Ok, I'm 18 levels in on Team Indie( stopped due to a minor bug that doesn't let me proceed to the next level. Keep in mind, I'm playing the beta build so bugs are to be expected)
So far I'm liking it. A lot. It's a very competent puzzle platformer. In this game you have several indie characters that help the protagonist reach the end of the level, and each of the characters have their unique power. Dustgirl wallruns/walljumps and double jumps, Clunk explodes stuff, CommanderVideo can slide under stuff, J.Jitters can create platforms to jump on.
When you touch a character's icon on the level, you activate it and use it, taking advantages of their powers to either activate doors/buttons to open passages, explode obstacles or create platforms to jump further. After you switch to the next character, everything will rewind back in time, and the character you just used will to the exact same moves you did. You have to take advantage of what you did before to progress further. (as it says on the description of the store, you do co-op with yourself).Coordination and timing are key, and the time mechanic makes it play a bit like Braid, albeit quite a bit more diverse.
So far, I definitively recommend it, and I assume it will get really complex later on(as I have like half of the characters right now, and I assume they will mix up the gameplay even further.