2 is pretty dope until the last mission, the last mission is hot garbageDamn, Dead Space pack was one of the first games I bought on steam, like 4 years ago. I lost interest halfway through 2, I need to get back to it someday. 1 is the shit.
Damn, Dead Space pack was one of the first games I bought on steam, like 4 years ago. I lost interest halfway through 2, I need to get back to it someday. 1 is the shit.
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate's loyalty discount has been fixed. If you own all the previous games, you should see 45% off now ($5.49).
Great game, well worth that price of entry.
How do I tell if a game is region restricted on Nuuvem? (I'm in the US) I've bought stuff from them in the past, can I still do that?
All Nep. All the Plutia. All the silly meta humor and the cut scenes. Oh, bliss.
You can try. It will tell you wether you can do it or not either in the cart menu or after the checkout process. They sadly check the origin of your paypal account for many games nowadays.
How do I tell if a game is region restricted on Nuuvem? (I'm in the US) I've bought stuff from them in the past, can I still do that?
Wow. Didn't expect such high praise. I keep hearing mixed things about it, but it looks gorgeous.
Humble store is a fucking tease.
"Costume Quest 2 80% off"
the transaction can't be completed.
Well, JRPG is a very divisive genre. Characters, story, battle system, difficulty balance, secondary quests, grinding can turn easily a person on or off. And more, the overabundance of JRPG games in the PS2 era made a lot of people really picky because there was too much choice that suddendly shrunk in the following generations (I consider console generations because JRPG was pratically a strict console genre).
For what I saw (about 9 hours in two days), Zestiria is consistent: the story flows very smooth, I haven't met yet a single annoying character (and I did quit a lot of JRPG 'cause of annoying characters or uninspired story). The battle system works fine and "grows" along with the rattle of the events with detailed but not intrusive details. I did no grinding and I found the boss battles very fun. There's just a little con I agree with texhnolyze (which loved it anyway), and it's about a not always perfect camera in battles, but there are overall praised JRPGs with a much worse one (and when camera fails, just a little move of your right thumb on the right stick of the pad to fix it).
Obviously I can't know your tastes, and I know it's not cheap at all (since nowadays it's possible to preorder several Steam games for half the price), but if you love JRPGs, I advice you to consider it sooner or later.
It's not, I bought it
Do you need VPN to purchase Skylines?
Humble store is a fucking tease.
"Costume Quest 2 80% off"
the transaction can't be completed.
The Pip-Boy from the F4 CE looks like a happy meal toy.
Oh man, just get to lvl 30![]()
What prize do I win?
Also to the surprise of everyone, Humble Monthly added paypal after all!
Do you need VPN to purchase Skylines?
Oh man, just get to lvl 30![]()
So I managed to snag a few hours to do some research for the handheld and it's going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be
lets list out all the problems I'm facing:
So as I might have mentioned above I am using the raspberry pi, while quite a small device it's still quite thick at just under 1.5cm or so, this isn't bad, but when you consider putting in a screen:
it jumps to 2cm, which is still okay I guess, but with the acrylic sheets and so forth I expect the end result to be 2.5cm thick. Another problem is the screen takes out a good proportion of the GPIO pins to power itI've used some wires and all it really needs is 5v, 3v and GND, the actual display is a touchscreen and that's why it's using all those GPIO pins, I'm quite unsure of breaking that bit off just yet as it's out of my comfort zone. Screen is really nice though!
For the controller I didn't want to go down the solder route, due to lack of pins and unfamiliarity with controllers in general, recently I obtained the 8bido a snes clone bluetooth controller.
I'm hoping I could re-wire the battery connectors from the controller to the main board and usb a Bluetooth dongle, it would save a lot of timeif that fails I'll have to solder off a usb from the raspberry py and find a very short micro usb cable to house it.
So essentially I got rid of the case for testing purposes and I ran into a few problems.
First of all I had no idea what this was:
Still have no idea, but I know it sets off the contact for the board for buttons when pressure is applied. anyone know whet they are called? the other problem was this:
The buttons have different heights and positions, this is goona be tricky to work out using a laser cutter, plus I now have to find a place that can do 1mm acylic for the face buttons to even stick out.
So a lot of research done, don't expect things to sail so quickly as I'm waiting for a few test parts to power the cicruit to arrive and will try and post updates as I can with that.
- Sreen has taken all the GPIO ports, can be powereed by 3v-5v and GND, but becomes bulky as you need to displace the Pi
- Going through the Bluetooth route, this may have a maximum of 10% battery hit on the device.
- Button placement is going to be a pain to work out.
Taking into thes things into sonsideration I came up with this design (not final):
L/R buttons are on the side and the device is about 2.5cm thick, 14cm wide and 16cm tall.
More updates coming when they can?
What prize do I win?
Five more slots for Steam friends, what more could a man ask for?
Also remembered, you get a higher chance of card booster packs.
Why are you stalking Grief's level?
How do I tell if a game is region restricted on Nuuvem? (I'm in the US) I've bought stuff from them in the past, can I still do that?
Had no problem here buying Skylines from Nuuvem in Aus using the evil that is Hola set to Brazil.
Early screens of Roller Coaster World beta from the cummunity hub.
And an additional Steam Profile Showcase!
I just crafted badges to get to level 20, while gazing at my lovely profile, I noticed in the corner...
Anyone else who has had their Steam categories messed up? I (wrongly) suspected that this had happened when I got the Valve family and friends pack for the botched Steam controller osx release, but now it has happened for real. A quite large number of the games that I had given a category are now in in the uncategorized pool. This has happened across several of my categories, which are still there.
Should I start worrying that someone has access to my account? Please tell me that someone else is affected by this?
These are some the games in question: (only including installed games, because I am pretty sure most/all of those were categorized)