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STEAM | May 2016 - VAC to life, VAC to reality

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I never insinuated them being unable to port it, but rather if they can get around any hurdles that would prevent an NDS game to be released on Steam.

What S-E NDS games are on Steam?
FF3 was ported to the PSP btw.
And Gunvolt is a 3DS game not an NDS.

FF3 being double ported doesnt make that fact still apply though :x

If you can legally get a 3DS game on steam pretty sure a DS would be fine.

also agreeing with stump- I don't play dooms, but general reception has been "ugh, this doom isn't fun!" but everyones hyped as hell anyways?


^Fair enough~

OK played a little of the Rambo Video Game.
This ish is good son. May not be worth playing for long periods but short busts of play will do fine.
It's a freakin' arcade shooter with a score system, graphics may not be all that but the gameplay more than makes up for it.


also agreeing with stump- I don't play dooms, but general reception has been "ugh, this doom isn't fun!" but everyones hyped as hell anyways?

I've only seen hype for the single player, not the multi.

It looks alright. It's got a lot of things that people have been asking for (no ADS, no reloading, fights that incentivize moving and shooting simultaneously, lots of movement options, lots of enemies on screen at once, more enemy attacks that can be dodged around rather than hit scan, interlocking levels with lots of secrets and multiple pathways) and some things that raise red flags (cinematic kills, level sections that lock you in a room and pour in enemies, some visual design monotony, less fast than OG Dooms, double jump and verticality, ability upgrades that can complicate combat).

I think on balance it could be a decent single player campaign.


I never insinuated them being unable to port it, but rather if they can get around any hurdles that would prevent an NDS game to be released on Steam.
I guess the interface might pose issues. They might just base it of the iOS version.


listen to the mad man
Just so we all know where you're coming from here: what shooters from the last 5 years have you thought have had good level and encounter design and good combat and what made them that way?

Bulletstorm was a good mix of cinematic linearity and interesting encounter design with cool open arenas, and had a good and dynamic shooting system that encouraged diversity of play.


5 years is 2011. Not sure there's much else I'd go to bad for in that timeframe. Most of the interesting stuff in the first person space has been in non-shooter designs like post-Portal FP puzzlers and post-Amnesia FP horror and the rise of walking simulators. I don't think there's been anything multiplayer driven in the FP space that's interested me since TF2.

Certainly I wouldn't go to bat for Halo or Call of Duty. Maybe Battlefield is better but it doesn't release on platforms I own.
Bulletstorm was a good mix of cinematic linearity and interesting encounter design with cool open arenas, and had a good and dynamic shooting system that encouraged diversity of play.


5 years is 2011. Not sure there's much else I'd go to bad for in that timeframe. Most of the interesting stuff in the first person space has been in non-shooter designs like post-Portal FP puzzlers and post-Amnesia FP horror and the rise of walking simulators. I don't think there's been anything multiplayer driven in the FP space that's interested me since TF2.

Certainly I wouldn't go to bat for Halo or Call of Duty. Maybe Battlefield is better but it doesn't release on platforms I own.

The new Wolfenstein games are amazing and in that timeframe.
Best shooter of the last five years? It can only be Intrusion 2. It has some of the most spectacular boss battles I've ever witnessed.

Which reminds me, I wonder when that dev's new game is releasing...
Stayed up late playing Stellaris.
Woke up early to get an hour of Stellaris in before work.

So good.

I can sympathise. It's amazing how time flies while playing.
i like abigail but her story events are so boring

like she goes into the mines to fight monsters

and hangs out at the cemetery

and plays with a ouija board

maru builds a fucking robot

I really liked Abigail's room event. Blew my mind. Don't think I've seen many other of her events, though...

Man, I need to play more Stardew Valley.


Anyone recommend a good chrome vpn?

TunnelBear, at least it worked fine to me

Best shooter of the last five years? It can only be Intrusion 2. IT has some of the most spectacular boss battles I've ever witnessed.

Which reminds me, I wonder when that dev's new game is releasing...

I can sympathise. It's amazing how time flies while playing.

I started playing it around 2014 and finished it a few weeks ago. Very fun game


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I think its time to stop being an asshole and just upgade to windows 10
i like abigail but her story events are so boring

like she goes into the mines to fight monsters

and hangs out at the cemetery

and plays with a ouija board

maru builds a fucking robot

Go with Haley, she has the right priorities when it comes to farming.



Bulletstorm was a good mix of cinematic linearity and interesting encounter design with cool open arenas, and had a good and dynamic shooting system that encouraged diversity of play.


5 years is 2011. Not sure there's much else I'd go to bad for in that timeframe. Most of the interesting stuff in the first person space has been in non-shooter designs like post-Portal FP puzzlers and post-Amnesia FP horror and the rise of walking simulators. I don't think there's been anything multiplayer driven in the FP space that's interested me since TF2.

Certainly I wouldn't go to bat for Halo or Call of Duty. Maybe Battlefield is better but it doesn't release on platforms I own.

I found Bulletstorm super okay, but that's about it. While the game ostensibly encouraged a variety of play, it never ever intrinsically incentivized or required it. I found the kill with skill stuff to be adjunct to the actual encounter design; I could slide into one enemy, knocking him into the air and then drill shoot him in the testicles to stick him onto a spiked plant, but all it did was get me bonus points which were never necessary to generate actually useful abilities.

It's one of the core issues with an unlock system that is gated by player use variance in a linear campaign: you either make every enemy defeatable with base abilities or you risk hard locking progress not behind player skill, but ability unlock.

As such, the encounter and enemy design stays flat through the entire game. You never HAVE to actually kill with skill to overcome obstacles. You never have to actually be better at the game or delve into the variety of mechanics available to you. You can just quad shotgun every enemy in the face and kick them into spikes. Machine gun them from a distance and aim for every red barrel. It's bread and butter shooter design with the ability to layer (sort of?) interesting combinatorial weapon mixing on top if you're so inclined. But you don't have to to progress.

Other issues with the game: incredibly linear levels that you just walk or run through to stop in a kill room to blast away. The enemies don't have awareness states so you can't plan an encounter. it's all reactivity - which is fine in shooters, but because the awareness states don't exist in the pathing or encounter structure, every fight ends up the same. They can't do the push pull of having scenarios that the user can initiate and then have an ambush, then have a locked-in-room, then have a traversal fight, then back to a user initiated fight, etc. It's all just one note.

Speaking of one note - it's one of the flattest shooters I've ever played on the account of not have a jump button. There is almost no verticality and the visual dissonance of having knee high obstacles that you can't traverse is grating. Being able to jump is not some massive necessity, but it severely limits the type of encounter design the designers can create levels for (like the awareness state thing above), and it structures the game around that one-note feeling the rest of it has.

I guess it could be one of those "make your own fun" types of games, which is fine, but damn: in a completely non-grounded world with walking down the sides of buildings and man eating plants - the actual bread and butter enemies couldn't have been more rote (the running at you enemy! The machine gun enemy! The sniper enemy!). When you design these wacky weapons with secondary fire and push skill kills as your thing, why not go ape on the enemy designs with non-standard behaviours and strengths and weaknesses?

Like, I can't remember a single encounter from that game. I can remember walking down the side of a building at the beginning (that was cool), and that the entire palette of the game was the bluest and yellowest thing I'd seen in years, but the actual game is a blur of shooting gruel.

It was okay.

EDIT: i just realized that this post may come across in that OH YOU LIKE THAT GAME? IT'S SHIT! which is was never meant to be. I just am always trying to find out why certain GAF member like certain shooters and why some don't. And actually talking about game design. I'm not some Nu-Doom fan (i'll probably buy it when it's $5), it's just that shooter discussions here generally never get into how the actual games are structured and designed, and i jump at any chance to do so. So often the phrase "the shooting is good" is used in the place of actual discussion, when the phrase is at best confused for 10 different things amongst 10 different posters, and at worst, entirely meaningless.


Last month, global cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab released a new report on Steam Stealer, an “evolving breed of malware that is responsible for hijacking the user accounts of the popular gaming platform, Steam”.

To learn more about the hacking plaguing Steam, Panopticon Labs’ Matthew Cook sat down for a long interview with Santiago Martin Pontiroli, a security researcher for Kaspersky Lab. Together with Bart P of Panda Security, Santiago led the research into Steam Stealer, and is the primary author of the recently released report.

Interview: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/Matt..._quotTreasurequot_In_Online_Game_Accounts.php

Right, I totally forgot about that somehow.

I'm an old ass ninja.
How big is the W10 download upgrade though?

Less than 3GB, perhaps?
I upgraded directly from OS, not using an ISO so I couldn't see the download size. It's like updating a game.

------------------------------------------------- >8

Anyway, some gentlemen gifted me ARK (thanks!). As I understand it, it's a multiplayer survival game. I know it's a silly question, but is there a single player option?
I just want to chill in the world of dinosaurs.
TrackMania² Stadium is £2 at gamergate. Registers on Steam. Thinking about picking this one up as Turbo is probably dead (Peak concurrent players yesterday: 156 compared to Stadium's 341)
Bulletstorm was a good mix of cinematic linearity and interesting encounter design with cool open arenas, and had a good and dynamic shooting system that encouraged diversity of play.
Speaking of, I've heard a while ago, that one could download games from GFWL again, but are there incompatibility problems on Win10?


Funstock sending emails about preloading Doom now so I imagine other 3rd parties are probably getting keys and sending them out around now.


Guys. I soon plan on making my PC boot into BPM on my TV.

I'm currently running a 980ti where I have an on/off overclock. I only ever activate the overclock when playing very demanding 4k games like the Witcher 3, Arkham Knight and so on. My less intensive games run fine without the OC.

Now this is the built in "OC Mode" in the Asus GPU Tweak program. I know it's not the "proper" or "right" way to OC for sure but it does the job fine for me. Usually gives me 5-10fps increase for a solid 60 on the games mentioned above.

Anyway, to the point, would it be dangerous to have the card auto turn on "OC Mode" on PC boot and essentially always have it running? My card is roughly 3 months old now and is in fine condition but I really, really don't want to end up killing it.

It slightly bothers me that games like FF9 will be running a 980ti in "OC Mode" but for simplicity I'm thinking of doing this.


When is the new Bemine?
I could be interested, but since I still have a 10$ coin, I want to pay with that.
This new "limited 4000 copies" thing, how does it work?

Probably for pre-orders only or the bundle is only limited to 4000 copies totally

But there's no ETA on when the bundle will launch, right? I see it sold around 1800 copies, I hope it will launch today before they reach 4k so I can decide if take it or not.

In reddit it says that the pre-order is limited to 4450 copies, so I assume that when all these copies are pre-ordered, then the bundle will go live

Umh, I don't know. What if pre-orders will never reach 4450?


Guys. I soon plan on making my PC boot into BPM on my TV.

I'm currently running a 980ti where I have an on/off overclock. I only ever activate the overclock when playing very demanding 4k games like the Witcher 3, Arkham Knight and so on. My less intensive games run fine without the OC.

Now this is the built in "OC Mode" in the Asus GPU Tweak program. I know it's not the "proper" or "right" way to OC for sure but it does the job fine for me. Usually gives me 5-10fps increase for a solid 60 on the games mentioned above.

Anyway, to the point, would it be dangerous to have the card auto turn on "OC Mode" on PC boot and essentially always have it running? My card is roughly 3 months old now and is in fine condition but I really, really don't want to end up killing it.

It slightly bothers me that games like FF9 will be running a 980ti in "OC Mode" but for simplicity I'm thinking of doing this.

It sounds like you're just having a basic overclock. Which is what thousands of PC gamers already do. It shouldn't be an issue. Games don't actually get fully clocked if they are not using the card fully. You can test this by having an overlay program show the core clocks in your game. Witcher 3 will run it at like 1400ish, while non demanding games will run typically around 1100.


When is the new Bemine?
I could be interested, but since I still have a 10$ coin, I want to pay with that.
This new "limited 4000 copies" thing, how does it work?

Probably for pre-orders only or the bundle is only limited to 4000 copies totally


It sounds like you're just having a basic overclock. Which is what thousands of PC gamers already do. It shouldn't be an issue. Games don't actually get fully clocked if they are not using the card fully. You can test this by having an overlay program show the core clocks in your game. Witcher 3 will run it at like 1400ish, while non demanding games will run typically around 1100.

Perfect thanks! I'll have to check that out with an overlay program later but it sounds like it's perfectly safe to do it. Awesome!


But there's no ETA on when the bundle will launch, right? I see it sold around 1800 copies, I hope it will launch today before they reach 4k so I can decide if take it or not.

In reddit it says that the pre-order is limited to 4450 copies, so I assume that when all these copies are pre-ordered, then the bundle will go live


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
welp my Darksiders 2 deathinitive edition save got corrupted, guess im done with that game >_>

I was right before the last boss and ive finished DS2 before but its still annoying, especially because it happened while I was doing the dlc and you cant do the dlc without "unlocking it" during certain parts of the game. Oh well


Tsk first 3-4 Hours of UC4 were quite a drag. I can excuse slow start for games but this is absurd.
Started getting better now but I think that's due to the pretty graphics. Kinda shame the only things you do in the environments are walking/roaming around and cover shooty banging thugs.
I need to play Tomb Raider Ann. again @_@

Bulletstorm was a good mix of cinematic linearity and interesting encounter design with cool open arenas, and had a good and dynamic shooting system that encouraged diversity of play.


5 years is 2011. Not sure there's much else I'd go to bad for in that timeframe. Most of the interesting stuff in the first person space has been in non-shooter designs like post-Portal FP puzzlers and post-Amnesia FP horror and the rise of walking simulators. I don't think there's been anything multiplayer driven in the FP space that's interested me since TF2.

Certainly I wouldn't go to bat for Halo or Call of Duty. Maybe Battlefield is better but it doesn't release on platforms I own.

Go play Lovely Planet ya old codger.


Tsk first 3-4 Hours of UC4 were quite a drag. I can excuse slow start for games but this is absurd.

how fucking dare you shit on the NAUGHTY GAWDZ they are the best fucking devs EVER in the history aduhasjkdsh dsahd adhasjkdhsadjksahdjksahd NAUGHTY GOADZ

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
the other thing about the Doom preload is that I really don't think Doom is going to be a good game wait actually this isn't about the preload file size at all.

Not trying to troll, I'm just a little shocked pre-release excitement is at the level it is given how bad the game has demoed. Seems to have weak level and encounter design and poor combat. The multiplayer beta didn't seem well received. And no one working on it has much in the way of pedigree. Also the fact that iD has been bleeding talent for a long time and since their last game has bled most of their top level talent.

Seems like it basically has all the red flags that would make people avoid a day one $60 purchase. *shrugs*
I'm just playing it through Family Sharing so my risk is like zero.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
played a bit of titan souls, killed about 5 bosses (first 4 and then one in the snowy area), I dont think im feeling it.


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Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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