Can your Warner Bros. PR rep hook me up with a Steam key for Arkham Asylum vanilla?
Still chasing after Arkham Asylum vanilla?
Can your Warner Bros. PR rep hook me up with a Steam key for Arkham Asylum vanilla?
I'm pretty sure the people selling Shadows of Mordor for $25 are buying the game from other regions and then selling it with a few dollars on top. It doesn't sound like SoM has any region protection so it SHOULD be fine, but honestly after hearing that Valve can and will remove games from people's libraries if they find out the game is from the wrong region, I'd rather not take the risk.
Still chasing after Arkham Asylum vanilla?
Damn that's mindblowing.People on this page and the page before were talking about how a couple people (who have good rep) in the GAF Buy/Sell/Trade thread are selling SoM for $25.
The sellers themselves look 100% legit and by all accounts seem to be trustworthy, but they're selling games from regions other than the US which is why they can set the price that low.
I'm pretty sure the people selling Shadows of Mordor for $25 are buying the game from other regions and then selling it with a few dollars on top. It doesn't sound like SoM has any region protection so it SHOULD be fine, but honestly after hearing that Valve can and will remove games from people's libraries if they find out the game is from the wrong region, I'd rather not take the risk.
Yes, I'm quite aware. Three-quarters of my games are from Russia. If Valve intends to remove games bought outside of one's territory, then Jase's game count will drop to just over 100 lolPeople on this page and the page before were talking about how a couple people (who have good rep) in the GAF Buy/Sell/Trade thread are selling SoM for $25.
The sellers themselves look 100% legit and by all accounts seem to be trustworthy, but they're selling games from regions other than the US which is why they can set the price that low.
Always cracks me up when I see a thread with 'who's going all digital on x platform?' as the premise. If convience of not getting up off your arse is worth an extra £10-20 a pop as well as no resell valvue then you're a more bonkers person than me. I do wonder how many peeps who want to go the digital route also were against the DRM policy Microsoft were going to use?
People on this page and the page before were talking about how a couple people (who have good rep) in the GAF Buy/Sell/Trade thread are selling SoM for $25.
The sellers themselves look 100% legit and by all accounts seem to be trustworthy, but they're selling games from regions other than the US which is why they can set the price that low. Honestly I'd rather wait for a holiday sale or a GMG sale than to take a gamble on a game that isn't from my region.
Damn that's mindblowing.
Damn that's mindblowing.
It's pretty common practice.
This isn't something that's worth worrying about. It's only ever happened twice: in 2007 (Orange Box) and 2009 (Modern Warfare 2, but seemingly only those who played the MP as I still have my copy), plus only retail keys were revoked, not gift copies of the game. Valve has never revoked gifts that were purchased legitimately -- the gift system would be near pointless if publishers could decide willy-nilly to revoke internationally-sourced copies.
Vanishing is 3 hours long? On the "deep discount" pile it goes, sorry.
Chocolate is better.Still chasing after Arkham Asylum vanilla?
eh. I was trying to be a dick about cheap RU prices, but it's too early to be witty.
Always cracks me up when I see a thread with 'who's going all digital on x platform?' as the premise. If convience of not getting up off your arse is worth an extra £10-20 a pop as well as no resell valvue then you're a more bonkers person than me. I do wonder how many peeps who want to go the digital route also were against the DRM policy Microsoft were going to use?
Moving on to our other upcoming Steam projects now and I’m pleased to say that the PC conversion of Way of the Samurai 4 is coming along really well. We’ve recently started to implement PC controls although these will probably undergo some refinement during testing. Also the required GUI changes (keyboard/mouse controls) are being added for the PC version of the game. With the release growing ever nearer, the PR machine (that’s me) has already started pestering the team for marketing materials for the game and our guys are busily producing some great artwork which you can expect to see in the very near future.
Of course we’ve also been hard at work on Agarest: Generations Of War 2 which still has quite a way to go but we’re making steady progress. The latest playable that’s currently in test in our office is far more stable than previous builds and from what I’ve seen, the game is looking very good on the PC. This latest instalment in the Agarest saga is quite a departure from the first two as it features a revamped battle system, improved resolution for the character art, movies and environments as well as a totally new Agarest universe to explore. Fans of the first two instalments are going to love this!
I refuse to use it (Enhanced Steam) because it doesn't mark all owned or wishlisted games correctly anymore. Valve's new update shows them properly.
With no configuration whatsoever, it was the only useful feature of Enhanced Steam for me.
I'm using Opera 12 browser. Latest version of Enhanced Steam for my browser was released on Feb. 27, 2014. The dev doesn't want to support my browser anymore, and there is no problem with that. Valve's site redesign still works fine with my browser.
And no, I'm not going to switch to different browser for now.
Please release Enchanted Steam on Internet Explorer. IE is a great browser nowadays and needs support.
I notice a regional price force issues with this update and i had to uninstall this add-on, let say you are overseas and you usually buy from your original country store using the browser. without the add-on or with the add-on till 6.6.1 you can do that with no problems. but with this update 6.7 it will change the currency of the game when you try to add them in your cart.
I test buying without the add-on and i had no issue. but with the add-on i couldn't, it switch my browser to my current region store.
Given how quickly WB tends to discount its games, I wouldn't be surprised to see Shadows of Morder in the winter sale at 33% off or possibly even more, and by next summer certainly 50-66% percent off.Yes, I'm trying to convince myself not to buy it.
Sometimes I don't know why I read my Enhanced Steam inbox / reddit / twitter / etc. Here are a few choice clips from this morning:
a) It's not that I don't want to support Opera 12 any more, it's just literally impossible for me to upload a new version on Opera's portal site and b) if the only thing you found useful about Enhanced Steam is/was the highlighting, then it's pretty easy to simply stop using it without being a shit about it.
I don't even know where to begin with this one.
There seems to be this ubiquity that Enhanced Steam has in a lot of people's mind, that it interacts with Steam in such a way that something like this were even possible. And he's the only person that's experienced this issue. Most likely what happened is that Steam had a hiccup in his purchase process (we all know this happens from time to time) and when he disabled ES and tried again - it didn't hiccup. Seems like an isolated incident to me. The source code is 100% available, and anyone that knows what they're looking at can see that Enhanced Steam doesn't alter your cookie data by itself arbitrarily.
Sorry for the wall of text and rants, it's just frustrating. Some days are better than others, but this is just a slice of what I get to read every day. I think I'm going to take this weekend off from working on Enhanced Steam and focus on Final Fantasy IV and Hyrule Warriors![]()
Does Agarest 2 still have the grind enemies to craft weapons going on? If so I'll have to use a trainer to get over that since I still enjoy the story.
Sorry for the wall of text and rants, it's just frustrating. Some days are better than others, but this is just a slice of what I get to read every day. I think I'm going to take this weekend off from working on Enhanced Steam and focus on Final Fantasy IV and Hyrule Warriors![]()
I too would like to download this Enchanted Steam plugin. It sounds magical. Link please.
Awesome find, make a thread.Seems like PC version of AC:Rogue is almost confirmed
This thing i found today on Uplay
At least give him the right link:
Seems like PC version of AC:Rogue is almost confirmed
This thing i found today on Uplay
Sometimes I don't know why I read my Enhanced Steam inbox / reddit / twitter / etc. Here are a few choice clips from this morning:
Sorry for the wall of text and rants, it's just frustrating. Some days are better than others, but this is just a slice of what I get to read every day. I think I'm going to take this weekend off from working on Enhanced Steam and focus on Final Fantasy IV and Hyrule Warriors![]()
a) It's not that I don't want to support Opera 12 any more, it's just literally impossible for me to upload a new version on Opera's portal site.
Sorry for the wall of text and rants, it's just frustrating. Some days are better than others, but this is just a slice of what I get to read every day. I think I'm going to take this weekend off from working on Enhanced Steam and focus on Final Fantasy IV and Hyrule Warriors![]()
what are you trying to pull???
my office barracuda web block flagged this
Thing is, Opera 12 is still the best browser available on PC.
Seriously, I'm keeping Chrome on my HDD just for Steam+Enhanced browsing, rest of my daily net browsing is done in O12.
(No, that wasn't my email there, I totally understand you wanting to keep a single codebase).
seems like i cant make a threads for some reason :-(Awesome find, make a thread.
Considering how fast the Lego and Batman (and, well Lego Batman) games dropped to $5, I believe you are absolutely on the money.
The question is: Would you rather pay ~$25 now and play it immediately, or are you willing to wait it out and get it for less later down the line? I feel like the current grey market prices are really good if you want to get the game on day one.
Personally, i'm using this hype to finally play War in the North coop with my brother. Should do the trick until Mordor drops into impulse purchase prices.
Sorry for the wall of text and rants, it's just frustrating. Some days are better than others, but this is just a slice of what I get to read every day. I think I'm going to take this weekend off from working on Enhanced Steam and focus on Final Fantasy IV and Hyrule Warriors![]()
seems like i cant make a threads for some reason :-(
Seems like PC version of AC:Rogue is almost confirmed
This thing i found today on Uplay
Awesome find, make a thread.