Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 8.5 hrs on record
Posted: 15 Jun @ 8:50pm
Updated: 16 Jun @ 11:11am
Early Access Review
Avoid this game by all means!
First thing- nobody's playing it.
Second thing:
They don't give one about players. (Almost) Any critique get's shut down, removed and banned. (Usually, see last post in the threads, for wisest developer answers ever, such as, why would you play an unfinished game? It's unfinished, stop saying that people don't play it!)
For example. So they're saying that being concerned with the developer actions has nothing to do with the game. I love it.
"So, calling Toxikk "dead" before it's fully released, before famous YouTubers have reviewed it... actually, before we have spend a SINGLE CENT on advertisement... is just ignorance or trolling. You choose.

" - Quote from one of the developers, Sharkster.
Yup, they even insult other developers and Early Access games there, saying, their's better. Great PR. -2nd link, last post in 3rd part of the thread.
Yeah. I also whined about the game being dead and having lots of bugs. I got banned and scared with a lawsuit.
Don't buy it. Horrible developer. There's only 1 active man from the team that you can talk to, nobody else, that's unacceptable.
Now the game:
The description lies to you:
1. No matchmaking system.
2. No skill system (it's so broken it's not even existant).
3. Most unbalanced game of the year.
4. Small maps full of corridors.
5. Does not feel like any game from 1999-2004. It's a clone of UT3, runs on same engine, uses same assets (not all of course, different people have different opinions about the usage. From opinions I got it's between 20-40%).
6. The devloper was supposed to release the game in 2014, almost no shops (checked all known shops from my country, most of them have the release date on 2014, so at least in here) besides steam were informed, even the team that actually makes, and has a major effect on the production: -yup, they got the idea, release date is still 2014.
7. Community will alienate you immediately- even if you're polite, if you don't dislike the game, get ready to be made fun of, harassed and stalked. If you made a video on it, they will downvote all your videos - with full approval from the developers of course (it seems so)- why they'd remove links from their forums to downvote and harass you in any way? No, asking to remove links and settle this won't help.
8. If you're not a super hardcore arena FPS player you won't be able to get on higher levels and grab most powerups - you will get obliterated.
9. Maps are made for controlling a particular area, usually that has a rocket launcher. Area's give alot of advantage versus any other player (RL, super armor, megahealth can be found in close proximities on some maps, to rocket launcher, which also leads to high, advatage areas on the map that usually have 1 or 2 entrances).
10. Mouse acceleration is on by default. I don't remember that in my early Arena FPS shooters.
11. Prepare for massive lags/ping.
12. You need a good PC to run it. Even then you will have framerate drops.
13. No levelling? Why I have levels in the game then?!
14. No F2P stuff?? How about skins, you know, the thing that F2P games live on? Oh yeh, we've got these!
After reading the description and playing this game for a bit, then uncovering most informations, this game seems like a scam to me. I got my money stolen, I got cheated on and scammed for non-existant features and (in my opinion) false advertising, golden hypocrisy and misleading information were applied in order to make me pay for it.
They've tried to scare me with lawsuits for defending Your wallets. That kind of behaviour from a developer is unacceptable, especially when all critique is being taken as trolling and they start to insult other players before banning them.
I've warned you.