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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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tbh my favorite thing about fo3 is what happens if you make "peace" between ghouls and humans in that hotel tower


i wonder what i'm doing tomorrow...


The Flash

are you sure yo didn't just like it cos it let you pretend for 5 minutes that liam neeson was your dad?

be honest

I didn't know Neeson was in it until years later. It's hard for me to pinpoint. I love FNV's story as well but something about FO3's just stuck with me more.


Well, Final Fantasy 13 just crashed on me. (It's not the first time!) That must mean its time to stop playing and go to bed. :p

I'm at chapter 7 and I'm about 14 hours into the game.... It's getting better.
At this point in the game, once more abilities and roles have been unlocked the battle system really is quite fun.

So far I think it'll easily be worth the $10 I paid for it. Square really should patch the damn game though. It'd be nice to have native resolution support above 720p and a constant 60fps while playing.


Great thread title.

About the FO3/NV discussion, I think it's somewhat relevant that I never finished any of the post-Morrowind Bethesda RPGs (Oblivion, Skyrim and FO3), but I did finish New Vegas. The former are good sandboxes for playing around in (and modding !), but the latter is that and an interesting story and characters.

I didn't find the characters or story in NV nearly as engrossing as some other people here apparently do. I also didn't find the setting and overall presentation as atmospheric. Basically, the exploration and atmosphere weren't as strong in NV, and I felt the much-vaunted Obsidian writing, while good, isn't nearly as amazing as people make it out to be. Not strong enough in my eyes to compensate for the areas where I found the game lacking compared to FO3 (world design, atmosphere, exploration).

Honestly, people here shit on Beth's writing and put Obsidian's on a pedestal, but to me, it's like comparing a mid-tier and upper-tier genre fiction writer. One's a little better than the other, but they're both competent at what they do, and neither one's going to win a Pulitzer.


You'll spend 1000 hours looking for mods :)
no need you can just ask me!

imo all you really need is:

project nevada/jesawyer mod
new vegas redesigned
nevada skies

all the rest are non-essentials but nice to have, specially all the restoration mods which i wholeheartly recommend (new vegas and freeside restoration mods, the npc projects and new vegas uncut)


Waiting on New Vegas to download with that network speed.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Just kidding, you doing a vanilla playthrough or are you going to use mods?

i bought the ultimate edition

7 GB/2 hours to go. will continue in the morning
no need you can just ask me!

imo all you really need is:

project nevada/jesawyer mod
new vegas redesigned
nevada skies

all the rest are non-essentials but nice to have, specially all the restoration mods which i wholeheartly recommend (new vegas and freeside restoration mods, the npc projects and new vegas uncut)
you REALLY like this game. can you send me links later?


i wonder what i'm doing tomorrow...

Gambling. What else would you be doing in New Vegas?

Also what is up with Five Nights At Freddy's? That game looks creepy as hell, and people are loving it. I don't understand the fascination with this game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Stallion: Trying to do these Dance mini-games perfectly is killing me in The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Well that and the 100% mission requirements at times. I thought Assassin's Creed 3's 100% were bad. Hoo-boy...


Fallout doesn't need any mods, its not Skyrim!

Though NV I'd get the that JE Sawyer mod (guy who worked on the game released a mod).

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Stallion: Trying to do these Dance mini-games perfectly is killing me in The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Well that and the 100% mission requirements at times. I thought Assassin's Creed 3's 100% were bad. Hoo-boy...

I'm sorry optional stuff is ruining the game for you.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm sorry optional stuff is ruining the game for you.

I will give BoGT props for at least fixing the UI. The UI in GTA4/LaD is ugly. That and the characters of BoGT's chapter is more interesting than tLaD/GTA4's by a good mile.

But yeah, I'm still in the opinion that GTA4 as a whole package is weak.
i bought the ultimate edition

7 GB/2 hours to go. will continue in the morning

you REALLY like this game. can you send me links later?

All those mods listed are great, just go to New Vegas Nexus and look through the top rated files, I guarentee you will find dozens that you want to install.


Unconfirmed Member
usually 650 bytes/s maybe 750 if I get lucky.
2.2 MB/s It takes it's time, but it gets there in the end. :)
2.8 MB/s. Not super fast, but it gets the job done!
3MBps, which is about right for my connection.
700 KBPS.
Yup, about the same here.
2.5MB/s over LTE.
Gettin like 5.5/6 MB/s here.
Usually around 450KB/s

This is from right now...been steadily at this speed for a few minutes.

On my new fibre to the node connection I max out at about 5.8MBps.
I get between 1-2 MB/s can download most 50gb games in a day now :)

Thanks for the responses everyone.

Because I'm waiting for kids trick or treating:

The adjusted average speed of respondents is 2.43MBps.


I didn't find the characters or story in NV nearly as engrossing as some other people here apparently do. I also didn't find the setting and overall presentation as atmospheric. Basically, the exploration and atmosphere weren't as strong in NV, and I felt the much-vaunted Obsidian writing, while good, isn't nearly as amazing as people make it out to be. Not strong enough in my eyes to compensate for the areas where I found the game lacking compared to FO3 (world design, atmosphere, exploration).

Honestly, people here shit on Beth's writing and put Obsidian's on a pedestal, but to me, it's like comparing a mid-tier and upper-tier genre fiction writer. One's a little better than the other, but they're both competent at what they do, and neither one's going to win a Pulitzer.
the way i see it new vegas' writing is inconsistent but it has moments of greatness. all the dlcs are amazing and vault 21 is amazing and mr house and cass and the king and happy robot man are amazing and they're all wonderfully written. it's sometimes not great and sometimes it's pretty bad but it's for sure more good than bad. it's one of the downsides of having so much dialogue (iirc it's the game with the most recorded dialogue ever), it's hard that everything will be the same level of good

fo3 instead is consistently mediocre and more often than note goes deep into cringeworthinessland. specially characters like that survival manual lady and the little kids town. some characters are really cool like that shady looking guy that works for mr hotel man but they're in the very small minority

so yeah so far nothing new, you already know how i feel about fo3. i wouldn't say there's a small difference is what i'm getting at, but i wouldn't say new vegas is without flaws (and i never have!)

and like it's ok if you like fo3 better but don't say "i put obs on a pedestal" like my opinion was more biased than yours. i never said the writing in new vegas is perfect and should win a million awards or a pulitzer or anything. i don't even think that of fo2 and it's my favorite game ever that i've beaten like 20 times or something

that's uncool!

i bought the ultimate edition

7 GB/2 hours to go. will continue in the morning

you REALLY like this game. can you send me links later?
pm me or ask me on steam and i'll you out

Fallout doesn't need any mods, its not Skyrim!

Though NV I'd get the that JE Sawyer mod (guy who worked on the game released a mod).
ok the only mod i'd say new vegas (as well as fo3) absolutely needs is mtui. the interface is pretty terrible in both games so if there's something that can be perfectly and cleanly improved without changing anything fundamental that's it

all the others are very recommended but i've beaten new vegas with and without them and yeah, you don't need to. i'd say they do really improve the game, new vegas redesigned fixes a lot of messed up faces that are like "wtf were you thinking obs", nevada skies makes the game prettier and has a vanilla setting that makes it more like an incremental upgrade rather than a huge change, etc. etc. they're very nice things to have
Man those Alien TF2 items went quick, an easy $13, I under cut all you jerks by $0.01 and they sold before I finished my evening poop. I also had an Octodad hat I didn't know I had which I also sold.
Why can I not sell my TF2 Alien items? I already started it a couple times, checked my backpack, and then tried to sell. Everything is listed as non tradeable.


pm me or ask me on steam and i'll you out
You'll have to add me. I'm easy to find. I'll go the Nexus approach though.

In defense of obsidian, I very much enjoyed KoTOR 2 and the story they made. The studio gets rushed, but most things get fixed after release. Restored content, and bugfixes alike. I'll trust obsidian


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 18 Steam keys and 1 other items. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Power Up -- MB-A5BFE9CFAF25F934 - Taken by user237. 1 entrants total.
Crusader Kings II Russian Unit Pack -- MB-72C0B622FC39584F - Taken by GrinningColossus. 1 entrants total.
Gravity Badgers -- MB-E8414269AA658555 - Taken by Maniac. 3 entrants total.
Knytt Underground -- MB-110D0DE3423B0F96 - Taken by Vastag. 4 entrants total.
Little Inferno -- MB-C480AA10DF0A364E
Epigenesis -- MB-2C1E1246B87A9AA3 - Taken by Aitor. 1 entrants total.
Major Mayhem -- MB-C889B17CA88E73CE - Taken by F-Pina. 1 entrants total.
100% ORANGE JUICE (Desura) -- MB-5830485D6816AB04 - Taken by Uraizen. 1 entrants total.
Oil Rush -- MB-055FF1C61F093FC8 - Taken by nja. 1 entrants total.
Thomas Was Alone -- MB-CF8A2704A1E4DC77
Tropico 3 Gold -- MB-D7F57940E7232C8A - Taken by texhnolyze. 1 entrants total.
Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken -- MB-54ABE4CA17D16FC2
The Book of Legends -- MB-B39E27B6F2BA0EE4 - Taken by darkchewie. 4 entrants total.
Into the Dark (used?) -- MB-A99288B1FEDE0AE8 - Taken by drakaenae. 1 entrants total.
Sweezy Gunner -- MB-DBFDA10E9973C75D - Taken by anastef. 2 entrants total.
Crusader Kings II African Unit Pack -- MB-6FC18A5FC39FBD8D
Fez -- MB-391CAB41DA67286E - Taken by steadfast. 1 entrants total.
Ballpoint Universe -- MB-FCD03440C6700E0A - Taken by NightmareTrigger. 1 entrants total.



speaking of mods any mods i should know of for divinity?

i installed one that raises your movement speed out of combat and it's pretty alright

would be nice if there was a mod that let you speedup some spell animations

To be fair, who wouldn't want Liam Neeson as their dad?
my fantasy dad will always be warren spector so i'm not gonna cheat on him with anyone

You'll have to add me. I'm easy to find. I'll go the Nexus approach though.

In defense of obsidion, I very much enjoyed KoTOR 2 and the story they made. The studio gets rushed, but most things get fixed after release. Restored content, and bugfixes alike. I'll trust obsidion
new vegas is all nexus anyways.

also stop calling them obsidion -_-


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Made $11.40 from the Alien items. Not bad for something that cost me barely more than twice that.

Why can I not sell my TF2 Alien items? I already started it a couple times, checked my backpack, and then tried to sell. Everything is listed as non tradeable.

Have you tried restarting Steam?


Off-Topic, but does anyone know the brand and model of Kojima's glasses?

I really need to change mine, and these are really pretty! (Maybe in a darker color would be better)

Great, You got me hunting a pair too. Those are the glasses he used ingame. I still don't know if they are from an actual brand or just made specifically for him though.


They've been marketable for about a day now.

Could it be the arbitary nontrade period for those who: don't activate steam guard, or not using credit card and such. 7 days if I'm not mistaken.

I just bought Dota2 vase and got something that looks expensive. Too bad Valve put nontrade tag for 3 months for all items from vase. It's time to stop playing in Dota market then.


All those mods listed are great, just go to New Vegas Nexus and look through the top rated files, I guarentee you will find dozens that you want to install.

Just go wild and take a day or 2 primarily to experiment with mods.

I played Fallout NV with all the following mods:
I still don't understand the Fallout 3 hate, sure it had a linear story-line compared to NV and you were dependent on VATS but it was still a competent game in the series.

Part of it is the instinctive hate towards everything Bethesda some people have. The more popular and successful their RPG get, the greater the hate.

Part of it is Obsidian has several of the people who worked on the original fallout games and they have a fan base that is loyal to them.

The other part is the the locations of New Vegas is in the same area of the country as the first two Fallouts.

For me, I'm a huge fan of the series, played every game (including the horrible console release of brotherhood of Steel) and Fallout 3 is my favorite. Being objective, New Vegas has better dialog but that's about it.


I'm so very late, but thanks to a kind gaffer who gifted it to me, I played The Room for the first time.

It was a fun little puzzler, which took me about 2 hours to complete. Might take you longer, depending on how quickly it 'clicks' with you. Wearing its touch gaming origins on its sleeve, most of the controls transferred to mouse without too many problems (I had some trouble with 'flipping' lids, but that just might be THE CLAW)

Took a while for me to get into the right mindset at the start, but once I was in the zone, I found most of the puzzles and the progression from one to the other logical. Each puzzle taken by itself also made sense to me, which is pretty refreshing.

Definitely worth playing.

(See guys? I don't hate all games! =p)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Could it be the arbitary nontrade period for those who: don't activate steam guard, or not using credit card and such. 7 days if I'm not mistaken.

Possibly, but that error message isn't exactly subtle so I'd assume he would have mentioned that if it were the case.

mm in TF2 the items don't have the non tradable tag, yet they do in the steam inventory?

The only other thing I did was sign out and then back into Steam Community, but this was before I "ran" TF2 (I attempted to run it via Remote Desktop, so of course I didn't actually get to the main menu due to the lack of hardware acceleration) -- after that I just refreshed my inventory page and the items were marketable.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
I'm so very late, but thanks to a kind gaffer who gifted it to me, I played The Room for the first time.

It was a fun little puzzler, which took me about 2 hours to complete. Might take you longer, depending on how quickly it 'clicks' with you. Wearing its touch gaming origins on its sleeve, most of the controls transferred to mouse without too many problems (I had some trouble with 'flipping' lids, but that just might be THE CLAW)

Took a while for me to get into the right mindset at the start, but once I was in the zone, I found most of the puzzles and the progression from one to the other logical. Each puzzle taken by itself also made sense to me, which is pretty refreshing.

Definitely worth playing.

(See guys? I don't hate all games! =p)

ah, so you only like mobile ports now then? ;)
I've done my part and purchased Valkirya Chronicles on Steam.
I own it on PS3 and haven't even played it yet, I make lots of smart purchasing decisions.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
I just got emailed a bunch of codes.

ModBot said:
Instructions for Daedalos42:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 8 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Daedalos42, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Evolve Big Alpha #5 -- MB-212AEF4BCB901243
Evolve Big Alpha #4 -- MB-F8E8E72E2F120274 - Taken by Hanzou
Evolve Big Alpha #7 -- MB-FFBAD12994BC37D5 - Taken by xBladeM6x
Evolve Big Alpha #6 -- MB-B53463032BB1AAA3 - Taken by Metalic Sand
Evolve Big Alpha #3 -- MB-713BC15030D6C413 - Taken by Stuggernaut
Evolve Big Alpha #2 -- MB-18E41AAF4E1AA814 - Taken by Sarcasm
Evolve Big Alpha -- MB-70F59BD0111C1A2F - Taken by Dragoon En Regalia
Evolve Big Alpha #8 -- MB-521660A8C982D14E - Taken by Trellisaze


Yeah they seem to be sending a bunch out lol. I just got sent another 8... Is there anyone who doesn't have one at this point...

Edit: Lol, 12 now...
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