not in terms of seeing the difference, but "feeling" it. This is the much more important comparison to my eyes.


Currently co-op is an optional jump-in jump-out at any time for the second player, playing a floaty minion baby instead of an Isaac-class character that collects items and sustains damage.

so the co-op partner can't take damage?

so: no real co-op, just crappy assist mode

also grief can you post a bigger image


I really dont intend to come off as hostile or anything but I truly just don't get it

it's half the framerate, literally half. If I start thinking about legitimately being people not being able to tell the difference I just start to wonder how they experience life or something. It's just unfeasible to me.

It's nice and old illusion of young to think that what one human can do, all can do. But it's not so. Eyesight not only is an individual thing, as most things about humans, it changes with age. Nobody questions that it is possible to see difference, it just is fact that some people don't see, for reasons other than being dumb most of the time, I think ;)
I've seen enough proof of this.

edited: what's with grief's pic, my screen almost froze (><)


It's nice and old illusion of young to think that what one human can do, all can do. But it's not so.

what are you gandalf? or just the king of condescending?

anyway I get your point, im just saying it's pretty base-level stuff (unlike the shades of green you mentioned) so as someone who can see the difference since I have memory it's hard for me to understand how it oh shant be.

It's not disregarding the fact that people are different, but if someone came to you and told you hey look at that square when you're looking at a circle, you'll still question it or find it hard to concieve, no matter how much you believe that everyone's perception is different.


Does anyone want to play Inquisitor?

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Inquisitor -- MB-B804B3B9BA0D0960 - Taken by pupo


Is it really so hard to believe? Until gaf made such a big issue of it, I was sure that most people don't see difference. It's like complaining that somebody can't hear difference between two semitones, or can't distinguish more than 30 or so shades of green. C'mon man, people are different, you won't gonna argue with that, will you?
fgs, some people are blind and not because they are dumb. Is it so hard to comprehend?

I don't see any difference when watching gameplay. That includes those videos at www.30vs60.com above as well. But if you go to www.30vs60.com main page and look at the comparison video where you spin 360 degrees, it's very obvious. I timed and made sure they were spinning at the same speed. What do you think is going on? At first I thought I needed to focus on certain aspects of the game comparison vids, like focus on the targeting in the BF4 comparison, but it didn't make any difference.


I think one could see the difference between different framerates by looking at real in-game footage with all settings maxed. All these toy examples are not convincing, but I remember seeing a few examples with lights and stuff, and it was pretty obvious 60 FPS was way better.


Dreadnought seems a beast

Farming Simulator devs go against the grain


When you think about games with an active modding community, you likely think of heavy-hitters like Skyrim, Counter-Strike and the like. Dig a little deeper and you'll strike the root of something else entirely: Farming Simulator.

In an industry of space marines, monsters, aliens and assassins, the Farming Simulator games choose a different course &#8211; one drawn and directed not just by them, but their players.

First released in 2007, the Farming Simulator series has grown in popularity year after year. Last year's Farming Simulator 14 sold 2 million copies worldwide, and a key ingredient to developer Giants Software's success has been the modding community.

With each new Farming Simulator game, Giants releases both the in-studio asset creation tools as well as the game's source code to their PC fanbase. The open nature of the game's development and release results in an active modding community, and Giants pays attention. Many modders become listed on the official Farming Simulator website, and it's the modding community that influences the features present in the game, both directly and indirectly.

Tractors, trailers, maps, livestock, buildings, gameplay modes and even entirely new games have been created thanks to Giants' generosity toward their playerbase. The developer recalled, for example, a mod that took the Farming Simulator engine to the skies to create a plane-racing game. Giants isn't just inviting players to get their hands dirty though, they're watching and learning what the players want.

When Giants Software moves to develop the next iteration of Farming Simulator, they implement features that they think can't be easily added post-release by the mod community. Leaving tire tracks in the soil &#8211; a new visual effect for Farming Simulator 15 &#8211; may seem like a small thing, but the developer told us that since the game uses dynamic meshes on its terrain, it's an effect that's difficult to replicate.

Other times, it's the modding community that spurs Giants into action. The developer told us they received "tons" of letters in the past asking for flashing lights on top of the farm tractors, and when said lights were officially implemented, they received a showering of praise. For Farming Simulator 15, Giants is adding a first-person power wash mode, which began life as a mod.

The relationship between developer and modder in the Farming Simulator world is symbiotic, and shows the power of a positive relationship between a studio and its audience. Farming Simulator 15 will be out this October for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.

Dreadnought: This ain't your daddy's Battlestar

The free-to-play shooter market is quickly growing crowded, but developer Yager has a novel take on gunplay involving giant ships, big guns, and nuclear weapons that shake the pillars of heaven and earth.

Describing Dreadnought as a "shooter" isn't quite accurate. Though it features the control scheme that's been standard since the days of Quake and pits teams of players against one another in a rush to see who can rack up the most kills, these opposing forces are not populated by your typical hyper-macho space marines. Instead, you pilot spaceships. Huge spaceships. Battlestar Galactica-scale spaceships. The result is a shooter that's equal parts Team Fortress 2 and three-dimensional naval warfare. Dreadnought won't hit shelves until some point in 2015, and aside from the guaranteed PC release, Yager has yet to nail down which platforms will play host to the game, but the controls in the PC demo I played were certainly simple enough to translate to any modern controller.

Each of Dreadnought's ships - which range from the gigantic titular craft seen in the above teaser, to smaller, more agile support ships and long-range artillery cannons - feature four unique abilities. That aforementioned Dreadnought, for instance, can fire broadsides straight out of Blackbeard's worst nightmares, though instead of hardened lead balls, the gigantic craft launches gouts of green plasma. Unfortunately, the broadside requires your ship to be relatively close to enemies, but the Dreadnought can also engage foes from afar by launching a tactical nuke, which doesn't just destroy a single ship, but obliterates everything nearby in a sphere of apocalyptic hellfire.

Those who prefer a more passive role can opt for the smaller healer craft, which, while bristling with weapons, does its best work by repairing allies via healing beam. Want to play the sniper role? Steer an artillery craft to the edge of the map and take potshots at foes with your massively damaging blasts, but beware because that power comes at the cost of armor. Faster ships will quickly notice your artillery platform, chase you down and blast you out of the sky with rapid salvos of close-range weaponry.

Fans of traditional shooters may be turned off by the ponderous pace of Dreadnought's vehicles, though this is somewhat aided by the ability to move up and downwards, along with the typical cardinal directions. Dropping behind a rocky outcropping to escape a barrage of plasma is only slightly less satisfying than popping up on the opposite side and burning your enemies to ash with a few dozen shots of your own.

Maneuverability is likewise complemented by a convenient wheel which allows would-be starship captains to choose where their finite (though constantly regenerating) supply of energy might best be allotted. If you're taking fire, you'll want to shift your power toward shields, but if fleeing from battle, you're going to need all your reserves pointed squarely at your engines. It's not quite Kirk yelling at Scotty to work his pseudo-scientific magic, but it gets the job done and dropping all power into your weapons dismantles enemy ships at a very satisfying clip.

There's a lot that could go wrong with Dreadnought before its nebulous 2015 debut. Yager promises a number of additional gameplay modes, including episodic single-player content, will be added prior to debut, but those two matches I spent blasting the game's devs into airborne detritus made one thing very clear: The free-to-play shooter space sorely needs more creative efforts like Dreadnought.

Credits to Joy


Thinking about PC? In the future? Not good enough!

what are you gandalf? or just the king of condescending?

anyway I get your point, im just saying it's pretty base-level stuff (unlike the shades of green you mentioned) so as someone who can see the difference since I have memory it's hard for me to understand how it oh shant be.

It's not disregarding the fact that people are different, but if someone came to you and told you hey look at that square when you're looking at a circle, you'll still question it or find it hard to concieve, no matter how much you believe that everyone's perception is different.

I did that on purpose, yes, you were being hotheaded and condescending, I thought you might want to taste some of that yourself! (><)

It's all matter of perspective, the square can be circle too, I'll make some gif tomorrow, if you don't believe me.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Only 1.5 hours left.

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- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor -- MB-E03159E24BD628B8 - Taken by Lain



Maybe people really aren't making that much money off PC ports :( Maybe I should just give up and go back to just being a console only gamer.


Finished Dust: An Elysian Tail. Had a ton of fun with this game, and if I had more free time and not so many games on my library, I'd probably explore every nook and cranny to get 100% completion. Combat is somewhat easy, even in tough difficulty, but that's ok because I don't have mad skillz nor I'm a masochist, although things definitely get more difficult in the last couple of levels (while playing in tough). Every level was pretty well paced and didn't outstay its welcome, except for the Sorrowing Meadow which I felt dragged on for way too long. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the game and had a lot of fun with it. If you have it on your library but still haven't played it, you may want to change that right now.

One last thing is that getting achievements while in offline mode is very spotty. There were a couple of achievements that unlocked while offline and others that didn't, so I'm missing stuff I should have (for example I'm missing the achievement for completing 5 sidequests, but I have the achievements for completing 10 and 20 sidequests). If you care about getting achievements, you may want to avoid playing the game while offline.

Don't know how I missed this one




Maybe people really aren't making that much money off PC ports :( Maybe I should just give up and go back to just being a console only gamer.

Why go back? You can just do both. Play the PC version when possible, otherwise get the console ver.


Unconfirmed Member
I can never tell the difference in those gif threads or that 60v30 website. I can only really tell the difference in-game.

Sometimes I will force the refresh rate down to 30 and play for a bit, blindingly obvious at that point. Especially when you factor in the increased responsiveness of you actually playing.

I've always found the 60 FPS RE4 trailer to look quite smooth as well

I think I did notice a little difference when I lowered the graphics in Metal Gear Rising so I could beat a specific QTE at some point in the game, which had a bug if the game ran at less than 60 FPS. Everything looked a bit faster and smoother, but that may be because the game was lagging before due to my PC's specs.

Check the BF 4 driving one.
There must be something wrong with my eyes, because both vids look just the same :/

I really dont intend to come off as hostile or anything but I truly just don't get it

it's half the framerate, literally half. If I start thinking about legitimately being people not being able to tell the difference I just start to wonder how they experience life or something. It's just unfeasible to me.
I see life at normal* speed. I may be missing something, but since I don't know what it is, I don't care at all.

*: my normal could be different than someone else's, of course
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