Isla Nublar has a rich and intriguing past, something that the website does not shy away from. Discovered first in 1525 by Spanish explorer Diego Fernandez, Isla Nublar existed long before Dinosaurs walked upon it’s surface. Nublar was once populated by an indigenous tribe, k
nown as the Bribri*, who were displaced by various explorers, and finally entirely relocated by InGen in 1987 for the Jurassic park project. Further, Isla Nublar still hosts a wild population of indigenous wildlife such as a large variety of birds, and the Elaphodus cephalophus nublarus (Nublar Tufted Deer). Masrani Corp has established strict regulations protecting the local flora and fauna, with energy conservation projects, clean waste removal and a large recycling project.
*Fun fact: the inclusion of the Bribri tribe means Jurassic Park The Game is canon.