Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread: we still like you Tony

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I ought to go to bed, the first batch of deals are expiring soon, and I still haven't made my mind up about Unbounded. Given a mid to oldish-range PC (able to push Alan Wake about the level of the 360), would it be worth getting Unbounded on the PC or waiting for a - cheaper, one would assume - console release?


What about Anniversary? Was that a good remake?
The best kind of remake. Don't expect the same game in hi-res, it plays a lot different from the first Tomb Raider, but that's what I like about it. It's modern and a new experience, but totally faithful. God bless Crystal Dynamics.


Does Remote Download/Install work for anyone else? I got home and once again the stuff I bought at work in the morning isn't downloaded at all :(


I was wondering the same, but why?

the source version is a half-ass job of porting the game. Only worth it if you get the mod textures and even then it's a bit of a toss up, personally for me it doesnt feel like half-life 1

just get both if you want to compare.


the 75% would have been from the 49.99 :<
That's like somewhere close to 4.99 or something.

75% off of 50 is 12.50

You're worse at math than I am.

So if you still would like it, you can get it from the Amazon deal and make out about the same. That is if they still have it up, I think they do.


AC Revelations while not as good as AC II was FAR BETTER than Brotherhood!

I have to strongly disagree. Istanbul was a poorly realized city, and even including the second 'city' in the game, Revelations had easily the smallest game world of any game in the franchise. It was also a less interesting world in that it didn't have the variety of II's cities or even Rome in Brotherhood. Moreover, even more so than in Brotherhood, it was obvious they could not advance the story too much, because it would interfere with Assassin's Creed III's story. On top of that, mission design (with a few good exceptions) was poorer, combat was easier yet again, they messed with the control scheme and removed its logic (by putting the terrible bomb system under Y, which should be using your head), the tower defence sequences are terrible, and the first person platforming sequences were not well realized.

There were obviously positive aspects, like it being set outside of Italy, there being some good platforming levels yet again and Ezio's and Altaïr's storylines getting fitting endings, but on the whole, I felt it a disappointing entry in what is otherwise a very enjoyable, if shallow, franchise.


So ac:r will be 13€?
It looks pretty lame from screens though I love brotherhood.

I you love brotherhood, its more of the same. Its got some bad moments (tower defense mini game) that can mostly be ignored. the story was great. If you have played AC2 and Brotherhood, you NEED to play rev for the story alone.


I ought to go to bed, the first batch of deals are expiring soon, and I still haven't made my mind up about Unbounded. Given a mid to oldish-range PC (able to push Alan Wake about the level of the 360), would it be worth getting Unbounded on the PC or waiting for a - cheaper, one would assume - console release?

don't bother, it's a mediocre racing game and there are better ones out there (Burnout paradise will probably go on sale)

I played it on 360 before any DLC and I think I might pick it up if they drop it to a fiver


I don't like these Flash sales Valve. I'm waiting to see what's up next, but after that the next one is in two hours! When am i supposed to sleep????


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
So Darkness II on Amazon will activate on Steam? (Stupid question, but what if I buy it on a mac?)


Rage is pretty awful. Only decent thing about it is the graphics. It's a poor man's Borderlands. I would like to go back to when I bought it and vote myself out of wasting money on it.


Right, purchasing two myself. Need two more people for a four pack! Need someone to host it though, won't let me purchase it myself!


I you love brotherhood, its more of the same. Its got some bad moments (tower defense mini game) that can mostly be ignored. the story was great. If you have played AC2 and Brotherhood, you NEED to play rev for the story alone.

I didn't play ac2 but read the story. Revelations' scenario just doesn't appeal to me as much as brotherhood's. :-/


Woo I finally finished Deus Ex HR! Such an amazing game with a great story! I feel proud to actually make progress on my backlog!
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