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Steam Summer Sales Thread: remember: you can actually play after buying

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paid requisite penance
Another question: it's not like I'm in any hurry to get any games while the sales last, but to you guys who know the pattern, are sales of a particular game at a particular time (summer sales for instance) likely to be there again the following year?

For instance, there's a -66% promotion on Magicka right now. Is it likely that there will be a similar — if not better — sale on the game next year? I don't think I have a PC that could run Magicka all that well for now.


Carm said:
For you last minute shoppers, you know you want to spend more.

Paradox Fantasy pack 7.99

Elven Legacy
Elven Legacy: Magic
Elven Legacy: Ranger
Elven Legacy: Siege
Majesty 2
Majesty 2: Battles of Ardania
Majesty 2: Kingmaker
Majesty 2: Monster Kingmaker
Majesty Gold Edition

I have not played any of these yet, but this Giant Bomb Quicklook of Majesty 2 sold me on geting this pack heh.

Yup, someone posted this exact recommendation with a link to the quicklook a few days ago too (was it you?)

So. Fucking. Sold.

Now I'm trying to decide whether I should skip majesty 1 and go straight for 2 or play through it all. Any recommendations?


Dreavus said:
Yup, someone posted this exact recommendation with a link to the quicklook a few days ago too (was it you?)

So. Fucking. Sold.

Now I'm trying to decide whether I should skip majesty 1 and go straight for 2 or play through it all. Any recommendations?

I do believe it was someone else, and I was glad they did heh. I had watched the quicklook awhile ago but had forgotten all about it and didn't know this paradox fantasy pack existed till it was posted.


Gentleman Jack said:
Who's feeling generous and can help with the Magicka/comment on Screenshot tickets?
Do you have an Xbox controller? The Magicka one can be done really easily locally if you have one with you using the keyboard and having the 360 controller as a dummy second player.


erotic butter maelstrom
Alright, I bought TLJ/Dreamfall and the Penny Arcade game was in my cart, so 4 more to install. I have a lot of good games to play this summer.
Caerith said:
When it comes to Magicka, what's GAF's recommendations? Is it good? Is it fun? Is the DLC worthwhile?

It's a fun dungeon crawler with an inventive combat system. You have multiple elements, spell types and casting directions with what seems a ludicrous amount of combinations to make spells with. It gets kind of hard towards the end and it's always chaotic when played with friends because of some truly spectacular friendly fire snafus.

The Vietnam DLC is worthwhile but the rest is pretty much simply vanity items.


gdt5016 said:
Thinking about modding Just Cause 2 a bit. The grapple length is kinda short...
There's a mod to increase the length to 2km


Might as well ask again.

Anyone wants to trade NyxQuest, Defense Grid or Madballs in Babo:Invasion for Greed Corp or Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee?
That or two of the first for A.R.E.S.


Caerith said:
When it comes to Magicka, what's GAF's recommendations? Is it good? Is it fun? Is the DLC worthwhile?

It's pretty damn fun if you can get your friends into it, if you're playing alone though I'd say it's mediocre at best. I cannot stress enough how fun it is with friends though, lol.

AFAIK the only DLC that adds any more "campaign" style gameplay is Vietnam along with a challenge map. The rest is either (mostly) cosmetic robes that also come with special weapons, or more challenge and/or versus maps.

I haven't bought any DLC yet but I think I'll be getting at least Vietnam before the sale ends, maybe some of the challenge map ones too like marshlands and final frontier, not sure yet. I'll probably skip frozen lake and watchtower since it looks like they're PVP only maps and PVP doesn't really interest me in this game.

EDIT: That's my take anyway, maybe someone who's actually played the DLC can chime in too, haha.
Narag said:
And here I thought I'd go to bed.
There's also a mod to allow you to use the minigun as an equipable weapon. I wasn't the biggest fan of the general gunplay, so I always rocked the minigun.

Also, if you deploy your parachute a millisecond before hitting the ground you wont take damage, but will get some hilarious ragdoll results, especially on a hill.


Rodney McKay said:
There's also a mod to allow you to use the minigun as an equipable weapon. I wasn't the biggest fan of the general gunplay, so I always rocked the minigun.

Also, if you deploy your parachute a millisecond before hitting the ground you wont take damage, but will get some hilarious ragdoll results, especially on a hill.

Minigun mod sounds awesome and yeah, I've seen the ragdoll thing. It's equal parts my bane and hilarious.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Dreavus said:
Yup, someone posted this exact recommendation with a link to the quicklook a few days ago too (was it you?)

So. Fucking. Sold.

Now I'm trying to decide whether I should skip majesty 1 and go straight for 2 or play through it all. Any recommendations?

Give Majesty a try. It's dated yet fun.

I bought the Paradox Fantasy Pack the other day as it was cheaper than buying the Majesty 2 DLC/expansions separately. It's a pity the pack doesn't offer you giftable copies of the games you already own. Not that it bothered me, but I assumed since Paradox are PC-centric they'd be on the ball with regards to Steam's gifting system.


Subete no aware
Gentleman Jack said:
Who's feeling generous and can help with the Magicka/comment on Screenshot tickets?
The Magicka one you can do solo if you have an extra controller you can plug into your PC.

Ookami-kun said:
Altitude has an active online community?

Kinda turned off by only having four classes though.
I just loaded it up for the tickets... there are maybe 50-100 people online, but that's enough to play some games. There are quite a few classes/unlocks from what I saw though, but a lot of it is mid and high level.


Permanent Junior Member
ShockingAlberto said:
Oh wow

The Last Remnant is unoptimized as all hell

How does a UE3 game chug like this

I assume I need to crank down a lot of settings
Game runs great for me. I'm actually surprised how well Dead Space 2 runs, and that they actually fixed the control problems!


Dreavus said:
It's pretty damn fun if you can get your friends into it, if you're playing alone though I'd say it's mediocre at best. I cannot stress enough how fun it is with friends though, lol.

AFAIK the only DLC that adds any more "campaign" style gameplay is Vietnam along with a challenge map. The rest is either (mostly) cosmetic robes that also come with special weapons, or more challenge and/or versus maps.

I haven't bought any DLC yet but I think I'll be getting at least Vietnam before the sale ends, maybe some of the challenge map ones too like marshlands and final frontier, not sure yet. I'll probably skip frozen lake and watchtower since it looks like they're PVP only maps and PVP doesn't really interest me in this game.

EDIT: That's my take anyway, maybe someone who's actually played the DLC can chime in too, haha.
Is Magicka's multi online-only or does it have local multi too?
Dreavus said:
Yup, someone posted this exact recommendation with a link to the quicklook a few days ago too (was it you?)

So. Fucking. Sold.

Now I'm trying to decide whether I should skip majesty 1 and go straight for 2 or play through it all. Any recommendations?

I vastly prefer the first game. Play through the whole thing...at least until it gets frustratingly difficult. The last couple missions and the bulk of the expansion are very, very difficult. The same is true for much of the late-game content in Majesty 2, though it's not as bad as it's made out to be. I haven't played the last couple expansions but Monster Kingdom looks really interesting.


I bought Magicka earlier, and liked it, and was going to go back and buy the complete pack and share the second copy of magicka to a friend - but it seems according to what steam is saying that I'm not allowed to gift out the second copy of magicka. So, guess I won't be buying it :(


GDJustin said:
This sale has been so amazing. I've put five hours into Majesty so far this weekend (http://store.steampowered.com/app/25990/?snr=1_4_4__13), and it's been a ton of fun.

"Cool story bro," right? But then it dawned on me that after I'm finished with Majesty, I have its expansion to go through. And Majesty 2 to go through. And ITS expansions. And then, after all that, I have Half-Life. And Deus Ex. And King's Bounty. And Darksiders. And SpaceChem. And Puzzle Agent. And Monkey Island.

...etc etc etc.

It's hard for me to articulate my exact point, here. I guess, like, my rational mind knew I was buying like 50+ games. I was completely aware of each and every purchase. But it was only just now, after putting some quality time into Majesty, that it dawned on me all the goodness I now have in front of me.

(Also Freedom Force, The Longest Journey, Oblivion modded to hell, X3, Quake Complete, Doom Complete, Hexen Complete...)
I know exactly what you mean man! I bought a lot of games, I have never bought this many games before, ever. But I have been playing them and oh my god, I will have something to play for ever and ever.


Neo Member
Well, this sale was definitely good to me! Haul includes:

Day 1

Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West - $1.50

Day 2

The Heroes Pack - $4.99
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - $2.49
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - $2.49
Penny Arcade Combo Pack - $1.80

Day 3

Magicka - $3.39

Day 4

Tropico 3 Gold - $4.99

Day 5

Fallout: New Vegas DLC's (Honest Hearts, Dead Money) - $5.98 (Gift)

Day 6

Deus Ex Collection - $4.99

Day 7


Day 8

Tomb Raider: Anniversary - $2.49 (Gift)

Day 9


Day 10

Portal 2 - $24.99

Day 11

Gumboy Tournament - $0.74 (Gift)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - $13.39
Eschalon: Book 1 - $3.74
Eschalon: Book 2 - $4.99
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - $7.49
Star Wars Republic Commando - $6.69
Portal 2 - The Final Hours - $1.33
Magicka: Vietnam DLC - $1.69
Magicka: Final Frontier DLC - $1.00
Magicka: Marshlands DLC - $0.67
Magicka: Wizards Survival Kit DLC - $0.33

Subtotal - $102.16

Definitely got a LOT more than I was expecting. Thanks to all of you who gifted me some things, really helped out a lot!

Except for you, JDS. Now I have an urge to actually try and beat Gumboy Tournament just to justify your purchase. >:


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Dreavus said:
Yup, someone posted this exact recommendation with a link to the quicklook a few days ago too (was it you?)

So. Fucking. Sold.

Now I'm trying to decide whether I should skip majesty 1 and go straight for 2 or play through it all. Any recommendations?

I'm playing through Majesty 1 now. It's still very playable.

It came out in 2000, so, you know... go in with the right expectations. But it has a better UI than many games from that era, decent voice acting, and lots of missions. Since its scenario-based its pretty easy to hop in and out.


My backlog is nice and fucking healthy after this. With upcoming releases Ill make it well to the Christmas sale before running out of stuff to hold my interest.


ShockingAlberto said:
Oh wow

The Last Remnant is unoptimized as all hell

How does a UE3 game chug like this

I assume I need to crank down a lot of settings

The game seems to run horribly on ATI but works great on Nvidia cards.

Don't know how they managed that though, as UE3 usually works great on both brands.


xXJonoXx said:
Can anyone tell me how to upload a video to Steam for the ticket "Show time - Post your own video in Steam"

Go into your profile in the video section and link your account with your youtube account. Than if you have a movie uploaded you an attach it to your account. I made a vid in Spacechem and used that one.

Dead Man

You bastards made me buy JC2. When I already own it on PS3. After I had said I had bought enough. I am weak, and a sucker for mods. :(
Dead Man said:
You bastards made me buy JC2. When I already own it on PS3. After I had said I had bought enough. I am weak, and a sucker for mods. :(
Consider it a $5 upgrade and ask yourself what kind of DLCs are usually 5 bucks.
Nothing to regret here. All will be well.
Not exactly a Steam question, but this still seems the best place to ask, so... I just noticed that Assassin's Creed II went on sale on Gamersgate, and it beats out the Steam price--$3.74 for vanilla and $5 for the deluxe edition. I'm pretty sure I want to bite on it at that price, but I'm just curious if the extra content in the deluxe edition is worth it at all or if I should just stick with the base game?

Edit: Eh, probably won't get it to playing it for a while and I've spent nearly enough as is, so ended up just going with vanilla.
Um, did anyone else's tickets and redemptions disappear?

I had 29 tickets...if I go to the main store screen it says I have 0 tickets and everything I redeemed is back to being un-redeemed on that screen. WTF. Did I just get fucked over or something? All of the achievements I unlocked are also greyed out...

Edit: Weird. It asked me to log in...yet I was clearly logged in since I was on my Steam client. Then when I logged in it was acting like this was the first time I was logging into that computer (using that account security thing by emailing me a key to type in). Strange.


MisterAnderson said:
Um, did anyone else's tickets and redemptions disappear?

I had 29 tickets...if I go to the main store screen it says I have 0 tickets and everything I redeemed is back to being un-redeemed on that screen. WTF. Did I just get fucked over or something? All of the achievements I unlocked are also greyed out...

You're probably not logged in.


MisterAnderson said:
Um, did anyone else's tickets and redemptions disappear?

I had 29 tickets...if I go to the main store screen it says I have 0 tickets and everything I redeemed is back to being un-redeemed on that screen. WTF. Did I just get fucked over or something? All of the achievements I unlocked are also greyed out...
I have my tickets.

Now about that JC2 dlc.
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