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Steel Diver |OT| an ocean that proves you should ignore reviews once and for all


Mutagenic said:
Playing through the same shit with a new sub or on a different difficulty should never be considered part of the length of the game. Optional decal collecting or whatever shouldn't be, either.

If each of the subs control differently (which they do) I think it does count. How you approach the level (even though you know it's layout) has to be different depending on which sub you are using. The play experience is actually different.


Alextended said:
Did you finish this "shit" to see the difference? Just looking to hear why people disagree with what he's saying rather than just that they disagree with some generalisation. The way he says it, it sounds new enough. Like a fighting game with a different character, you use the same core gameplay in different ways to use his powers and make up for his weaknesses. And the difficulty makes the old levels a new enough challenge rather than just make you take more damage and the enemies less or similar. It's not like that?
The way the missions are designed don't really promote the physical differences between all three subs until the last couple of missions, which is what really makes the progression feel sloppy since, for all intents and purposes, you're replaying the first few missions with close to zero change each and every time. I dig the game well enough, but it deserves to get dinged for that fact alone.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
On hard mode too? That's not great... Too bad it's a launch title and couldn't be baked some more, maybe with downloadable levels and such.


Mirror's Edge has six-to-eight hours of pure content right from the get go, each level is drastically different from the last and fairly HUGE. Then they use the time trials on top of that. So its foundation is immensely larger than Steel Diver, which reuses far fewer assets over and over and over and over and over again in slight, infinitesimally different ways.

They're similar in that they both have time trial modes. They're not similar in terms of how much pure content they have.

Steel Diver's main missions are all unlocked easily without a sweat in 2-to-3 hours. The amount of pure content in this case is very light, almost offensively so. Actually I'd say explicitly offensively so, since nearly all reviewers and a large chunk of user reviews are similarly put off by it.

Side Note: And even with MIRROR'S EDGE, some reviewers thought it was too light on content. So we're talking degrees here.

Effect said:
If each of the subs control differently (which they do) I think it does count. How you approach the level (even though you know it's layout) has to be different depending on which sub you are using. The play experience is actually different.

So a racing game has a billion hours of content because, after all, you're not really playing it unless you play every track with every individual car. After all, all vehicles control and handle slightly differently!

P.S. Nobody sane would make this argument

Also, the subs are not even as drastically different as vehicles tend to be in racing games. They do NOT change the way the game feels much at all. It's not even a Pilotwings difference.


Alextended said:
On hard mode too? That's not great... Too bad it's a launch title and couldn't be baked some more, maybe with downloadable levels and such.
Not to the degree that you'd hope for, really. I could honestly swear that outside of one addition right at the very end, mission 2 is unchanged between difficulties.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Mirror's Edge has six-to-eight hours of pure content right from the get go, each level is drastically different from the last and fairly HUGE. Then they use the time trials on top of that. So its foundation is immensely larger than Steel Diver, which reuses far fewer assets over and over and over and over and over again in slight, infinitesimally different ways.

They're similar in that they both have time trial modes. They're not similar in terms of how much pure content they have.

Steel Diver's main missions are all unlocked easily without a sweat in 2-to-3 hours. The amount of pure content in this case is very light, almost offensively so. Actually I'd say explicitly offensively so, since nearly all reviewers and a large chunk of user reviews are similarly put off by it.

Side Note: And even with MIRROR'S EDGE, some reviewers thought it was too light on content. So we're talking degrees here.

Totally disagree. Steel Diver has multi-player with ten maps, bot play, SEPERATE time trail levels, and seven missions that have three different subs that do control and play differently (small sub makes tight turns no steering wheel can shoot upward missiles, Medium sub slower then all, two missles 90 angle steering wheel, large sub 180 steering wheel four missles, can drop the fatest). Also periscope mode which makes for three modes that all have time time trails and DEV ghosts to play against. That is all available fom the start.

I love Mirror's Edge but I would argue that Steel Diver has more content for the average gamer right out of the box.


Mirror's Edge pure asset content absolutely molests Steel Diver. Now you're just being an obsessive fanatic and your argument has lost any plausible merit.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Mirror's Edge pure asset content absolutely molests Steel Diver. Now you're just being an obsessive fanatic and your argument has lost any plausible merit.

I'm just stating my honest opinion, and I backed it up by a comparsion of content. So calm down dude, no need to name call. Just because my avatar is tingle doesn't mean I'm a Nintendo fanboy you know....
Skiesofwonder said:
I love Mirror's Edge but I would argue that Steel Diver has more content for the average gamer right out of the box.
I like Steel Driver more than Mirror's Edge, but this statement would be pretty hard to insure...
Thought the game was just pretty and mostly okay. Then I got to mission 5. That fuckin boss slaughtered me and made me realize just how genius the design and controls are. I'll still probably consider it too short, but the concept is amazing and the gameplay is good enough for me to at least try expert mode.
I'm really enjoying this game. It's a real change of pace for Nintendo.

I'm actually shocked at how many 3DS titles are actual quality. Nintendogs, sf4, gr, star wars, pilot wings are all great fun in my book!


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
abstract alien said:
I like Steel Driver more than Mirror's Edge, but this statement would be pretty hard to insure...

Steel Diver

Steel Commander: Multiplayer, Bot Play, Ten Maps

Periscope Mode: Three Missions

Time Trail: Eight courses, three dev ghosts per course

Campaign: Seven Missions, Dev Ghost.

Mirror's Edge

Story: 9 Chapters

Race: 20 time trail levels (most unlockable), downloadable ghosts

Obviously Mirror's Edge story campaign is around 7 hours, much longer then the intial version of Steel Diver, but yet Steel Diver actually has a pretty in-depth multiplayer and Periscope mode. Just sayin, out of the box, it's debatable.

Not some crazy "obsessive fanatic" argument that needs to be resolved by name calling.


Amir0x said:
Mirror's Edge pure asset content absolutely molests Steel Diver. Now you're just being an obsessive fanatic and your argument has lost any plausible merit.
Step 1: Persistently badmouth a game you've barely played.
Step 2: Insist that many of your opinions are "facts."
Step 3: Call people who argue against you fanboys.

Nice discussion we have here, do go on.


Skies, we're not fucking two. Saying you're a fanatic is not name calling. You are clearly fanatic about your Steel Diver fandom. That's a fact, not name calling.

Even the way you're describing the content of Steel Diver proves my point. Adding a "dev ghost" to the same limited assets is not more 'pure content.' It's simply padding the very small amount of content you have to arbitrarily extend game length as long as possible. Very few people are going to have the patience to replay the same fucking content over and over again just because enemy variation is a little different or you're trying to best a time.

Also, I think you're being more than a little disingenuous about the Steel Commander mode. ALL ten of those missions are literally completable in under an hour.

Mirror's Edge pure content absolutely demolishes the pure content of Steel Commander. You have as a result infinitely more variation in the gameplay and infinitely longer tolerance for its players since they will be seeing more variation in the levels they play.

bon said:
Step 1: Persistently badmouth a game you've barely played.
Step 2: Insist that many of your opinions are "facts."

I haven't barely played it. Bzzt. And the only thing I've insisted is a fact is Skiesofwonder's fanatical devotion to this game.

Read better, or don't bother participating.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Skies, we're not fucking two. Saying you're a fanatic is not name calling. You are clearly fanatic about your Steel Diver fandom. That's a fact, not name calling.

Even the way you're describing the content of Steel Diver proves my point. Adding a "dev ghost" to the same limited assets is not more 'pure content.' It's simply padding the very small amount of content you have to arbitrarily extend game length as long as possible. Very few people are going to have the patience to replay the same fucking content over and over again just because enemy variation is a little different.

Also, I think you're being more than a little disingenuous about the Steel Commander mode. ALL ten of those missions are literally completable in under an hour.

I haven't barely played it. Bzzt. And the only thing I've insisted is a fact is Skiesofwonder's fanatical devotion to this game.

Read better, or don't bother participating.

How am I fanatic? I made an OT for a game I actually like? I'm having a discussion about a game I actually like? Damn I guess all of NeoGAF are fanatics, including you. I've put at least seven hours into both of these games (which btw is more then you can say) and I'm stating my opinion that yes there is more VARIETY in things to do in Steel Diver over Mirror's Edge. More content too. You don't see it that way, yet I don't act like your opinion is fanatic and mine as fact. It seems that you are the one acting like he is two.

Oh and Halo only has around ten levels in multi-player, and they could be "completable" in under an hour. But yet somehow people put over an 100 hours into the multiplayer. That's because (obviously) multiplayer is more about making the experience different, fresh, and new feeling with each play session and Steel Commander does a good enough job of that for me and my buddy to want to play some more. I could easily seeing getting ten hours out of it just like I did with Pikimin 2 (best comparsion I can think of).


Skiesofwonder said:
How am I fanatic? I made an OT for a game I actually like? I'm having a discussion about a game I actually like? Damn I guess all of NeoGAF are fanatics, including you.

Um, I am a fanatic. And certain times and certain games I am fanatical about it would be absolutely clear to question any 'unbiased' assessment I would make for those properties. I love the Mother series a lot. I am fanatical about the series. I could express my love for it in extremely long winded fashion but if a lot of people said something was negative about the series, and I was one of the few hold outs who was passionately arguing otherwise, it could be said my fanatical devotion to the series was clouding my judgment.

I think that is the case here with you and Steel Diver.

There is no rational argument that it has more pure content than Mirror's Edge, yet here you are.

Mirror's Edge has far more assets and more diverse assets (and thus, pure content) than Steel Diver. That's simply the truth of the matter. It's literally not even close. So, seeing you make such an argument is where your argument sounds like you're not thinking rationally. You're thinking like the Steel Diver fanatic.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Um, I am a fanatic. And certain times and certain games I am fanatical about it would be absolutely clear to question any 'unbiased' assessment I would make for those properties. I love the Mother series a lot. I am fanatical about the series. I could express my love for it in extremely long winded fashion but if a lot of people said something was negative about the series, and I was one of the few hold outs who was passionately arguing otherwise, it could be said my fanatical devotion to the series was clouding my judgment.

I think that is the case here with you and Steel Diver.

There is no rational argument that it has more pure content than Mirror's Edge, yet here you are.

Mirror's Edge has far more pure assets than Steel Diver. That's simply the truth of the matter. It's literally not even close. So, seeing you make such an argument is where your argument sounds like you're not thinking rationally. You're thinking like the Steel Diver fanatic.

I think it's a very rational argument, because I personally like Mirror's Edge better then Steel Diver. I still need a bit of an incentive to come back to Steel Diver, while I would just play Mirror's Edge just for the fun of it. It's that good and freshfeeling. Therefore Ihonestly think deep down this isn't a biased opinion. There just isn't much to do for the average gamer outside of the campaign for Mirror's Edge, while you can play mulitplayer, Periscope, AND the main campaign on Steel Diver. I'm not talking about assests I'm talking about pure content.

But anyways, this is a silly disscussion. All I want people to know is that HEY Steel Diver is a really good game for some of us gaffers and you can easily squeeze ten hours and $40 worth out of it if you must.


Flying_Phoenix said:
God Amir0x gives me such a headache.

uh oh don't want to overload your circuits with all that pesky thinkin' and rational defendin' you might have to do of your positions. let me tone down the rhetoric and tone up the rainbows and candy. grab some aspirin!
Amir0x said:
uh oh don't want to overload your circuits with all that pesky thinkin' and rational defendin' you might have to do of your positions. let me tone down the rhetoric and tone up the rainbows and candy. grab some aspirin!

I've already ran out.

Besides opinions are opinions, there are no facts in the video game world.

There is no fact in liking Game X over Game Y.


Skiesofwonder said:
But anyways, this is a silly disscussion. All I want people to know is that HEY Steel Diver is a really good game for some of us gaffers and you can easily squeeze ten hours and $40 worth out of it if you must.

Right, but it's not silly because you used the topic title to essentially attack anyone who gave the game a poor review because of its extremely light pure content. So, you asked for it. Next time don't post inflammatory topic titles that demand response?

I mean no offense or anything but it is what you asked for.
Skiesofwonder said:
Steel Diver

Steel Commander: Multiplayer, Bot Play, Ten Maps

Periscope Mode: Three Missions

Time Trail: Eight courses, three dev ghosts per course

Campaign: Seven Missions, Dev Ghost.

Mirror's Edge

Story: 9 Chapters

Race: 20 time trail levels (most unlockable), downloadable ghosts

Obviously Mirror's Edge story campaign is around 7 hours, much longer then the intial version of Steel Diver, but yet Steel Diver actually has a pretty in-depth multiplayer and Periscope mode. Just sayin, out of the box, it's debatable.

Not some crazy "obsessive fanatic" argument that needs to be resolved by name calling.
I agree that there really is no point for name calling of any sort in this case. In all honesty, it seems as if you two are looking from different angles. I believe Amir0x is talking not only about gameplay hours, but also about the work put into the game...as in assets, as stated. Steel Driver uses a design that revolves around reusing assets and pulling gameplay out of replay value, while ME by nature is full of different assets while still using some of the replay value tactics that SD does. Yeah, its two completely different games and two completely different takes on design, but one does have more literal content than the other.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Read the entire OP, but am still not convinced this is a fair purchase at $40. Much like Pilotwings, it may have repeatable endgame content to bloat it's simple concept. But the simple concept doesn't carry the weight of that premium pricing well based on what I am reading. 'Dozens of hours!' doesn't exactly seem to imply unique gameplay experiences beyond the first couple hours. The ploy of reversible tracks doesn't exactly double the amount of content in a racing game either.

I am just baffled at the thought of people paying $80+ for this and Pilotwings. At $20 or less, I'd reluctantly give it a try.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Right, but it's not silly because you used the topic title to essentially attack anyone who gave the game a poor review because of its extremely light pure content. So, you asked for it. Next time don't post inflammatory topic titles that demand response?

I mean no offense or anything but it is what you asked for.

The Mirror's Edge discussion is silly, but not my topic headline. I totally stand by statement that reviews shouldn't be trusted for this game or any. None even knew of the Expert Mode and only one mentioned that the time trail levels were seperate courses. And it sure isn't a three hour game like most were reporting.

So no offense taking, bring on what I asked for lol :p At least hopefully some more people will know there is more content offered then initally reported.

BrandonF said:
Read the entire OP, but am still not convinced this is a fair purchase at $40. Much like Pilotwings, it may have repeatable endgame content to bloat it's simple concept. But the simple concept doesn't carry the weight of that premium pricing well based on what I am reading. 'Dozens of hours!' doesn't exactly seem to imply unique gameplay experiences beyond the first couple hours. The ploy of reversible tracks doesn't exactly double the amount of content in a racing game either.

I am just baffled at the thought of people paying $80+ for this and Pilotwings. At $20 or less, I'd reluctantly give it a try.

I did (well, actually $60) and I'm very happy with my purchase. Each offers at least ten hours of UNIQUE content.

But yeah I'm not saying the $40 is the right price for these games. $25 would of been nice (and semi-realisitic) but beggers can't be choosers. Obviously some titles are well worth the $50 and more (Oblivion, Zelda, Smash, Halos, etc.) and these aren't those type of titles, but if you can justify spending $50 on Punchout!! and $50 on Excite Truck then I don't see no real difference here. About the same content gameplay wise imo.
Brandon F said:
Read the entire OP, but am still not convinced this is a fair purchase at $40. Much like Pilotwings, it may have repeatable endgame content to bloat it's simple concept. But the simple concept doesn't carry the weight of that premium pricing well based on what I am reading. 'Dozens of hours!' doesn't exactly seem to imply unique gameplay experiences beyond the first couple hours. The ploy of reversible tracks doesn't exactly double the amount of content in a racing game either.

I am just baffled at the thought of people paying $80+ for this and Pilotwings. At $20 or less, I'd reluctantly give it a try.
It still boils down to personal worth. I can already see myself putting a fair amount of time into this game, so the price tag will be worth it for me. Like I said before, I judge my purchases off of the time I'll put into it, coupled with what type of experience it will give me. It may not be worth it to you, but it could be for some. It's worth it for me on those merits.


I'm not even going to get back into this argument. Time to get this OT back on track for those who actually play the game.

So, I am going to post my best times for the Time Trial mode with the sub & decal I used. Last night I was able to get all the Gold Medals in Time Trial mode so these are all Gold times. Good luck beating these!

Time Trail

Course 1
1. 1:06:37-Golden Falcon-2nd Sub

Course 2
1. 59: 79-Sea Serpent-2nd sub

Course 3
1. 51:15 Golden Falcon-2nd sub

Course 4
1. 1:00:13 Golden Falcon-2nd sub

Course 5
1. 54: 61-Golden Falcon-2nd sub

Course 6
1. 41:17-Golden Falcon-2nd sub

Course 7
1. 53:62 Golden Falcon-2nd sub

Course 8
1. 1:00:18-Golden Falcon-2nd sub

I'll post my Campaign times in a bit. I don't want to post any until I get Gold in a stage (I do have a few Golds in Normal campaign though).

Also, here is the updated Decal list with some new locations.
From left to right, top to bottom:

1. No decal, default selection.
2. Anchor: Halves damage taken from collisions with the environment. (3 required)
3. Octopus: Halves damage taken from enemy torpedoes. ( 3 required)
4. Skull and Crossbones: Halves damage taken from enemy depth charges. (3 required)
5. Arrow through Heart: Halves damage taken from collisions with enemy vessels.
(5 required)
6. Swords and Shield: Halves damage taken from mines. (5 required)
7. Wooden Ship: Quadruples recovery speed at the water's surface. (5 required)
8. Bomber: Halves damage taken from enemy air-to-sea bombs. (3 required)
9. Snail: Reduces damage taken from all sources. (7 required)
10. Orca: Halves air consumption rate of the masker. (3 required)
11. Lobster: Prevents submarine hull leaks. (5 required)
12. Bull: Increases torpedo damage. (7 required)
13. Golden Falcon: Increases maximum forward/reverse speed. (10 required)
14. Sea Serpent: Increases maximum dive/surface speed. (7 required)
15. Eye: Reveals enemy positions on the sea chart. (5 required)
16. Tridents: Increases torpedo reload speed. (7 required)
17. Lightning: Increase torpedo travel speed. (5 required)
18. Crescent Moon: Extends the mission time limit by 60 seconds. (5 required)
19. Scope Orb: Extends post-mission Periscope Strike by 10 seconds. (7 required)
20. Cherries: Extends post-mission Periscope Strike by 20 seconds. (10 required)
21. Sun: Increases torpedo speed in post-mission Periscope Strike. (10 required)
22. Panther: Decreases enemy speed in post-mission Periscope Strike. (10 required)
23. Crown: Lowers the health of enemy bosses. (10 required)
24. Scorpion: Negates the effect of water currents: (5 required)
25. Squid: Increases the effect of waters currents: (3 required)
26. Sea Horse: Halves the effect of water currents: (3 required)
27. Penguin: Halves the impact of shock waves. (7 required)
28. Wave: Grants a one-time health boost when reduced to zero health. (10 required)
29. Frog: Increases the impact of shock waves (3 required)
30. Fire: Increase the amount of bubbles created by your torpedoes. (3 required)
31. Mario: Turns your torpedoes into homing torpedoes. (10 required)
32. Whale: Unleashes a hidden power. (10 required)

2-7: I believe I earned these all from Mission 1.
8-11: Mission 2 & 3
11 & 12: I was definitely getting these in Mission 5 & 6.
13: Mission 3, probably others, but it seems rare.
15-19: Mission 4
24-29: I believe the final mission I was earning these in.
31 & 32: Definitely only found in Expert missions.
28: I think I found these from mission 7. Most likely gained during later levels.

The locations list definitely needs some refinement. I really need to start writing down what I get when I finish a mission. I've been writing these up from memory lol!


1. Attempt Time Trial Medals before Campaign Medals. You will have a better understanding of what to expect from the Ghost AI by playing the Time Trial stages first.

2. GOLDEN FALCON IS KEY for a lot of the Gold Medals. Try to unlock a lot of the Decals, especially Golden Falcon, Sea Serpent, Squid, Bull, & Scorpion. These will help you get most of the Bronze & Silver.

3. Follow Ghost AI very carefully. Mimic their movement in the stage and overlap your sub with theirs if you must. Sometimes a Ghost AI on Gold level even will crash into objects or the environment propelling them forward/upward/downward giving them the advantage in the race. This may seem odd at first, but it's actually key to some of the races. Try to recreate what the AI does and you will be one step closer to obtaining the Gold Medal.
i remember a time when gameplay was considered content.

this is also a perfect example of how the review process is so awful that a paid employee won't even finish a video game and give a fair statement because they are so caught up on trying to get to the next one

people need to slow the fuck down and see games for what they are.

again, this game has plenty of content in a gameplay standpoint. for hardcore gamers, that's a perfect purchase.

if 40 dollars is really a big drop for something you can get more then 40 hours on if you want to master, you should probably find a cheaper hobby you can enjoy more. when stuff like pricing and "content" get in the way of you actually playing and enjoying something for what it is, you're fucked in the first place.

if you don't want to master the game, then wait for it to drop. what else is there to discuss?
Finally beat that damn mission 5 boss. Didn't want to stay under the impasse during the
missile barrage
but I ended up doing it anyway. Guess I gotta do it again with the other ships to unlock mission 6.


Flying_Phoenix said:
I've already ran out.

Besides opinions are opinions, there are no facts in the video game world.

There is no fact in liking Game X over Game Y.


Man, people seem to have mental breakdowns when confronted with antagonistic logic. The entire point of discourse is to get your point across. Having an opinion doesn't mean shit if you don't know why you have it. Sharing an opinion doesn't mean shit if you can't explain why you have that opinion. Those reasons? Opened to attack. The relationship between fact and opinion is closer than you might think. Try to think critically.

EDIT: I haven't ventured to see what those reviews are about, but if they based their criticism around price then their scores and overall assessments are useless and lack an emphasis on game mechanics. Haven't played Steel Diver either, so I can't say for sure. If there is nothing interesting going on for those missions, then yeah it would be boring. (Then again! Boring is a 7 in reviewer land.)


Game probably has just as much content as any Mario Kart title... 16* short racing circuits versus 7 really long, slow, detailed maps (additionally, one has multiplayer balloon challenges, the other multiplayer Steel Commander).

Question is, is the minimal content suitable for your gaming tastes? Do you like to practice to make perfect?

*of course the recycled retro courses are content, too, though. Maybe Steel Diver 2 will have retro courses.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Updated the rankings with Yuterald's course times. I'll attempt to beat those sometime soon, then I'll put my attempts up. You got me by a pretty big margin right now lol. I need to unlock some more decals and start practicing! Wish I could just download your ghost or something to compare
and steal your technique :p

Steel Diver 2 really is a must! Hopefully this one sold decently...


Last night I earned some more arbitrary Gold Medals. I slightly changed the way I was playing Normal Mission 1 and finally beat the Gold AI. Right now I have 33 hours logged with 43/66 Ghost Medals. Damn, if only there was more pure content to justify the time I have spent playing this game. Fucking diminishing returns, the more time I put into this game, the less there is to do...

I now have Mission 1, 2, & 3 Gold Medals on Normal mode. I am really stuck on Mission 4 right now though. Has anyone played enough yet to begin Gold medal hunting? It seems like the AI gets to the boss of this stage, gets in its face, and kills it immediately. I can't tell what Decal the Gold AI is using? I unlocked the 'Mario' homing torpedo ability and while it is pretty useful I still don't think it can kill bosses as quick as the Gold AI seems to pull off.

I honestly feel like the ghost AI is using a specific Decal and it's your job to observe and find out what its using at each level. Does anyone else who is in this position feel the same way?


I know, I know I've been wasting my time, true that. I honestly should have been scouring the earths seeking games with more pure content. Next time I go to the video game store I'll absolutely make sure that the back of the box states 30 hours of pure content guaranteed before I part with my hard earned $40. =)

edit: lol why did you delete your post? Now my sarcastic joke is uncalled for! =(


The Expert mode in Steel Diver seals the deal for me the buy this game when it gets discounted at around $25!
Mission 6 was awesome. A bit disappointed there was no boss, but I'm a gigantic fan of ice themed levels. Now to do it again with the other 2 ships.
Beat it, becoming the first 3DS game I saw the credits of. Final boss was epic. Think I prefer the mission 5 boss, but still a good finale.

Overall, a solid game that I wouldn't recommend to many people. The complaints about a lack of content may be overblown, but they are justified to some extent. This is really more for arcade gamers than modern ones.

The concept is very interesting and a sequel with more stuff and better controls could theoretically be amazing.


Gold Medal Mission 4 on Normal is driving me insane!!! I think, and that's a big THINK, that the AI is using the Bull Decal to kill the boss quickly. If anyone feels like blasting through Mission 4 bronze & silver just to see what I am talking about it would be appreciated. I'm at a loss here.


Got it! I now have Mission 1-5 on Normal completed with all Golds. Here is what I did for Mission 4 & 5!

Mission 4: When you are attempting the Gold AI in mission 4, use the first sub with the Lightning decal. It took me almost 2 hours of decal experimentation to get this Gold Medal. The lightning decal increases the speed & distance I believe of your torpedoes. In Mission 4 the key is to get to the boss significantly quicker than the AI. There is A LOT of wasted time spent waiting for those face boulders to crash through the floors and that is where you are expected to cut time.

By firing your 'lightning' torpedoes slightly off screen you can break the pillars before even seeing them. You almost can dive right through the floors at close to full speed as soon as you approach them if you properly make use of this lightning decal. When you get to the boss, as the screen shifts towards him at the start, fire one missile to damage him immediately. After this is done, get in his face and start firing missiles. Be persistent, but learn to space your missiles so you don't waste a shot during his recovery animation.

If the boss begins to do his 'shell charge' concealing his tentacles, go to the bottom of the ocean floor and get ready to fire your vertical missile. I believe the boss dies in 4 (or 5 shots). You will notice that the AI has positioned himself at the sea floor as well, readying his vertical missile, going for the final kill. Try to position yourself ahead of him so you can get your final vertical missile kill before him. If you follow these tips you are most likely going to get the Gold. This was the hardest thing to do so far in the game, imo.

Mission 5: I surprisingly got this Gold only after a handful of attempts. Choose the 3rd sub and use the Bull decal. Play normally up until the boss. As you surface towards the boss, immediately begin to fire your missiles! You need to kill this boss on his first retreat to the left, so its got to be fast! Position yourself on an angle so you can fire your torpedoes into its weak-point.

I am sure most have noticed that when it opens its cargo hatch you can deal more damage. Well, this is your time to shine. Just remember to space the 3rd subs missiles properly so you don't waste any shots. If you fire them all at once only 1 or 2 will hit. You need to make contact with each missile. As the boss begins to shift to the left you must begin to follow it and continue to fire & chip away at its health. At this point the boss should be near death. Take the damage if you must and just focus on following it and firing. And that's pretty much it for this medal.

Today, I am hoping to finish up Normal so mission 6 & 7 are next. I already have silver on 6, but I haven't even earned a single medal on 7 so I've got my work cut out for me! =)
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