Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread: we still like you Tony

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Binding of Isaac + Expansion or just vanilla?

Like someone else suggested, buy the base and a gift copy of the expansion. The expansion makes the game more difficult so it's a good idea to get use to the mechanics and unlock some good items with just the base game first.

Either way, the expansion is more than worth $0.75.


Trucker Sexologist
First Toy Soldiers is up for $2.50 as a flash sale...

I already have Toy Soldiers Cold War on 360 - is it worth getting the original?

Is it good on PC? Is there local multiplayer? Is the gameplay balance any less broken than Cold War?

Had to outlaw manual control of level 3 artillery and anti tank when playing multi in Cold War.
No multiplayer of any kind.

At launch it didn't support 1080p. I was really looking forward to playing Toy Soldiers with a decent framerate but that was a colossal fuckup that, to my knowledge, they still haven't patched. So I was kind of boycotting.

But for 2 bucks 50 I might break the wall of solidarity and just play it on my CRT.


So Sonic Generations is the daily deal today. That basically means it won't get any cheaper throughout the sale, right?


Is Toy Soldiers good? I hear it's like Battalion Wars.

It's a fun tower defense game with some direct control of the units. Not all that much like Battalion Wars, but I think the Cold War sequel's a little closer to that, with hero units that you control? Something like that. At $2.49 I grabbed it :)

edit: Oshit, GFWL :p Still, $2.49.


Any opinions on the ACR DLC? I never got around to actually playing the game itself on the PS3 because I felt it ran the system way too hot and it's just $3 to tack it all on with the Gold Edition.

edit: I guess not. Probably not going to have enough time to play multiplayer on top of everything with GW2 next month and the rest of the sale still to come.
ask him which line is worse...

i think the second one, it's like saying "you've bought this for how much? you could have saved 50% more on this store"

I asked him what he'd do if either turns out to be a deal in the next 24h. He said he'd bite his pillow.
I guess if I had to rank them:

Fear 1 > Fear expansions > Fear 3 > Fear 2
The sad thing is I remember the expansions being shat on by a lot of people because they weren't from the original team and just weren't as good as FEAR. Now if the expansions are actually better than the 2 other sequals...

Think I'll just stick with my unblemished DVD copy of FEAR 1 for while yet longer.


Is ACR recommended? I don't think I've played any part of the series at all. I'm about to go to sleep and I need a quick answer, help!
How's ACR on PC compared to PS3 ? I played all AC games on PS3 but now I have a PC and the game really looks gorgeous on the PC... how does it play ? Xbox controller requiered right ?


How's ACR on PC compared to PS3 ? I played all AC games on PS3 but now I have a PC and the game really looks gorgeous on the PC... how does it play ? Xbox controller requiered right ?

Played without a controller, the KB+M works fine. Also came from the PS3, really solid ports if your PC can handle it.


Not sure if these two things have been brought up yet:

1) Toy Soldiers is getting Steamworks support:

First game to do that (ask if you want Steam or GFWL), I think.

2) Half-Life Source is not worth getting. It looks almost the same except for better water, or something like that. Also, as far as I know, it's not compatible with GoldSRC mods, like Sven Co-op and so on. Unless I'm mistaken, there's pretty much no reason to buy it.
Who cares about other places really, Metro is the best game and deserves the money the mostest.

Obligatory Vote for Metro campaigning:

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