is this thread going to be locked? if so I'll just wait until the new one to set up my giveaway
It should be soon. So definitely wait.
Age of Wonders 3 any good?
With the sale basically over I guess it would be a good time to let many GAFfers know that there's a Steam thread even when there are not these big Sale events. That thread is filled with amazing and kind people always ready to help you by giving advice on game, help to set something up on the graphics or mods department, posting their doubts, writing impressions, reviews, sharing thoughts on betas or Early access games and many more. It gets a bit slow than this thread but it's moves at a decent speed when comparing with other GAF threads.
I strongly advise anyone who's been here and enjoyed this ride to keep it that way and join the Steam thread where most of us will be happy to welcome you and willing to share some joy in this fine hobby of ours. Don't be shy, join in, have fun. The Community is much more fun when we all get along and when we get bigger and better so please, consider posting there more often since there's plenty of "new" faces around here.
They didn't have a hour grace period for cards this year?
That's a shame.
Remember guys, there's another thread, okay?
I should do that... but instead I'm constantly playing the Rocket League alpha. So good.
yes?What am I supposed to do now!? Play games!?
ended up not getting Dark Souls II or Witcher 3
The reality of my study loans debt bit me in the ass, and killed my enthusiasm for Steam Sales.
Most definitely there will be a proper thread for you to show how cool is your Steam library now. Please refrain posting your loot here, but do shamelessly there, along with your super fast internet speeds, your desktop wallpapers and the reason behind your nicknames.
you cant tell me what to do copons youre not my mom!
Huh. Ship Simulator: Maritime Search and Rescue is a thing.
Is there any job that hasn't received the simulator treatment yet?