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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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Ok, so after trying all the tweaked maps in Speedrunners, I really like the changes. The bottom path in the beginning of Amusement Park (the big swing over the pit with the items) seems to be the much better option now, and the two routes in the large room on the right of Factory seem a lot more balanced out now. Doing swings is still faster, but doing the climb on the right is still viable.


I like to tackle short games while also playing a big game so it doesn't feel like I'm going months without making any progress with my backlog.

For example, I've been playing Trails in the Sky since it has been released but since I started it I also played and finished Marlow Biggs, Papo & Yo and Inversion, which are short games. Now I'm playing Metro 2033 Redux which is a nice complement to a jrpg when I want a change of pace.

I also do this often but lately on PC most of the games I play take a long time to finish. Not that I mind and it's usually those games that I love to play only on PC, like strategy games and similar genres. Having great fun is all that matters in the end.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Why people are so afraid of flying cockroaches? Just use one of these to kill it.




wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Are the CIV V expansions worth buying?

In short, Hell Yes. Both of them add some much needed meat to the game that make it a much, MUCH better experience overall. When I first got Civ 5 I liked it but not as much as Civ 4 with BTS. Now, after both expansions, I can say that I like Civ 5 a lot more than even Civ 4: BTS. They improve the game a lot, in both some very subtle ways and some very grand ways.


Those with an SSD:
that reads a bit wrong...

Do you get Steam to reference your games on a separate HDD or do you just move games onto the drive as-and-when you need them?

I went full SSD about 2 years ago and never looked back. (Both on desktop and laptop)

I first solely had a 128 GB SSD on my desktop. So everything went onto it: OS, software, docs, and games.
Yes, this was hard. But I'm glad I did this: I had to force myself into the complete & delete mechanic. I was a "semi completionist" anyway so I had no issues with this.

But now with games that are getting 30+ GB that would be impossible.
More so if you want to keep some Multiplayer games on your SSD at all times.

So a few months ago I bought a 500 GB SSD.
Now my 128 GB SSD holds the OS and some smaller games.
While my 500 GB SSD will hold all my games. I still use the complete & delete system though. I will never download something simply because I have space.


Also, don't be afraid that your SSD would die anytime soon because of any of the writes.
That is old, very old information.
The SSD technology has been mature enough for a quite some time now that installing all your games on it, wouldn't impact you at all.
I have yet to hear reports of gamers which' SSD died because they installed all their games on it.


Finally, a remark to the Windows 8 users who claim "Win 8 is soo much faster than Win 7. It's well worth the install!" and then still place their games on an old HDD:

If you care so much about "faster" you would install all your games on an SSD.
I don't try to sound elitist, but my - in your eyes "slower" - Windows 7 installation combined with an SSD, will still feel faster while gaming, compared to your Windows 8 installation on an old HDD.

So claiming a certain OS will benefit you in games since it feels "faster", while you still use old HDD technology for your games, is silly.


Anyway, FF3 was very very nice, but SE should do something against the grinding, because is just INSANE here.
Also you can't buy Phoenix Down, you can't buy Elixir, you can't buy items to fill your MP...and I need to do the whole Crystal Tower plus World of Darkness in one try because there are no save points in dungeon, you can only save on the world map.

I cheated my add off to beat it on ios.
You can move in a dungeon exit out and continue where you were with the battle not loaded. I basically grinded and ran through dungeons straight to the boss. I tried to play it seriously up until getting the sub. Still was way more work than it was worth.


Zkylon shouldn't venture in the flying cockroach thread in OT.

why does ppl make those threads in the first place -_-

Why people are so afraid of flying cockroaches? Just use one of these to kill it.

actually my dad's super afraid of roaches like me and one of those flying ones once got into his apartment so now we never open the windows and we're kind of slowly killing my baby brother by asphyxia
I guess I'll only play Endless Legend for the next days, these games have something that I get so hooked that I don't want to play any other games in the meantime.

why does ppl make those threads in the first place -_-

actually my dad's super afraid of roaches like me and one of those flying ones once got into his apartment so now we never open the windows and we're kind of slowly killing my baby brother by asphyxia

It runs in the family. O_O


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of Asgaro, who is running this raffle.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Asgaro, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
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- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

3DMark -- MB-5FFB93D757625D95 - Taken by Jadax. 12 entrants total.

I'm somewhat shocked by SE pricing policy of FF13, it's nothing like their behaviour on consoles. I'm even considering some conspiracy theories, like they sell the first game of trilogy dirty cheap, to get everyone buy it, and then go sky high with other two games (><)

The price SE put on FFXIII is simply genial. They know the game is bad, pricing it low= best seller on Steam.
Probably FFXIII-2 will be priced like XIII, while XIII-3 will be expansive because is basically "new".

the total for the trilogy will be ~$50, which is probably the price they plan on selling the lightning trilogy remaster on the consoles. That's the only reason that this pricing makes sense to me seeing as that SE is known for overcharging for everything final fantasy.


The price SE put on FFXIII is simply genial. They know the game is bad, pricing it low= best seller on Steam.
Probably FFXIII-2 will be priced like XIII, while XIII-3 will be expansive because is basically "new".

Well, Lightning Returns is still £40, €60 on PS3
no way in hell I'm going to pay $80 for that game, even if port is good and game runs smoothly.


I'm somewhat shocked by SE pricing policy of FF13, it's nothing like their behaviour on consoles. I'm even considering some conspiracy theories, like they sell the first game of trilogy dirty cheap, to get everyone buy it, and then go sky high with other two games (><)

Since this is an older game who, one can only hope, recouped the development cost already, they can do a sort of experiment with it.
They must have taken into account the sale data for previous FF titles into account when setting the price.
Also, notice how there was no advertisement for the port, it just came out of the blue. Yet it still is the top seller (or in top 5) on Steam, and I suppose it will stay there for a while. Win-win for Squeenix - no cost for them, just bundles of cash.

Dr Dogg

I'm somewhat shocked by SE pricing policy of FF13, it's nothing like their behaviour on consoles. I'm even considering some conspiracy theories, like they sell the first game of trilogy dirty cheap, to get everyone buy it, and then go sky high with other two games (><)

Well it is a 4 year old game (5 in Asia's case come December) and Squenix are the masters at dropping digital prices to nothing after release. I'd say it's fair and even more so when you look at the prices they are charging for their DiveIn service. I wonder what XIII-2 and Lighting Returns will come in at and if the DLC will be included, separate purchases or ignored altogether.


Unconfirmed Member
Child of Light sorta counts, depending on your views of the matter.

I'm surprised you never heard of FFX, actually. It's good but it has some of most frustrating sidequests ever in any game, also it's insanely long if you wanna 100% it. All in all Spira is amazing, I like lore a lot in this game, combat is well done, leveling is interesting, characters have development, unlike in many games. It would be nice to have it on steam, but I'm not sure I have it in me to play it for the third time.
Also Auron, everyone wants to be Auron
It's just that I didn't like any of the 3 or 4 FF titles I started, so I never paid further attention to the series. I may keep an eye on it, if the HD version ever goes on sale again on PS3.


Just had a friend request from this guy. No friends or groups in common, and not even the token effort of putting up some anime avatar. Clearly he's legit.

Dude that's totally legit.
It's a bot for APB: All Points Bulletin

He was going to give you acess to the beta for APB 2. Bulletin Even Harder


I hope Caribbean (early access mount and blade x sid meier's pirates) has a good discount today

arr ye lads best be watchin yer dubloons


Why so low?
if i had to guess i'd say bugs, interface, not being a aaa game?

Because it's a piece of shit. Won't even look at the steam page for more than a second with scores like that.
no first person mode wtf is this shit

I hope Caribbean (early access mount and blade x sid meier's pirates) has a good discount today

arr ye lads best be watchin yer dubloons
dam that sounds like pure hentai for me


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Well this is disturbing: I got a "verify your new location/computer" email from Greenmangaming that I definitely did not request. Changed my password as a precaution.

Would have lost all of my playfire credit if my account had been compromised.

Glad they have two step verification for things like this.


I'm somewhat shocked by SE pricing policy of FF13, it's nothing like their behaviour on consoles. I'm even considering some conspiracy theories, like they sell the first game of trilogy dirty cheap, to get everyone buy it, and then go sky high with other two games (><)

Maybe they aim is not only on profit, but you know, doing goddess works.

Honestly, I never played FF13 before and have zero interest (minus, joined hate bandwagon), but then it's on steam, and cheap. No reason to not give it a shot then.
I have just had an epiphany.

I am here spending all my time thinking about whether to upgrade my GPU. I spend 90% reading about games or staring at my Steam library. An integrated chip would therefore suffice; I don't even need the 670.

Anyway, I am stuck as to whether to play episode 4 of The Walking Dead Season 2 or Lego Marvel. Or read GAF all afternoon. Whilst still trying to decide about the card.


Has anyone actually played hack n slash in here? Is it possible to complete that game without knowing a thing about Lua scripting? I don't know if I should...
Currently playing it. It's definitely a puzzle game. No hard core lua things so far. Still, the menu is toggles and setting values. Simple stuff.

I also know nothing of lua


Wasteland 2 giveaway part 1 of 2 commence!
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Zalusithix, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Wasteland 2 -- MB-6C6C0A0A401039C3 - Taken by gabrielt16. 64 entrants total.

Wasteland 2 is region locked where it matters right? So the best deal is going to 20-25 dollars right depending on who you can find selling backer keys?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Transformers: War for Cybertron is...ok, it's a bland third person shooter in tight corridors, wouldn't spend more time on it.

It helps to like Transformers and to be playing in co-op with a bro who also likes Transformers. Then it's a fantastic experience 10/10 would play again.

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