Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread: we still like you Tony

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Voted for Assassin's Creed even though I can't afford it. Voted for Bioshock 2 even though I haven't beat the first one yet.

I think I'm part of the problem.


Just got:

$25 GTA Complete Pack (every GTA including GTAIV Episodes from liberty City)
$5 Gmod
$3 Half Life Anthology (Half Life 1 with expansions, got this to play Sven Co-op and other half life 1 mods)

Pretty great deal I must say.
thinking of getting terarria 4 pack but I own a copy and says
Four Packs must be purchased for your own account. Once you've completed your transaction, you'll be able to give your three extra copies of the game to friends using the Steam client.

so im guessing the 4 pack is actually a 3pack cause i already have copy?


thinking of getting terarria 4 pack but I own a copy and says

so im guessing the 4 pack is actually a 3pack cause i already have copy?

Yeah, currently you can't purchase a 4 pack if you already own it. They've mentioned that will change in the future (I think), but not sure when.


I voted for Assassin's Creed Revelations, and of all the voting so far it's been the first for a game I was interested in.
Glad it won, so now I may buy it. Though I need to decide if getting it, or getting the whole Ass Creed pack, though that seems a bit too costly.


I don't like these Flash sales Valve. I'm waiting to see what's up next, but after that the next one is in two hours! When am i supposed to sleep????

I was getting tense about that yesterday too, but as it turns out it's not so bad if you go to bed right after a deal switches. Shortest a deal will be is 6 hours, so you're safe if you set your alarm a few minutes early (assuming you're sleeping 8 hours and can drag yourself out of bed quickly). The other deals will flip while you're sleeping, but you won't miss anything. :)

But it does feel a little bit like lunacy to be re-patterning sleep to accommodate a Steam sale!



Best box art
Rage is pretty awful. Only decent thing about it is the graphics. It's a poor man's Borderlands. I would like to go back to when I bought it and vote myself out of wasting money on it.

Graphics really aren't even that great. The game was really boring and tedious and went on way too long without adding any new elements to keep you motivated or interested. Basically just going through the motions.

Anyone know if you can you get Half Life Source without buying the complete pack?
Is Sonic Generations worth getting for $10 if I already own 360 version? Also is "The binding of Isaac" any good?

Sure it looks great, but save the $10 for the game / games that you don't already own. My opinion at least, I'd only do that for a "way better on PC" game like a Valve game or something like that.


Voted for Metro 2033, Already playing through FEAR 3 and its a disappointment, not only as a game but as an entry into the series.


Yes and yes. If your computer can handle SG, it's definitely worth the price. I'd recommend trying the demo first to see if it's worth it.

4 minutes away from completing install, and my connection goes super slow.

Goodness knows how I'm going to install 30GB of content for Max Payne 3.


Did Bioshock 2 PC ever get Minerva's Den?

Because that is literally the only reason I would recommend getting that game

BS2 itself was okay but forgettable, Minerva's Den is a super-enjoyable short story set in the Bioshock universe
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