Arma campaigns have been shit since that of Operation Flashpoint (it goes by Arma Cold War Assault these days) which remains one of the best SP campaigns ever made for a videogame, including that of the Resistance expansion.If you really know nobody with arma II and arma III, the game still fun?
Was this posted already? Summer Sale bundles apparently in this coming sale.
Was this posted already? Summer Sale bundles apparently in this coming sale.
Was this posted already? Summer Sale bundles apparently in this coming sale.
I have two hours to kill tonight before I'm going away for the week and feel like playing something, so can anyone tell me if I should get the Dungeon Defenders Collection or should I just get the main game without the DLC?
How much it all cost you? Nice parts. If your goal was to make me jelly, it worked!It's happening
It totally is! People neeed to check out the trailers for their new big DLC too.Every Arma game and dlc for 17.16
Hell of a deal.
Arma 3 Apex - Developer Diary: Setting & Content & Arma 3 Apex - E3 2016 Teaser Trailer for the the new Arma 3 DLC look very nice. Love the jungle themed setting of the new island Tanoa and the new additions in vehicles. Feel like reinstalling and going through scenarios and mods.
I see someone invited you already. Well, either way welcome here and nice to have new friends o/Thankyou! Ah I see, haha! Apologies, my current 'ID' is Azzawon, that's probably why, my bad!
Here's my profile URL anyway:
On one hand I'm happy for you that you soon will be able to use the features of the mobile app but on the other much bigger hand am I always shocked to see someone use Windows PhoneHey, they are thinking of me!
This is 3 dollars I thought really hard about spending and decided not to.I'm sure everyone has had their fill of these but just wanted to remind people that the discounted "upgrade" price for Dead Island - Definitive Edition and Dead Island: Riptide - Definitive Edition ends in about 25 more hours:
How much it all cost you? Nice parts. If your goal was to make me jelly, it worked!
Oh really? I may be able to get a nice RE deal after all...And these are great because they scale in price based on what you already own.
Did you hear No Man's Sky was getting sued because they were using the word Sky in the title? insane.
I have two hours to kill tonight before I'm going away for the week and feel like playing something, so can anyone tell me if I should get the Dungeon Defenders Collection or should I just get the main game without the DLC?
...full price?
That's going a bit to far, zkylon!
I'd recommend to instead play NuBattlefront for half an hour in EA's free trial, to see how dead and empty the community and how devoid of fun the mechanics of the game are, to realize how much of a perfect metaphor that is for your life, to get drunk as a result and to play with your toes for rest of the time.
Can't be any less fun than Dungeon Defenders.
I assume the bundles will have that new steam feature of knocking off the price for the games you own, right? they might be really really good then
These new bundles on Steam have the potential to make the Summer Sale great again.
The old "publisher packs" were some of the best gaming deals I have ever seen - before or since. And these are great because they scale in price based on what you already own.
Despite the fact that there probably won't be daily deals, flash sales, community choice voting, etc - these packs have the potential to be the best deals especially for those of us that have been around for a while and own a lot of stuff on Steam.
No way you knew about PS4 neo and bought all that stuff.
No way you knew about PS4 neo and bought all that stuff.
Nevermind. I was hearing some buzz so I picked up Sonic: Lost World off Steam instead. I don't know why interest in it suddenly picked up, even after playing 121 minutes, as it seems just kind of average.
There is a way to turn off the monsters in the game to make it one...
The summer sale posts have already started I see
Was this posted already? Summer Sale bundles apparently in this coming sale.
Did you hear No Man's Sky was getting sued because they were using the word Sky in the title? insane.
Wait. When's the Summer Sale?
It's true, but you could also say "Kerbal Mech Program" and I would believe you.Reviews: "Chromehounds 2....Closest to Chromehounds....It's similar to Chromehounds"
Unfortunately, all games tied to the key will be removed if you decide to remove a single one of them. I'm in the same situation, can't stand looking at Sonic 4 in my library.I asked this in the sonic humble bundle thread, but i think this is a better place to ask it:
So here's a question. If I buy one of the (humble bundle) tiers and decide I want to permanently delete say, Sonic 4 because I can't stand the sight of it (even in the hidden folder), does it remove all the games in the tier that were tied to that key or does it just delete that one game only?
So the sale starts the 24th? What time?
Right click -> "Set Categories..." -> "Hide this game in my library"Unfortunately, all games tied to the key will be removed if you decide to remove a single one of them. I'm in the same situation, can't stand looking at Sonic 4 in my library.
My guess would be the standard 10am Pacific Time, but I don't really know. Sorry
You know you can just get another micro-usb cable for itThe USB cord for my Xbone controller has been fucking up lately. Is there some way to use it wirelessly with PC?
Can't connect to Steam here.
TIL microUSB is a thing.You know you can just get another micro-usb cable for it
I'm in Guam, which is in the Pacific, so I'll go ahead and set my alarm for 10AM on the 24th.
I'm not sure if it was mentioned here already, but in addition to Limbo being free on Steam it's also available for free on the Humbe Store. Comes as DRM free as well as a Steam key.
TIL microUSB is a thing.
I thought it was some proprietary cable because I have like 5 miniUSB cables. Why in the fuck did they go and make microUSB.
My guess would be the standard 10am Pacific Time, but I don't really know. Sorry